Its Just A Two Page Essay

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Love ain't easy. Shut up terrible start. Love is a hard thing to have......ugh even worse. Alright shhhh just think from your heart. Bum Bum.....Bum Bum.........Bum.......Bum. Alright I got it.

Love is a beat. Love is the music that runs through our body. Is it the rhythm, the base, the kick back of the lead guitar, or the singer? Maybe it's the strong bump of the base drum. I love that sound. I'd like to think music makes up what Love truly is. When I listen to music I escape this feeble world or dark days and shallow nights. I feel myself falling down an endless chasm of thought and illusion. My imagination flutters and creates peace. My peace is you. Not you the reader, (sorry not sorry) but the woman I love. Her echos softly as if it wants to be heard but is afraid to be too well known. Her soft as they protrude from her face so elegantly. Sometimes it's with a bitch face but almost all latinas have that.....getting off topic. Her leaves in the wind on a fall evening as the brown colors melt into black like the night sky. Her eyes........brown where most say are the basic of all colors, but with her they shimmer as if a diamond in the muck waiting to be seen....waiting to be loved. Her touch........ scarred from pain but no fear to love. They reach out in embrace hoping to feel again. Her smell........ the pink rose would envy the scent of her. It carries with her so scarcely you would have to be close to catch it. Her love......pained from years of torment, pain, agony, frustration, lies, and deceit cover it forcing it into subjugation. Despite it being difficult to reach, it seeps through reaching out to feel once again, to love once again, but to reach it you must delve into its dark depths and battle past all of the walls to reach the Love that wants to reach you. it fights for you and beckons you to keep trying. To understand that it's not the fault of Love. It is those that shroud it and guard it and keep it from everlasting regret and pain and suffering. Locking the doors from all the bad things. Love wants to give, but the Mind wants to protect. Love is so fragile that the mind hides it away and forces it behind walls of anger, judgment, anxiety, depression, Hyper activity and all those protective measures to ensure that Love doesn't pay the price for the pain people cause. But if you're strong enough, if your will is strong enough to fight through it all. You can reach Love. All it takes is your Love wanting to fight. My Will is strong enough for you and will fight till my Love stops beating till my heart gives in but for that to happen it would have to be Death that takes me away. Why was this harder than it needed to be? It's just a two page essay...........I guess I just found my title. Always and Forever.......not as dumb of a promise as most argue it to be.

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