The oscars

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your life was a whirlwind of excitement. You were preparing for the Oscars, where you were nominated for Best Leading Actress. It felt like a dream. You spent hours choosing the perfect dress, rehearsing your acceptance speech, and imagining what it would feel like to hold that golden statue. Your friends from the Marvel cast were as excited as you were, and their enthusiasm only added to your anticipation.

The next morning was just like any other. You woke up early, full of energy. After a quick breakfast, you decided to go for a drive to clear your head. The weather was beautiful, the sun shining brightly as you got into your car. You plugged your phone into the car's sound system, letting your favorite playlist drown out your anxieties.

As you drove through the city, you couldn't help but smile at the thought of the evening ahead. You glanced at your phone, checking for any last-minute messages from your friends. Tom Holland had texted you, wishing you luck and telling you how proud he was. "You're going to dominate the Oscar's this year's!" he had written, followed by a string of celebratory emojis. You laughed, feeling a warm rush of affection for your best friend.

Distracted by the messages and the excitement of the day, you didn't see the other car running a red light. The crash happened in an instant—a blur of metal, glass, and deafening noise. Pain shot through your body, and then everything went black.

Now, you lie in a hospital bed, surrounded by the steady hum of machines and the soft beeping of monitors. The room is dim, the only light coming from the small window where the sun filters through, casting a gentle glow on your still form. You can't see or hear any of this, trapped in a deep coma after the car crash that changed everything.

The night of the Oscars arrives. It's a night you've dreamt about, worked tirelessly for, and now, in a cruel twist of fate, you're not there to see it. Your best friend, Tom Holland, stands backstage, nerves fraying as he holds the envelope that could change your life forever. Beside him, Robert Downey Jr. offers a reassuring nod, his presence a steadying force.

The ceremony is a whirlwind of lights, applause, and anticipation. When your category is announced, the room falls into a hushed silence. Tom takes a deep breath, steadying himself as he steps up to the microphone. His hands shake slightly, the weight of the moment pressing down on him. He glances at the envelope, then out at the sea of expectant faces, his thoughts racing back to you lying unconscious, unable to share this moment.

"And the Oscar for Best Leading Actress goes to..." Tom's voice cracks slightly as he reads your name, the applause erupting around him a distant roar in his ears. He struggles to maintain his composure, tears welling up as he imagines your smile, the way your eyes would have sparkled with joy and disbelief.

"Y/N couldn't be here tonight," Tom says, his voice trembling. "She's... she's in the hospital, fighting after a terrible accident. But I know she'd want to thank everyone who believed in her, who supported her through this journey." He pauses, tears streaming down his face. "This is for you, Y/N. Please, come back to us."

Robert places a comforting hand on Tom's shoulder, his voice thick with emotion. "She'll make it through this, mate," he says softly. The audience, moved by the sincerity and raw emotion, rises in a standing ovation. The camera pans across the room, capturing the faces of the Marvel cast.

Scarlett Johansson dabs at her eyes with a tissue, her usually composed demeanor shattered by the emotions of the moment. Chris Hemsworth, sitting beside her, clenches his jaw, his eyes glistening with unshed tears. Mark Ruffalo leans forward, his hands clasped tightly together, a look of quiet anguish on his face.

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⏰ Last updated: May 30 ⏰

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