Chapter ELEVEN

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I have my back to mystery girl as I finish up my ice cream cone and honestly I am just trying to forget about her. I don't need to know her story. She's got little kids with her. It's none of my business.

Rex pulls a Frisbee out of the back pack I didn't realize he brought with him and it hits the table with a thunk.

"Figured you'd need a distraction today," he says and then shrugs.

He's right. Of course. And playing Frisbee on the beach by the pier sounds perfect. We head down a bit closer to the water. I kick off my flip flops and Rex walks further away and prepares to toss it.

After about ten minutes, I'm sweaty and laughing and I've damn near forgotten about the shitty party and the girl who doesn't have a name.

My phone buzzes and I pull it out of my pocket without thinking. I'm looking down - at a text from my mom - when Rex calls out to me.


I'm not quick enough and the Frisbee glides past me. Oh well. Not a big deal. I'll just have to go chase it down.

"Watch out!" I hear Rex's voice again.

Now I follow the Frisbee with my eyes helplessly as it hits someone right in the back. Shit. The beach is a bit busy but we had found a spot where we thought we could play without anyone being in the way.

When the person turns around my stomach drops. Why does it have to be her? It could have been anyone but it's this girl , with two little kids by her side, both eating chocolate cones. This girl who stumbles and almost drops her own cone.

"Seriously?!" she yells at me, and I can see on her face that she realizes it's me. I can't tell what she thinks about that.

"Sorry," I manage to say. Why is my heart beating so fast?

And then she's gone, turned around and walking away with the kids moving their legs faster to keep up.

"Oops," Rex says, jogging over to me. "She looked pissed."

I shrug. "I said sorry."

"Why'd you have your phone out?"

"My mom texted. She said she's only paying my phone bill this last time. So I... need a job," I explain.

"Oh your mom's not messing around." Rex laughs and takes the Frisbee from me. "Want to walk back?"

I am flustered and I know I won't be able to focus if we go back to playing Frisbee, so I nod. I look out and see the nameless girl and the two little kids walking down the dock, before we turn the other way and start walking home.

Back in my back yard, I throw myself into the hammock and sigh. It's so damn hot outside. Rex unfolds a beach chair and sits, his long legs stretching out in front of him.

"So. You need a job if you want to stay?"

I grunt. "There's no jobs here. I don't have a car so I can't get a job I'm Santa Maria. Plus, no."

Rex chuckles. "Maybe Molly can get you a job at the Creamery?"

"Ugh, no. That sounds horrible."

"You like Molly, don't you? You were friends."

"We were. We had sex a few times before she left last summer. Then I didn't hear from her again," I tell him. I'm sure he knew that I was having sex with Molly Jay.

"Molly broke your heart?" Rex asks and then laughs out loud.

"No. She went to college. Anyway, I don't want to work with her. Talk about awkward."

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