Christmas traditions (FP)

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You are Florence pughs youngest sister. You are an 17 year old actor who is constantly in the newest movies. It is 3 days until Christmas and you are planning to fly back to London to do the Pugh family traditions. Here are a few...

1- new matching Christmas pjs
2- looking at the big trees around
3- looking at Christmas lights
4- waking up at an unholy hour to open presents

You haven't been able to participate in these traditions for a few years due to movies and all. Florence raffie and Toby have reminded you year after year how you don't come for Christmas. This year is different. You made sure you got most of December off to be with your family. One problem you are in NYC

You have plane ticket booked but since you are stings legally a minor in the USA you have to stay with a group called "unaccompanied minors".

Your phone buzzes imploring that someone is calling you.

Yn- hello?
Flo- Yn! You better be coming for Christmas this year!
Yn- I am ok? I already told you!
Flo- you said that last year too!
Yn- I have the flight booked for tomorrow
Flo- good! I will see you soon! Love ya
Yn- love ya too flo

You hang up.

You got you bags packed and decided to sleep early so you wouldn't be tiered while traveling.

Beep beep beep! Beep beep beep! Your alarms keeps beeping and you are tempted to snooze it by dont  knowing how excited you are to see you fam.

You get a taxi to drive you the airport and you check in and got through security. Now you are being escorted by Dave to a room with the other unaccompanied  minors. You are out in a room with 3 other kids and 2 airport workers.

After an hour or two of waiting your flight numbers get called. One of the workers bring you there to check in. You sit down on the chairs by the gate with the workers. A few minutes pass and the intercoms go off again.

"Due to increase of snow fall age all flights have been canceled for the day"

Your mouth dropped open. You couldn't believe it. They canceled your flight. The worker takes you back to the room with the other kids. You call flo up.

Flo- Yn! Are you here yet?!
Yn- no
Flo- why not
Yn- so it's snowing in NY and Um my flight got canceled. They are trying to figure it out rn but I'm worried it's too late to get a new flight.
Flo- oh come on. Your joking! Right?
Yn- I wish. Im sorry flo. I keep getting your hopes up
Flo- I guess it's fine. I'll go tell mom to cancel dinner with gram and gramps
Yn- thanks I guess
Flo- bye

You hang up and your heart sunk. Another year of disappointed siblings. I can't believe myself. Why can't I do one thing right.

I ended up falling asleep and the worker woke me up.

W- miss. Pugh, we got you a flight to London
Yn- really! When?
W- the morning of the 25
Yn- thanks a ton! I'm so excited.

It's now Christmas morning. You got of the plane in London and got an Uber to drive you home. You knock on the door. No answer. You knock again and pounder this time. No answer. You ring the door bell. Slowly you hear someone walking to the door. It's Florence. She opens the door with a tired face. As if she just woke up.

Flo- who is it? You woke me up.

All I can do is hug her.

Yn- I'm sorry I missed Christmas. I'm sorry I got your hopes up and cherished them. I'm sorry
Flo- Yn? You made it! The family will be so happy when they wake up!
Yn- wait you didn't wake up at 4 and did Christmas ?
Flo- no one was here to wake us up.
Yn- jeez I'm sorry. But I'm here now

You walk into the house and run through the rooms waking everyone up.

You end up doing all the Pugh traditions and plans on doing the same thing next year.

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