You've changed (SJ)

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You and Scarlett have been best friends since forever. You both have done several movie together including most of the marvel films. You have been doing marvel since the very first movie iron man was released. Iron man 2 began your friendship with scarlet.

As the yeast went on your friendship with scarlet grew bigger and bigger. All of your fans know how close you guys are and are never surprised when you guys are out in public together. The fans absolutely love how close you are.

Recently you learned that you character would be dead by the next film. You of course were upset but knew it was bound to happen.

You have an interview about to e recent event in the marvel movie that just came out.

Jimmy: so Yn so have heard that your character dies in the recent movie. Is that true?

Yn: well the movie has been out for a hot minute so I can confirm it is true

Jimmy: so are you done working for marvel or what's going to happen

Yn: well my contract has ended and as of right now I will not be signing another contract for marvel. I will definitely keep acting and everything but just not for marvel

Jimmy: what a bummer. I can say I have loved seeing you in the marvel universe

Yn:thank you

Jimmy: so what does this mean for you friendship with scarlet

Yn: I mean yeah we won't be working together as much but I am still friends with her

Jimmy: that is nice to here because I love the bond you two have

Yn: yes she really is my best friend

Jimmy: well thank you for being on the show I cannot wait until next time

The next day you are going to town with scarlet and then you are going to an audition for a new movie.

Scar: eek I cannot believe you are already doing auditions

Yn: haha I have to make money some how

Scar: girl you have a net work of like $170 million. That's higher then mine!

Yn: yes I know but I just like my job a lot and need to occupy myself I guess

Scar: well I'm happy for you

Yn: thank you! I actually should leave right now

Scar: ok bye be safe and good luck

You finish your audition and will here back from the studio in a week or so.

A week has passed and you got an email from the studio you auditioned for saying that You got the part! You were so excited you immediately called scarlet.

Scar: what! It is 11pm

Yn: I got the part!

Scar: eek! I knew you would! I am so excited for you!

Yn: I know! This is big! Not as big as marvel but still big!

Scar: ok now go to sleep babes it too late for this.

Yn: alright good night

You couldn't be more excited and you are leaving to go to Europe in a few weeks. You only plan to be there a week or a month. The studio didn't have a set time. You plan on talking to scarlet all the time.

TIME SKIP (like 10 or so years idk )

You have been in Europe for the past decade and have had little contact with scarlet. You know you said you would talk everyday and you did! For the first month at least.

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