June 19th

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Player One are you ready?

On this day last year, I died.
Quite literally speaking a piece, fragment, stagnant, misplaced, lost, distant, detached part of me.
I actually cried.
I never cry easily only when the bottle opens, and 300 million volts burst out, striking one too many times.
It's true that lightning strikes twice.
See my heart is made of copper not gold,
It's common, not expensive, easily tossed and not valued, but an excellent conductor for love.
No I don't train, but I work my body to the extent of strain.
All aboard, on the train of my pain!

On this day last year, I died.
I felt the black hole pull my light deep inside because there is no escape from this feeling of weight.
I could travel 186,000 miles per second and still not escape.
On this day last year I cried, because I knew there was no where I could hide!
I was living a life full of lies.
I'm happy.
I'm happy.
26 and I had nothing.
No home, no car, no job, no wife.

On this day last year I died.
I wish I could lie and say it was tears of joy I cried.
Warm filled with love like the blood mosquitos soak up.
I wish I could say my tears were 5 milligrams of happiness but it isn't twice the amount of pain it caused me.
I was alone and lost in my mind.
40 days, 40 nights, fighting with the Devil inside.
I was far from God's grace and my faith was subside.
I need change, because last year I felt suicidal this year I might do something different like talking to God.

On this day last year I died.
I ate my troubles, swallowed my empty pride,
And I went back to my parent's home.
My meal was heavy and full of burdens, my drink was tasteless and hollow.
I hit rock bottom so bad that I spoke a different language.
I* Need* A* Life*
All this advanced darkness had me closing my eyes so it wouldn't seem so dark.
I missed every bus starving for a kelp nugget crunch.

On this day today. I wrote these words.
I have a 2006 ford explorer outside. It's mine.
I've been missing poetry night studying for my classes that I've been in college for.
I work in class and do my homework at work.
I met a beautiful queen from New York whose locs got me all twisted more often than every four to six weeks.
She got my bracelet fixed, remembers I like SpongeBob quips, and makes sure I'm happy type shit.

On this day today.
I say forget my past because,
God is good all the time,
And all the time God is good.
On this day today I cried.
Not tears of sadness but tears of acceptance.
Therefore, if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things have become new.
I was born on this day.
Thank you for letting me introduce myself to you.


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