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She's here.

    I mean the fact that I'm here is surprising, too. But I really didn't think Teegan would show up after telling me about what happened at the last party. But there she is.

   I'm on the deck with Rex, hanging out in the corner. The pounding music makes my entire body throb. The rest of the massive deck is full of teenagers, drinking and laughing. I see Isaac is sitting on the bench with a girl in his lap and I've already noticed that Lola came in with some of her friends. I recognize most of the kids here. We all went to school together in Santa Maria. Some of us are graduated now but a lot will be heading into senior year in a few weeks. Luke and Isaac included.

   The fact that Teegan came to this party solo is strange as well. I don't know if she's seen me yet but I keep my eyes on her like a hawk watching his prey. She heads right over to Lola's friends Riss and Sage. Lola has already disappeared and likely has her tongue down some guys throat by now. Riss turns towards Teegan and greets her and gives her a quick hug. A moment later, Teegan's holding a red plastic cup, and drinking. She said there was no way she was coming. She said she had no interest in being around these people. But she's here and she's drinking. Color me confused.

   "Cohen," Rex spits out and I realize he's been saying my name.


   "Dude. You're staring."

   He's looking right where I'm looking, at Teegan, so I look away quickly. "What? No."

   "That's the girl we saw on the beach last weekend? So she is a local?"

   "She's not," I say, too quickly. "I met her. She works at the hut."

   Rex shoots me a look but doesn't get a chance to respond. All of a sudden Luke and Isaac and another guy are piling out of the house and onto the deck. They are all holding long stick looking things but I can't really see what it is.

   "We have fireworks! Show number two starts in five minutes!" Isaac yells and tears down the deck steps.

   His friends follow, along with half of the people who were on the deck. Rex jumps up and then freezes, looking back at me.

   "Co, come on."

   I'd rather eat sand than follow the pack down to the beach and stand, watching lame fireworks for ten minutes. Rex is a big boy, he doesn't need me. But I still feel bad for this.

   "I'm actually going to..." I let my voice trail off because he's so disappointed in me and it shows on his face.

   "You're ditching me? We've been here for thirty minutes."

  "I know. But I'm not feeling all of this. Go, have fun. Call me later? I can walk back and meet you," I suggest.

   "You're actually going to leave?" he asks, looking down at me.

   I glance over to where Teegan was standing, but she's gone, and I suck in a breath. I was hoping to talk to her, even for a minute.

   "Rex, go, socialize, have fun. Don't let me bring you down."

   "Fine." He rolls his eyes. "But tomorrow we're going to the pop up fair in Oceania."

   "Gah. Fine," I agree.

   We do our handshake and then he spins on his heels and runs down the stairs, off towards the crowd. Before I even get up off the chair and head down to leave, the first few fire works are going off. I watch them explode in the sky and then I cross the deck and - bam. Lola is running full tilt out of the house and smacks right into my side.

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