Forgoten (SJ)

749 17 5

You are Scarlets daughter and are 15 years old. You are scarlets oldest daughter at 15. Rose is 6. And cosmo is almost 1. After rose was born scarlet began to take less notice of you. Of course that wasn't a problem as you were very independent. After cosmo was born scarlet got remarried to Colin and practically forgot about you.

It is two days until your birthday and all scarlet has been worrying about is how cosmos birthday was gonna work out. Cosmo was born  a day after yours and so on the year he was born you didn't really celebrate your birthday so you were really excited for this year.

Since your birthday is on a Sunday all your friends from school are giving you your gifts and saying happy birthday. After the school day you got home to your mom pacing back and forth.

Yn- hey ma! You ok
Scar- does it look like I'm ok. Cosmos gifts aren't here yet and his birthday is only 3 days away
Yn- oh that's bad I guess
Scar- you guess? I thought you were smart! This is terrible.
Yn- jeez sorry

After that awkward conversation with your mom you went upstairs to get all your homework done so you could party over the weekend.
Colin walks into your room to get you for dinner but finds you asleep at your desk with homework sprawled everywhere.

Col- mhm she looks tired

With that he quietly shuts your door and heads back downstairs.

Scar- where Yn
Col- she was asleep when I was there
Scar- probably from staying up all night 🙄
Col- no it looked like she was doing some school work
Scar- that surprises me
Col- hey scarlet that was a little out of pocket dont you think?
Scar- no. She is falling behind in school and constantly had detention.
Cal- yeah school is a bit hard for her, but it's hard for everyone
Scar- wasn't for me
Col- well you were an actor during high school. It's a bit different than public school
Scar- so what?
Col- I don't know let's just  eat!

After they finished eating they all watch a movie and go to bed. Scarlet wakes up and goes up to your room to check on you. She opens your door and sees you picking up your papers and putting them in your bag.

Scar- I failed to notice you at dinner last night .
Yn- yeah sorry I guess I was a little sleepy after school yesterday.
Scar- are you sure that's it
Yn- yeah... what are accusing me of doing
Scar- nothing. Oh yeah rose cosmo and I are going to your uncles house tomorrow so don't expect us til later
Yn- oh can I go?
Scar- no he just wants to see the younger two
Yn- oh yeah I get that I guess

Scarlets walked out with out saying another word. You decide you want breakfast and you walk down to see Colin cooking something on the stove.
Yn- good morning Colin
Col- morning yn! Do want any pancakes?
Yn- yeah sure

Coming grabs you a plate a puts a few pancakes on it.

Yn- do you want me to wait for everyone else or can I eat these delicious looking things now?
Col- oh just eat them now the rest of the family won't be down for a bit.
Yn- you don't even want me to wait for you?
Col- oh no it's totally fine.

With that you began to eat your breakfast. Right as you were putting away your dishes scarlet comes down with the younger two.

Scar- hey Colin! Those pancakes smell so good.
Col- thanks darling. Eat up there are a few on the counter over there
Scar- thank you!

Scarlet looks up at you putting away dishes.

Scar- yn did you seriously already eat? You couldn't have waited any longer?
Yn- we—

Colin interrupts you knowing scarlet would get mad at you if he didn't.

Colin- I told she could. Since she has got stuff planned. For later.
Scar- ok fine go do whatever idc

With that you walk away and rose bumps into you.

Rose- YN! will you play with me later
Yn- maybe
Rose- ok

You continue your way upstairs when your phone starts ringing. A video chat from Lizzie Olsen.
You have grown close to some of the people that scarlet worked with as she brought you to set a lot before rose and cosmo.
You answer it.

Yn- one sec let me pull it up on my laptop

You hang up and face time her at your desk.

Liz- hi Yn how are you
Yn- good! Why'd you call?
Liz- well I wanna wish you a happy birthday today since I'm gonna be busy tomorrow! So HAPPY BIRTHDAY Ynn!
Yn- thanks Lizzie!
Liz- got anything fun planned?!
Yn- not really. Mom rose and cosmo are going to my uncles house tomorrow.
Liz- that's fun. Are you not goin
Yn- no I'm not invited
Liz- that's dumb it's your birthday tomorrow and you don't get to hang a with your family?
Yn- yeah. Story of my life
Liz- I wish I was there. I would hang out with you
Yn- I wish you were here. I think mom has forgotten that tomorrow is my sweet sixteen.
Liz- do you want me to talk to her
Yn- no it's fine.
Liz- ok if your sure. Well I got to get going but I miss you and happy early birthday!
Yn- byereee!

You hang up once again and head downstairs. As you walk downstairs you can hear your mom and rose. As you walk into the living room rose sees you.

Rose- hey yn wanna play now!
Yn- sure!
Scarlet gets up and grabs cosmo and walks back into the kitchen to get lunch ready for rose and cosmo.
You are rose play clear up til your mom tells her to get lunch. You give rose a piggyback ride into the kitchen. You let her  down on the table.

Col- hey Yn wanna go get food with me?
Yn- sure!
Scar- why are you going out
Col- since chick fil a is closed on sundays
Scar- why does that matter
Col- since tomorrow is y—
Yn- Colin let's go!

You interrupt Colin so he won't tell your mom your birthday is tomorrow. You don't want her to know as in you are mad at her for forgetting so you want to make sure she reagents forgetting.

You both make it to the car. It's about a 10min drive to the food.

Col- alright let's just go through the drive through and eat at a park or something
Yn- sure

You get your food and go to a nearby park. Colin looks at you and you can tell he wants to talk about something.

Col- so what are you gonna do tomorrow?
Yn- what do you mean
Col- it's your sweet sixteen! You gotta party. Even of half your family is gone
Yn- you remembered
Col- of course
Yn- but mom doesn't even remember why do you
Col- cause birthdays are the best part about life. Especially you sixteenth. I also know how you felt last year when we couldn't celebrate.
Yn- jeez Colin. Idk what to do.
Col- well we should do something your only 16 once

You both laugh and head back home. As you get home scarlet is making dinner. You don't even realize but you were at the park for 4 hours.

You all eat dinner and go to bed. You wake up to yelling from the kitchen.

Scar- what do you mean you can't believe we are going out today?!
Col- I mean I can't believe you are leaving Yn on this special day!
Scar- there is nothing special about today
Col- I can't believe you
Scar- what do you mean
Col- today is Yn sixteenth birthday! I can't believe you forgot
Scar- well sorry I was got up with cosmos party!
Col- it's her sweet sixteen! You should've been throwing her a party!
Scar- why! She's just Moody teenager
Col- scarlet she is still your daughter!
Scar- then why do you care so much! She is my daughter not yours
Col-since you clearly don't care about her. All week you have been so caught up with cosmo that you forgot anyone your own daughter!
Scar- but still you aren't her father your shouldn't care!
Col- she's more my daughter than yours at this point!
Scar- idc at this point! We are late to my brothers!
Col- that too! You don't even care enough to hang out with her in her birthday! Some mother you are!
Scar- Colin what the hell!

Scarlet storms out of the house and drives away. Yup run into the linen and give a big hug to Colin!

Yn- thank you
Colin- happy birthday munchkin

You and Colin hang out all day and you invite see friends over to. When scarlet gets home she ignores both of you and hours to her room! You had a great tone with Colin and your friends.

Yn- best birthday ever!

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