Was it worth it? (FP)

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You are Florence Pughs older sister (by like 1 year) and haven't had contact with her in for ever. No texts no calls no nothing. You have recently gotten a call from the casting directors of the new movie black widow.

Yn- hello?
Cd- hello! Is this Yn Pugh?
Yn- yes this is she
Cd- oh good! I am the casting director of black widow and just wanted to share the recent decisions we have made for black widow.
Yn- really?! That was fast
Cd- yes and we have decided to not cast you for yelena belova but for task masker
Yn- well I'm happy with either role thank you
Cd- yes of course you really are talented. We will have a meet up with the rest of the cast in a week or so
Yn- I will be there
Cd- thank you so much
Yn- thank you!

Time skip!!!!!!

You drive your car up to the banquet area where you are supposedly meeting up with the cast of black widow. You are really excited to meet Scarlett Johansson. She is the only person you know is for sure in the movie since ya know it's black widow.

As you walk towards the tents and chairs you start to see many other famous actors. David harbor, Rachel weisz, and her. The one person you wished to never have to speak to again.


Yn- well flo that's not very fair
Flo- what the fact that I want my sister to stay in town longer so I can talk with her and create memory's with her!?
Yn- yes! You know how much this opportunity could help my career
Flo- that's all you ever talk about. Job this job that job here job there. Have you forgotten you have a family! Grandma is sick! This could be your last opportunity to be with her!
Yn- no flo! That's why I'm doing this! So we can finally pay off the hospital bills and dad and mom can retire happy!
Flo- you could still stay! Find a different opportunity to become famous!
Yn- I don't wanna become famous! I want my career to become successful so we can have money! So my future family doesn't have to worry!
Flo- forget bout future family! You are forgetting about your family now!
Yn- flo I gotta go. I'll miss my flight
Flo- fine! Go! But don't expect to be welcomed back with open arms.
Yn- I'm sorry
Flo- go!

You going to that audition did indeed open up many more opportunities for your acting career. You are now very famous and are quite wealthy. You never talked to flo since the argument and it has been several years. You never had the desire to talk with her again.

Flashback ends!!!!

The entire you day you have been talking with your co-workers and you have done a great job at avoiding Florence. That's was until scarlet got involved.

You were talk with scarlet about the movie until she decided to call Florence over to join The conversation.

Scar- flo! Come here!
Scar- have you met Florence yet today? She's really sweet!

Florence walks over from behind you and doesn't realize it is you.

Flo- what do you need scarlet?
Scar- I want you to meet yn!

You slowly turn around hoping she wouldn't realize it was you but unfortunately her facial expression immediately changed from happy to upset.

Flo- yn
Yn- Florence
Scar- do you guys know each other
Flo- yeah. She who I was telling you about earlier
Scar- your sister who left for fame?
Yn- oh come on Florence! It wasn't like that!
Flo- it very much was!
Scar- I'll leave you guys alone
Yn- no! It's fine! I was just gonna head home shortly. I'll see you guys later
Scar- bye Yn!

You walk over to your car to drive home when you see Florence walking towards you.

Yn- Florence I'm really not in the mood to argue
Flo- no need. I just wanted to ask you something
Flo- was it worth it?
Yn- was what worth it?
Flo- leaving the family for 5+ years
Yn- do you want me to be honest
Flo- only the truth
Yn- then...

You pause and think. Was it worth leaving your parents and siblings to grow up on there own. Was it worth leaving grandma practically on her death bed. Was it worth leaving Florence to be the oldest sibling to help take care of the family. Was it worth crushing all of their hearts along with their trust for you.

Yn- I don't know
Flo- k. I'll see you later

You get inside your car and begin to think again. You drive home and decide to call your parents. You apologize and they instantly for give you. Turns out it really wasn't worth leaving behind your family. And missing many possible memories. 

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