the favour.

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You were in class waiting for the bell to ring, suddenly the bell rang, you got up and went to your locker in the hall,after putting your textbooks away you headed to the cafeteria where you sat at a table across from the "freak" table, there were three boys sitting at the "freak" one of the boys named Eddie had long brown curly hair and was wearing a t-shirt that said Hellfire along with a leather jacket,and heaps of cool rings, the other boy was wearing a cap that said thinking cap he was also wearing a Hellfire t-shirt he had very curly hair and it was brown I think that's dustin you muttered to yourself,The other one you knew was Mike wheeler he was skinny and tall with black hair and had a some freckles.As you sat down at your table you overheard the 3 boys talking eddie was saying to Mike and Dustin that his girlfriend broke up with him because he was too much of a "freak" "but as long as you're in to band" he said jumping up on the table "or science or pArTiEsSs, or a game where you toss balls into laundry baskets.." Jason quickly turned his head and got up from his chair "do you want something freak?" he yelled from across the cafeteria, eddie made a funny face where he used his two fingers as horns and stuck his tongue you started to giggle, soon his eyes are scanning the room for who giggles he stopped as he stares at you, he hopped down of the other side of the table and slowly walked over to you "hey your y/n y/l/n?" he whispered "yes" you replied he grabbed you by the wrist and took you into an empty classroom "look.." he whispered gazing up at you, "my girlfriend broke up with me because I was too much of a "freak"I wasn't good enough so she cheated, so I was wondering if you would plan with me so we could team up to make her jelous.." you suddenly remembered that his ex was your bully, he looks up at you with his glistening eyes you smiled and said yes you two stood there for a good two minutes staring into each others eye "just d-don't kiss me tho.."you say staring at him with a serious expression "can't promise that sweetheart" he smiles as he grabs your hand and drags you out until he is at the "freaks" table. He grabbed a chair and gave it to you, you sat next to him in silence for a second,then he began to introduce everyone y/n,this is mike and dustin"he blurted out, you took your hand out of your pocket to shake their hands.After the bell went Eddie then took your hand making sure that his ex girlfriend Helen was watching he then took you through the doors you guys got to the corridor and he was still holding your hand"eddie?y-you can let go now she isnt here"you stuttered in a quiet voice "we need to make it look real"eddie added looking at you from the side,you two walked into history class together and sat down you grabbed a pen and your notebook from you backpack,you took some notes while the professor was explaining somthing that was on the screen, as you look down to write in the corner of your eye you see Eddie glancing at you "why are you looking at me still?"you said in a stern tone he looked around the room awkwardly and asked "do you maybe wanna hangout with me tonight?" "Like a date?"you questioned "its only a date if you make it a date"he said winking at you,after class had ended you walked alone to your locker you shut your locker door as you see someone standing there "Eddie,shit dont scare me like that" you groaned,you both start walking "sorry sweetheart"he replied and about our..."he paused "date..when do u wanna be picked up?" He added "7 sounds good?"you giggle "okay see you soon m'lady he says waving goodbye.You start walking to your car grabbing the keys out from you pocket all of a sudden you see Dustin and Mike running to you"y/n!!im so glad we caught you"dustin claimed "yeah, so we saw how eddie was looking at you at lunch.."mike added "yea so what?"you said opening your car door and putting your bag on the seat "we think he likes you a little more than he wants too.."dustin teased "well me and Eddie are going to his house to hang out or going on a date tonight if you must call it, so what does that mean?"you questioned "he really does like you"dustin smiled "oh uhm"you blushed trying not to mention you did have a crush on him" do you guys need a ride home?"you say to get off the topic from Eddie,"if you want to,can you can drop us off at the arcade?" You nod and mike hops in the back while dustin yells out dibs for the front seat. You start the car and drive off you waited for a bunch of girls to cross the road " their is Eddie's ex"dustin giggled you look at him to see mike pointing you scratch your inner eye with your middle finger while flipping her off she noticed that it was you and gave you a horrible look you continue to flip her off and start driving again "i think y/n likes eddie too"dustin mouthed you heard the sound of giggling and gave them a glare. Finally you stop and park outside the arcade,it was already 3:30pm by the time you dropped them off and waved bye, you drove to your house running in all excited telling your mum and dad you got a date ton ight "thats my little girl"your dad says hugging you from the side, you run to your room while you look at yourself in you mirror you decide to have a shower and get ready. After all that, you couldn't stop thinking about Eddie and how he was holding your hand even if no one was there it was around 6:55pm and you heard your phone ring "hello"you speak into the phone "hey gorgeous im leaving now where am i picking you up from" "oh just *where you live* " "okay sweet see you soon m'lady" you hung up the phone getting butterflies in your stomach 5 minutes later you hear a car pull up and a knock at the door, you finish putting you shoes on and walk down stairs,he waited at the door while you opend it"you ready darling"he winked looking at your outfit "yep" you reply closing the door "you look amazing y/n" Eddie whispers in your ear reaching for the door handle "not so bad your self" you reply with you cheeks turning bright red he shuts the door for you and runs around the other side he started to drive his side profile looked so cute you thought to yourself he pulled up to the trailer park getting out of the both make your way to the front porch eddie looking for his keys, he finds them,unlocks the door holding it open for you to come in "he shuts the door grabbing your hand leading you too his couch you sit down and he holds up two films
"E.T or nightmare on elm Street" you pick nightmare on elm street, you sit next to each other eddie glanced over at you when you yawned "are you cold?"he whispered he had such a soft voice you loved it "a little you reply adjusting yourself on the couch,he got up and grabbed a blanket from his room "we can share?"he smiled covering you with a blanket not long after you woke up to you resting your head on Eddie's shoulder,he was stroking your hair you didnt have a single thought of you getting up so you stayed there.

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