I dont care (EO)

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Ever since your grandmother passed, Elizabeth Olsen has always been like a mother figure to you. She would go to school parties and field trips she would help with homework and yell at teachers. Everything your mom and grandma would do she did 10x better. Of course this was many years ago. This was your first year at public high school and you didn't want Elizabeth to be as involved with the school cause it's embarrassing.

Lizzie- Yn I talked to your principle and he said I would be able to to help in band and tennis. Both activities you do!
Yn- yay (sarcastically)
Lizzie- what is going on with you
Yn- what do you mean?
Lizzie- you have acting different and not in a good way. Why
Yn- cause
Lizzie- that is not an answer and you know hat
Yn- cause your embarrassing me by always being involved in my school!
Lizzie- I thought you liked it
Yn- I did but now I'm finally popular and everybody will talk about it at school
Lizzie- ok then I'll stop
Yn- thanks

It's almost fall break and you and your friends are planning something big for the break. You are all traveling to Europe to go sight seeing.

You were up in your room packing your bags when Lizzie walks in.

Lizzie- what are you doing
Yn- getting ready for my trip to Europe
Lizzie- when are you going to Europe and why am I just now hearing about this
Yn- on Monday
Lizzie- why didn't you tell me
Yn- I didn't think I needed to tell you
Lizzie- of course you do
Yn- ok well I'm going to Europe
Lizzie- no you arnt.
Yn- yes I am
Lizzie- no you arnt. I say so so you arnt
Yn- well what you say doesn't matter since I already made plans
Lizzie- well to en you are grounded until school starts up again. I do not like the way you are behaving anymore
Yn- so what
Lizzie- so what?! So you are grounded and won't be going to Europe with your friends
Yn- you don't get to ground em
Lizzie- yes I do
Yn- since when
Lizzie- since forever
Yn- nope I still going
Lizzie- no you arnt. If you get on that plan on Monday you will no longer be welcome in this house
Yn- so what I don't need you. I'll just go to my dads place. He will treat me better anyways

Although it wasn't a very heated argument Lizzie still was hurt by the words you said. She left your room and began to make dinner for you guys.

You walk town the stairs with your phone in hand and shoes on.

Lizzie- where do you think your going
Yn- out
Lizzie - where
Yn- to dinner with my friends
Lizzie- did you ask me
Yn- no I don't need to ask you
Lizzie- well I just spent an hour making dinner for you and little heads up would have been nice
Yn- well I'm gonna go now

With that you left the house and lizzie has had it with you. She planned when you got home to talk with you about the way you have been acting.

Lizzie waited and waited for you. She tried calling you but no answer. You don't answer her texts either. Around 12 you finally came home. Lizzie was in the living room waiting for you.

Lizzie- Yn why are you home so late
Yn- cause I was with friends
Lizzie- you could have at least called
Yn- don't feel like I needed to
Lizzie- NO! I am so sick of this. The way you talk with me and other people. You are so rude and disrespectful of anything I say. You are grounded until your graduate!
Yn- you can't ground me!
Lizzie- say who!
Yn- me! You arnt my mom!
Lizzie- well you don't have a mother and I'm the closest thing to one!
Yn- you are nothing like a mom! You are rude and
Lizzie- I am not rude! You are the rude one! Making me wait til midnight just to make sure your ok! Calling me an embarrassment! And simply disobeying any rule I say at put.
Yn- i don't care
Lizzie- get out!
Yn- what?
Lizzie- get out of my house
Yn- Lizzie
Lizzie- no! If you are going to treat me like that you can leave
Yn- fine!

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