Peaceful Dreams & Evil Nightmares

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Recurring and always alert, the dreams and nightmares throw me to the dirt. Is there a lesson to be learned or am I to be defeated by my observant mind. Inside I feel lost and alone while on the outside im surrounded in stone. I dream of my wife she is succeeding and pushing me to my goals. My nightmares feed on my fear and suffering.

I awake on a soft bed, I hear music playing and my wife humming. She is cooking me food and singing to herself. I dress to come out and notice her smile. It is refreshing and reminds me of a long while dream. Is it a dream or is it real? I can never tell for this mind of mine is as sealed as bank tell. She comes close and kisses my cheek. Telling me good morning and continuing as if on beat. We have plans today to sky dive away. To soar like a bird is so absurd but i'd do it for her if it makes her reward. My dream fades and I awake again, I feel looseness and cascading. I open my eyes and there im flailing. I see the ground and it's coming up fast, Too late to check for chute my time has passed. I accept my fate and I hit quickly. My eyes shoot open and I find the floor ridiculously.

Cold dark tone; I awake in a room alone. I try to focus on the room in fray, but damn this darkness is consuming the light like prey. I stumble across as I notice movement, something flickering in the descent. I see eyes appear in the darkness, white silhouette beams of blank less. "Hello?" it calls out to me. My fear builds my hesitation pushes me back. Should I answer or should I stay slack. "I see you." it's tone gruff and hoarse as if it's been parched of water. My voice cracks as I wimped out words. "Who are you?" "Why im you." "The part you hide, the part you hate." It growls so deeply my ears barely catch it. "You refuse to let me live, let me be, let me see the outside world." I am your shame, your dread, and your pain." "I manifest from your darkest thoughts, your shrouded mind." "What did I find?" I ask quietly feeling hopeless and forgotten. "I am your unconscious mind." It booms quietly in my ears. "You are angry and you always fight it." "So I was made here to sit in quiet." "I AM ALWAYS ALONE." It booms louder making the room shake. "I HUNGER TO ESCAPE, TO SEE THE LIGHT, TO FEEL SIGHT!" It grows taller and looms over me bearing its size above my eyes. "YOU HIDE YOUR FEELINGS, HIDE YOUR PAIN, HIDE YOURSELF FROM THOSE WHO WOULD SHAME YOU!" I feel myself get smaller feeling the room tighten around me. "LOOK AT ME!" "LOOK WHAT YOU WROUGHT!" It crowds me and surrounds my sight forcing me to look forward at its might. "LEAVE ME BE!" I scream feeling the voice in my body. "YOU ARE HOPELESS!" It bellows making my ears shatter in pain. "HOPE-" I feel my eyes burst open as my body flails under the blankets. Sweat consumes my face, but I still feel it's arms in embrace. I jump out of bed and fling the curtains, feeling the sunlight sting my verses. Another day have I survived with my regret. Another day of my Nightmares at hand. Will I ever find peace in this land?

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