The Nightmares Start Again

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The two had drifted off to sleep like that, with Henry's head resting on Ray's torso. Henry clung to Ray with one arm. There was more than enough room for both of them to spread out in Ray's bed, but Henry was still shaken up and needed Ray. They were still in their clothes from the day before. Henry had been sleeping peacefully until.. 
Jake threw Piper against the wall. He punched her in the face and kicked her over and over. Henry was tied to a chair, forced to watch but not being able to do anything. A voice seemed to tell Henry, "This is your fault" over and over again. Piper was bleeding. She screamed loudly. Too loudly...
Henry jolted awake with a gasp and grabbed onto Ray with both hands.
"HELP!" Henry screamed out into the dark room and gasped for air. Ray jumped up quickly and wrapped Henry in a warm hug.
"Hey buddy, you're okay, you're okay, shhhh you're fine, I'm here, I'm not gonna leave you" Ray said gently to Henry, hoping it would calm him. Henry whimpered as a few years rolled down his cheeks.
"It was just a dream Henry, it's not real, you're here with me, I got you. I'm not gonna let anything happen to you." Ray let Henry cry on him more. 
"It was Piper, Ray. My dad was hurting her and it was my fault." Henry told him. Ray noticed Henry shaking.
"Hey, I'm sure Piper's just fine at Charlotte's house okay? Why don't we call Charlotte to check up on them just in case?"
Ray always knew how to fix things. Without letting go of Ray, Henry felt around for his phone with one hand and started to call Charlotte. Ray rocked him and Henry back and forth subtly, comforting Henry. Charlotte picked up after what seemed like forever.
"Hen, it's 4 in the morning, what's wrong?" Charlotte said tiredly.
"Uh- I'm just checking if Piper's alright. I got worried"
"She's right next to me, dont worry. She's gonna be okay here"
"Thank you Charlotte, sorry for waking you up" Henry said sheepishly
"It's okay Henry, now g'night"
"Night" Henry said, then hung up. He let out a relieved sigh.    
"She's fine. Thank you for that Ray, you were right. I feel better" Henry said. 
"I'm glad you're feeling okay now Hen." Ray said, still hugging him. He realized Henry was still in his clothes, then he realized Henry didn't have anything else to change into. He had left all his stuff behind when he had to leave his house.
"Do you want something to change into bud?" Ray asked, patting Henry's  head.
"If you don't mind" Henry said, embarrassed, even though Ray's been his best friend for years.
"Of course I don't mind" Ray replied. He made a move to stand up to go get Henry something, but Henry was stilling clinging to him for dear life.
"Come on, you can come with me" Ray said. He felt so upset that Henry was having a hard time. He hoped he was able to make it at least a little better for Henry though. It still broke his heart to see Henry so scared though.
They walked over to Ray's closet and they both agreed to let Henry wear Ray's biggest hoodie and sweatpants.
Ray turned on a light and let Henry change. He glanced over and saw Henry lift up his shirt. There was a huge bruise over his ribcage. Ray's eyes darkened. He had never despised anyone like he despised Jake Hart right now. How dare he hurt Henry.  Before Henry could notice, Ray turned away. Henry finished changing. He looked so small in the overzised clothing, but Henry felt so comforted. Ray was the only person protecting him, and he didn't even realize he could feel more safe than he already did by Ray's side. But now he did, in Ray's big hoodie that's sleeves were way too long on him, being held onto by Ray himself. When they layed back down, Henry was even more tired than before. Ray held him tighter this time around. 
Please don't let him have anymore nightmares, please, he doesn't deserve this, Ray thought. All Ray wanted was for Henry to feel safe. Was that too much to ask for? He whispered "It's all gonna be okay" in Henry's ear before waiting for Henry to fall asleep first. He wanted to make sure he was okay before he fell asleep himself. He couldnt imagine how scared he'd be awake in the dark by himself. He already had horrible seperation anxiety from Ray and depression. Ray was doing all he could. Once Henry was asleep peacefully, for real this time, Ray drifted off too. This time until morning. 

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