Aurguing with Scar pt2 (SJ)

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You decided you would talk to scarlet after you were done filming for the day. You were doing your last scene of the day and of course you were doing it with scarlet. The whole time filming with her you seemed nervous or distant. Scarlet began to notice this.
After the scene
Director: ok that's a wrap good night people!
With that being said you walked straight to your trailer. You wanted to get your thoughts straight before talking to scarlet. Scarlet has other plans and was following you. She wanted to talk to you about how you were acting during the scene and to ask why you were so distant.
You get to your trailer and sit on the couch. Soon enough you hear and quiet knock.
Scar: y/n? Can I come in?
y/n: uh- yeah
Scarlet opens the door and walks in. She walks over and sits by you. You couldn't take it anymore and leaned your head on her shoulder. You had tears in your eyes threatening to fall.
y/n: I hate being mad at you
Scarlet: it's ok I know why you are upset
You sat up rather fast when she said that. You though Florence told her about your parents or how you felt.
y/n: what?
Scarlet: I know what happened with the pap s and you have every right to have been upset that day
y/n: oh yeah but that s not all
Scarlet: oh?
y/n: and I didn't want to tell you this cause I thought it might hurt you or make you act towards me differently
Scarlet: what are you talking about?
You take a deep breath.
y/n: I am going to be 100% honest with you right now
Scarlet just says quiet.
You begin to tell her about the paps and how you talked with Florence. You then get onto the part about your parents and how you feel like scarlet is trying to be them. But you also tell her you know she is not but it still feels like it. You tell her she is being overprotective and is acting like your mom. You finish telling her and let out a big sigh of relief.
Scarlet just looks at you with tears on her face. You hadn't realized she began crying you were so focused on what you were saying.
Scarlet: I... am... so... sorry. I can't believe you held all that in and still act like the Happy teen you are.
You just smile as tears fall
She leans over to you and hugs you tight. Soon you are both lying on the couch snuggling. You both end up falling asleep.
You wake up to pounding on the door. You get up and rub the sleep out of your eyes. You go over to the door and Open it to see Florence standing with a grin on her face.
Flo: I have made the most delicious pancakes and I want you to eat some
You stumble at her and nod your head. You both laugh as you had over to her trailer.
As you walk in you see scarlet sitting down. You were focused on pancakes you didn't realize she has left your trailer. Flo Sits you down and looks at both of you
Flo: so scarlet. y/n would like to tell you something
You had just taken a bite of pancake so your mouth was full
y/n: I do?
Florence looks at you and dose a weird thing with her eyebrows. You realize what she was talking about.
y/n: flo. I already told her. Last night
Flo: oh ok I guess just don't tell me
She said that extra dramatic because you tell her everything you do
All three of you laugh and eat more breakfast
You are so glad scarlet and you are back on good terms

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