Saying goodbye is hard (all)

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My brain thinks weird ideas.

Age: 16-18

Words: 1251

You just got out of a meeting with Kevin Feige about your contract. Infinity war came out and your character died died not just dusted. Kevin asked you to sign another contract because he wants to bring your character back. You told him you are unsure and would think about it.

You walked over to were RDJ was sitting. He has always been like a father figure to you. You guys always hung out and talked with each other.

"Hey Rob" You say.

"Hey Y/n/n. What's up?" He asks.

"So I was talking to Feige about another contract. " You tell Robert.

"What about it?" He asks.

"He wants to bring my character back. I'm not sure I want to sign another contract." You say kind of nervous.

"You want to leave marvel?" He asks sacred for your answer.

"I mean I think it's time. I've been here since the start." You say.

"If it's want you want. But I'm not telling the rest of the cast." He says with a smile.

You thank RDJ for the talk and you head to Feige's office. You knock on his door.

"Come in." He replies.

You walk in and sit down on a chair across from Feige. "Hey Kevin."

"Hello y/n. Did you decide yet?" He asks.

"Actually, I did." You say.

"And?" He asks.

"I think I'm done with marvel. I think it's time." You say sadly.

"Well then, it was an honor working with you. If you ever change your mind just call me." He says with a reassuring smile.

"Will do." You chuckle.

*an hour passes*

You decide you should tell Robert so you call him.

RDJ: Hey y/n/n! Wassup?

Y/n: I told Kevin I'm done.

RDJ: Wow. It's just crazy that you're done. Welp. When are you gonna tell everyone else.

Y/n: I have a plan.

RDJ: alright! I trust you. Talk to you soon. Bye.

*You hang up*

*You call Scarlett*

Scar: Hello?

Y/N: Hey, Its Y/N!

Scar: Hey! What's up chuck?

Y/N: Are you doing anything right now?

Scar: No, why?

Y/N: Can you meet me up at the park?

Scar: Yeah sure.

Y/N: Alright, see you soon. Bye!

Scar: Bye!

*You hang up*

You drive to the park and sit on a bench and wait for Scarlett to show up.

"Hey Y/N!" Scarlett walks over and sits down next to you.

"So, why did you wanna meet up?" She asks you.

"I wanted to tell you something." you tell her.

"Alright, let me hear it." she says.

" know how I've been doing Marvel for like ten-ish years now?" You ask hesitantly.

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