The gang is all here (all)

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This is set during filming of endgame

You have been working with the cast every since iron man 2 came out. You have just turned 16 and we're loving with your brother while filming in London.

Yn-ima head out Jake!
Jake-alright see ya later squirt

You decided you wanted to spend your day off with a few friends and go sight seeing in London. You guys hit up all the famous places. Big bed, London bridge, London eye, and even went to the queens palace.

After a bit your friends dropped you off at jakes house and left. You walked inside and went straight to bed. You woke up the next day to bake making breakfast for you and Samantha,his wife.

Yn- what smells so good
Jake- I'm making pancakes
Yn- wait this is your cooking that smells so good
Sam- that's what I said!
Yn- why are you making breakfast
Jake- why not
Yn- it's weird of you to do something nice
Jake- ouch... anyways it's the day you film your death scene so I'm celebrating
Yn- brooo spoiler alert! Also is that a good thing or bad thing that I'm dying
Jake - idk but if you don't leave now you'll be late so go!
Yn- jeez ok bye love you too 🙄

You walk onto set and you could feel the tension. The Russo brothers were stressed figuring out sets and the rest of the cast were upset that filming was almost over. You decide to walk over the Chris evans and Chris hemsworth

Yn- why is everyone upset
Hemsworth- cause it's the last week of filming
Evans- yeah and it's pretty stressful
Yn- well that's dumb we will still see each other after filming so why is everyone upset it's not like anyone it actually dying
Evans- yeah but it'll be less consistent since so many of us are leaving the mcu
Hemsworth- yeah you all are leaving me here with the green guy
Mark- ouch man that one was mean
Hemsworth- oh jeez sorry mate didn't see ya there

As they keep bickering you walk over to scarlet and Elizabeth

Elizabeth- hey munchkin! What's up
Yn- nothing
Scarlet- your not planning anything exciting to do when we finally finish filming
Yn- no and the Chris's are getting me thinking we wrong really see each other that often
Elizabeth- we will be fine! We will do get together so often you won't have time to miss us!
Yn - I hope so
Russo brothers - Yn we need you and the og 6 here to film your scene

You and the cast walk over to do your final scene for the mcu. Although it's a serious scene you still manage to get many blooper for the gag reel. Finally you are able to get the scene down. All of a sudden all the emotions and realization hit you. You were done filming for marvel and likely to never scene some of these guys ever again. You begin to let tears fall as the cats surround you.

You all share a group hug and have a few laughs. The brothers met you guys have the rest of the day off to hang about each other. At the end of the day you said your goodbyes and walked back to your brothers house. As you walked in the door Jake was making dinner.

Yn- it's weird seeing you in the kitchen
Jake- haha very funny! Now get your ass in your seat dinner is ready.

You Jake and Samantha eat dinner and go to bed. You sleep peacefully knowing you and the cast are going to see each other all the time.

4 years later

You are now 19 almost 20 and you and the marvel cast rarely to anything together. You make go out and see scarlet or the Chris's but nothing all together.

You're about to head out to an interview with jimmy Fallon for your new series.

Jimmy- Yn! How are you? It's been ages since you were on the show!
Yn- I'm great jimmy! I was just thinking about that. I haven't been here since endgame came out
Jimmy- I can't believe it has been 4 years since I've seen you. Your so big now! 20 right?
Yn- 19 almost 20 though. Two weeks
Jimmy- close enough
You both laugh
Jimmy goes on asking about your new series trying to get anything out of you.
Jimmy- you really won't tell me anything?
Yn- I was trained by marvel, nothing is leaving my mouth
Both you and jimmy laugh as well as the audience.

You finish the interview and head home to Bert, your dog.
Yn- hey buddy! How are you?
You pet him as your phone begins to ring
It's scarlet

Yn- jello! What do you want
Scarlet- jeez love ya too!
Yn- what it's been a long day, but seriously what do you want that you needed to call be instead of text me
Scarlet- omg gen z and phone calls what the hell is wrong with a phone call?! I wanna here your beautiful voice.
Yn- and you think I wanna here yours
Scarlet- ouch. But anyways I wanna do something with you for your birthday. Like we used to do
Yn- like we used to do? Like with the whole cast?
Scarlet- no It would just be you and me
Yn- oh i mean sure I would love too
Scarlet- ok I'll text you the details! 
Yn- oh now you'll text!
Scarlet- yup bye see ya soon!!!!!

After the call you head up to your room and get ready for bed

Your birthday
You woke up and got all ready. Scarlet texting you where you guys were meeting. You hopped in the car and drove over. As you go there Elizabeth called you.

Yn- hey liz what do ya need
Liz- what do I need?! It's your birthday I wanna wish you a happy one!
Yn- it would be better if you were here
Liz- I know but im filming rn so I can't. Im sorry munchkin
Yn- it's fine I just miss you! It's been for ever!
Liz- no it hasn't we just hung out like—
Yn- like 3.5 year ago
Liz- jeez! Really?!
Yn- yeah
Liz- we will get together soon! I have to go so ttyl
Yn- by—
Before you can finish say bye she hangs up.

Yn- so much for hanging out so often I won't be able to miss you

After you finish talking to Lizzie you get out of your car and walk over to the park scarlet is at. You sit at the place she said to meet her but she wasn't there yet.

A few minutes later you see her running up to you. She crashes into you and give you big bear hug.

Scarlet- I've missed you so much kiddo
Yn- I've missed you too

You guys decide to walk  and talk. Eventually you make it to a cafe and scarlets forces you to go inside. She actually bribed you with a coffee.

You open the doors to see the WHOLE mcu cast sitting around. They all look over and yell surprise at you. You begin to tear up of how happy you are. You stay quiet for a bit as you gather your emotions

Yn (quietly)- hey! The gangs all here!

You go around giving hugs and catching up with people. You all celebrate your big 2-0! You need up having the best birthday ever! And got a coffee from scarlet.

Marvel cast x teenage readerWhere stories live. Discover now