I hate you too! (HS)

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You and Hailee  Steinfeld have been best friends ever since you both were in True Grit. Both of you would to everything together. Wether it be movies or watching movies or just hanging out. You tell her all of your secrets and she tells you hers. Of course that was how it was. But recently hailee has stoped talking to you.

You both just started senior year of high school. You have all of the same classes and are super excited to get to mess around together. And you have been. You sit next to each other in all the classes, copy homework, and are always partners for group projects. Of course this was before she stopped talking to you.

You and hailee always visit each others house unexpected and just talk. You always make plans and talk about collage and where you are gonna live. You always try and bake food but it never turns out. You always laugh together and smile. She is or I should say was there to help through hard times. And of course this was before she stopped talking to you.

The reason behind she stopped talking to you is unknown to you. You try everyday to talk to her or invite her over but all she says is "sorry I'm busy" and of course she says it with a soft smile. That smile convinces you every time she is being sincere and genuinely busy. One time you invited her over and she said she had homework. Later you saw she posted a picture of her and her new friends going shopping. You were so mad. But for no reason really. You just wished she would hang out with you like you used to.

It's 7am and you run out the door trying to catch the bus. Unfortunately for you and your bad luck, you miss the bus. Usually you would drive yourself to school but your car was in the shop. Walking would take too long. You decide to find someone to give you a ride. You have called 5 different people one of them being your school counselor and not one was able to drive you. You didn't want to talk to hailee, but it was your only hope. You call her...

Yn- hi. Um hailee?
H- what?
Yn- are you able to drive me to school today? My car is in the shop today
H- uh idk if I can
Yn- please? I will pay for your gas
H- ugh! Fine. Be there in five
Yn- thank you so m—. Hailee?

She hung up on you.

Pretty soon hailee comes in her brand new car to pick you up. You get in handing her fourth bucks.

Yn- thanks haiz! Your a life saver
H- yeah yeah yeah. Also could you just call me hailee now?
Yn- oh I'm sure I guess

The rest of the ride there was quiet. You were too scared to make conversation in the chance of and argument occurring.

H- mkay. Get out
Yn- but we are still a block from school?
H- yeah. I can't be seen with you in this car.
Yn- oh

You get out of the car and start walking to school. You figured it out. Hailee didn't like you anymore. She practically called you ugly and didn't want to be seen with you. You hated that. You hated that she said that. You hated that a friendship of who knows how long is being thrown in the trash because of how I look.

You get through the school day and start looking for hailee. You were sick and tired of how she was acting and wanted her to just tell you she didn't wanna be friends anymore. Of course you still wanted to be friends with her and it hurt you that this is how your friendship is ending. You thought a sour as you stood by your locker. Pretty soon hailee walks from the science hall. You gain the courage to walk up to her.

Yn- haiz- oh sorry I meant hailee?
H- what do you want?
Yn- can we talk. Please
H- fine but make it quick
Yn- I mean if you are busy we can talk later
H- no I've got a little while just make it quick
Yn- why don't you like me anymore? Why do you avoid me and ignore me? Eh do you only talk to me when you need something?
H- because I don't like you Yn. Can't you pick that up? I'm more popular than you and I don't care for you. And plus you have gained a little weight from the summer.

You look at her in disbelief. Tears begin to well up in your eyes

Yn- so what!? We are friends or were friends idk anymore! We are supposed to support and love each other! Remember all the memories we have together! All the secrets we have told each other! Why are you doing this?!
H- cause I hate you! I don't fucking care about the memories! I don't fucking care about you! You are so clingy and needy! And plus you are a terrible friend.
Y- well fine then! I fucking hate you too!

As you said that you regretted it but couldn't show. Tears were streaming done your face. You look at hailee and see her eye are still dry.

Y- I really do hate you! Ok I do! I hate that you are rude to me! I hate that you ignore me! And I hate the way you talk to me! I hate that you make me insecure about myself. I hate every bit of you! And I always will!

You silent walk away done the hall. You get on your bus and play your music loud enough to where you can't hear anything else.

As you get off the bus you see hailees new car parked outside. She grabs your arm as you try to walk passed her.

H- ynn? Please. I'm sorry ok? I was being really shitty but I need you! You are my best friend.
Yn- obviously not cause I hate you
H- come on Yn! I said sorry
Yn- that doesn't change anything ok! Sorry doesn't fix the amount of damage you have cause! Sorry doesn't take back all the nasty comments you have said about me. And sure as hell it doesn't take back the way I have treated myself because of your cruel words.

Hailees eye tear up as they stream down her face.

H- I didn't know.
Yn- of course you didn't. You surround yourself with toxic people and shoved me out of the picture. Now please just keep on ignoring me and go home

You walk back inside and you see through the he winnow hailee yelling at herself. She feels bad about how she treated you and want s to be able to go back and change it. But she can't. She has lost her one friend due to dumb popularity.

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