Bloopers pt. 2 (all)

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You were waiting on set for the director to get ready to start filming. You counting e to wait when your eyes slowly get heavier and heavier until you shy them. A half hours later you feel someone sit next to you. It's Florence.

"These director are taking forever." She says as she lays down next to you

"You know we aren't supposed to lay on the furniture on set?" You ask hoping she wouldn't care

"Mhm but naps are so worth it." She says shutting her eye too

You both lay on the couch sleeping until the directors are finally finished. They see you guys are in place and yell action. Scarlet walks into frame and that's when you and Florence where supposed to get up.  But you obviously didn't.

Scarlet walks over and shakes you both awake. "Are you kidding me?" She yells, "we finally get to start and your both asleep."

You wake up and book it off of set and a safe distance away from scarlet before you make fun of her.

"Well if someone could have gotten ready faster we wouldn't be in this pickle now would we?" You tease

"Shut up y/n!" She says as she chases you

"Oh crap" is all you can say before you are tackled to the ground

You all bust up laughing cause who's couldn't.


You are once again up in harnesses for a stunt you and Elizabeth are doing for dr strange 2. You finally got hooked up and we're slowly being lifted.

"Action" the director yells once both of you get into place

You and Elizabeth start the choreographed fight scene. You were supposed to kick you foot up and the mechanic on the ground was supposed to move you away from Elizabeth. But instead you kick and you move down.

"Uhm." You say

" I have the high ground Anakin!" Elizabeth yells from up.

"Oh my Lanta Lizzie." You laugh

"Sorry y/n. We will get you back up in a sec" the mechanic says figuring out the buttons

Soon you go flying up a lot faster than the first time

"Oh no goodness you looked like tinker bell"

"Lizzie oh no gosh!" You laugh


You and all of the original cast were doing the final battle in endgame.

It was when Tony snaps and says I am iron man.

"I am iron man!" Robert yells


" okay my daddy is a billionaire, nobody cares!" You tell of screen

"Y/n what on earth!" Robert yells

"That was almost the perfect take too!" Scarlet adds

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