Bloopers (all)

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Blooper 1
You and scarlet were supposed to be doing a serious scene but you where unable to keep it together.
Director: y/n if you can't do this scene this time we will need your double!
You laugh at his comment and being to get ready
Director: ACTION
Scarlet: so y/c/n? Where did you last see him?
Y/n: at the pool
You said you line with such confidence and were very proud of your self. You looked up at scarlet and she is just staring
Scarlet: ya mean bar?
You stare at her and slowly realize what you said
Y/n: yes I do mean bar
The director got your double and you were sitting on the couch
Makcie: I didn't know you had a stunt today
Y/n: I don't
Mackie: then what are you doing
Y/n: not filming I messed up too many times
You both share a short laugh

Blooper 2
You had asked mackie to head to the store to get you chick nuggets. He took too long and you had began to film your scene.
Rdj: so cap where do go now?
Chris: I believe th-
You hear a the door open and a small thud.
Mackie: crap!
You look up and realize it was Mackie. You put two and two together
Mackie: sorry?

Blooper 3
You and Florence were filming a stunt where you were jumping off of the roof. You both were in harnesses and began to run towards the edge. As you try to jump your rope began to tangle and you were spinning above the building prop. Florence was on the ground laughing her butt off
Flo: that is so funny! I'm so glad that happened to you
Y/n: oh shut up!

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