Im coming home (all)

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You have been serving for the us army and have been deployed to Iraq for 12 months. Aside from being in the army you have also starred in many movies and show including most of the marvel movies. You work alongside many other famous celebrities and have grown close to them over the years. You have just recently been informed you get to go home soon. You are going to try and surprise the cast on set of infinity war.

You have packed the small amount of stuff you brought and loaded it onto the keep that is taking you to the planes.

After many hours and flights you made it back to California. You met up with family and had a day to reconnect and rest up. You call the Russo brothers to pitch your idea.

RB: hello?
Yn: hi! This is Yn btw
RB: Yn! How are you!
Yn: I'm good! I actually wanted to asked y'all something
Rb: hit us!
Yn: I am back from the army and want to see the cast again!
Rb: this is perfect! Tomorrow evening we are doing final Photots and just talking with each other! That would be a great time. I will send you the details later.
Yn: perfect! See you tomorrow
Rb: yeah see ya then. bye

With that all sorted out you figure how long it will take to get to the set and head to bed

You wake up at 12pm and go down to see your mom making lunch

Mom: afternoon sleepy head
Yn: hi mom! Watcha making
Mom: grilled cheese, want one?
Yn: yes please! Oh and can you cut the sand with in half?
Mom: ofc! Rectangles or triangles
Yn; triangles pls!

You decide to go find your dad and brother. You find them sitting in front of the tv with your brother explaining how to play Mario kart to your dad

Yn: this looks intense
Brother: tell me about it
Dad: hey! Im 60 years old and can hardly see what I'm doing
Brother: 60 years old and has never played Mario kart
Dad: you know most my life I there was never any video games
Yn &  brother: here we go
Dad: I was out milking cows and tending to the farms

You quietly walk off to avoid the lecture type thing your dad does on a daily basis.

You walk back to the kitchen to see your sandwich on the counter and your mom finding a cook book

Mom: what do you want for dinner
Yn; probably something fast. Im going to surprise the cast of marvel later today
Mom: fun! We can just order fats food

She closes the cookbook with a smile.

Mom: you know I missed you
Yn: I missed you too

You hug your mom and soon you hear your brother and dad walk in and join in to make a group hug.

Time skip to when you leave to see the cast

You got dressed and got your keys and said bye to your family and drove off to the set.

If was finally time for you to surprise the cast. They had all gotten in place to take some photos. I front of the camera was the og 6 (you are part of the og sorta) so you decide that this would be a good time. Everyone was getting ready to take the picture and you sneak in beside hemsworth and stand behind him. As they go to see if they look decent in the photo scarlet is the first to realize what you had done. She looked at the photo and saw you and then looked around. As she spotted you she came running up to you and squeezed you. Both of you had gotten teary eyed and were so happy.

Scar: I missed you so much munchkin
Yn; tell me about it

The rest of the og hug and talked to you. As the evening went on there was still a few people who didn't know you were here so you decided to go find them.

First off was Elizabeth Olsen. She and you are good friends and you going away was really hard on her. You spotted her on the couch with Brie Larson. Brie already knew you were back so she smiled at you. You walk over and sit next to her. T takes her a few minutes to realize and she stop talking with Brie and look over.

Lizzie- oh my god
She leans over and hugs you tight
Liz- I missed you so so so so so much!
Yn- I missed you too! It was the longest year without any of you guys
Liz: I don't wanna let go
Yn- I gotta go say hi to Benedict and holland
Lizzie- fine

She lets got and you walk off to on find Benedict and Tom

They happen to be together, how convenient. Although he was engaged in conversation Tom immediately saw you and ran up to you an gave you a huge bear hug. After a minute he finally said.

Tom: your back!
Yn: really? I couldn't tell
Tom: your dumb

You then hug Benedict too and just hung out with everyone and you hope you could do it often before you will have to leave again if you have to leave again

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