Reunion (all)

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You have been working with Marvel for 5 years. You were just informed that you character was going to die in the next movie. After the movie came out you had tons of interviews asking if you were staying. You informed them that you were not and that your time has come to an end.

a few years later...

You have all the cast members numbers and emails but it was still hard to stay in contact for how busy you are. You just released a new album and are still working out some problems with it. You are also starring in a new movie. The last time you had talked to any of them was two years ago. You had congratulated Tom Holland on his new Spider-Man movie.

You are sitting at you desk working on your computer. You get a call from your agent.

Y/N: Hello?

Agent: Hi! I just got a call and they said that they need you.

Y/N: For what? And who?

Agent: Kevin Feige wants to do an Avengers reunion with everyone. Including you.

Y/N: That's so cool! When is it?

Agent: In a couple months. They want to do it during the winter seasons.

Y/N: Ok! Sign me up!

Agent: Alright I'll tell him you will go. I will also send you more details.

Y/N: Thank you so much!

Agent: Bye.

You hung up and went back to working on your computer. You are very excited to see everyone again and kind of surprise the fans with the reunion.

A couple months go by...

You drove to the LAX airport and got your bag. You went through security and sat down by the gate. A few minutes pass and they start boarding the flight so you get in line. you sat in you first class seat. The flight was 5 hours because the reunion was in NYC. You got comfortable and fell asleep.

5 hours pass and the flight finally lands. You make it out of the airport and onto the busy streets of NYC. You get a cab to take you to the hotel your staying at. You check in and make it to your room. Once you get in you get a call.

Y/N: Hello?

???: Hi! is this Y/N?

Y/N: Yes it is. May I ask who this is?

???: Oh sorry! This is Kevin Feige!

Y/N: Oh! Hi! How are you?

Kevin: I'm good. We have only a slight problem. Its not even a big deal but still a slight problem.

Y/N: What is it.

Kevin: So the reunion is tomorrow and I forgot to tell anyone you were coming. So the cast doesn't know the Russo brothers don't know and none of the camera crew or producers know you are here.

Y/N: So just go home and don't show up?

Kevin: No No! of course not. Just... surprise them I guess.

Y/N: Alright. I can do that.

Kevin: Thank you for understanding! See not even a problem. Bye Y/N!

Y/N: Bye.

He hangs up. You sit on your bed kind of confused by the call but mostly understanding what happened. You get in sweats and lay in bed. Eventually you are smart enough to shut your phone of and actually go to bed.

In the morning...

You wake up to your alarm and get ready for the reunion. You wear a nice outfit but you are still comfortable. You get in a taxi and make it to the venue half na hour early. The makeup crew checks to see I you look alright on camera.

It was about time for you to surprise them. The cast were answering questions that fans asked at the moment.

Scar: alright next question! Ahem. What is your favorite cast memory? Ph mi gosh that is such a good question.

RDJ: I got one. Mine is when we were filming the second avengers and Y/N couldn't keep a straight face during filming. It was so funny!

Evans: Yeah I remember that! Man! I miss Y/N. I haven't talk to her in forever.

Lizzie: Yeah the last time I talked to her was when we were trying to get her to come to set that one time. She said she would but never showed up.

Holland: you would think they would incite her here today.

Scar: Yeah. Maybe she was busy. Her new album just dropped.

Hemsworth: I know! Its so good! I have it on repeat!

Evans: of course you do

Hemsworth: what's that supposed to mean?

You decide now would be a good time to walk in and surprise them. You got up and walked in behind them.

Y/N: Nothing Hemsworth. It means nothing.

They all looked at you.

Scar: YES! I knew they invited you!

Scar gets up and gives you a tight hug. soon followed by everyone else.

RDJ: Ok Ok glad your here but are we gonna ignored the fact you ignored our messages for 2 years?

Y/N: I was just busy with the new album and acting. sorry.

You guys catch up and keep answering questions. From that day on you decided to keep in touch with them all. You would facetime them visit them and also do interviews with them.

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