Chapter - 1

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Moving is so hard, I have been packing for a week and nothing seems to go right. Should I just take everything? I have been staying with my parents till now. I have interviewed for JYP and I hope I get to be under Stray Kids! I am so in love with them all. I don't have a bias though. 

My mom enters.

Mom - Are you done?

Jane - nah!

Mom - you should hurry up, dad would be leaving soon for work and he would like to load your stuff in the moving truck.

Jane - yes, I will be down in a minute. 

I had a few boxes, dad helped me load them and I bid them goodbye. Let me call the manager for the apartment's location. My house is a little on the outskirts of Seoul and living in an apartment nearby is what JYP needs. I hope it is enjoyable. 

Manager Kim (MK) - Hello? 

Jane - Hello? Manager Kim? This is Jane, I was assigned an apartment and was told to contact you for address. 

MK - oh yes, hello. Yes, come to the JYP building first and then we can sort things out.

I am so nervous. I cut the call and wait eagerly to arrive there. Oh god! I hate seoul traffic. The time goes by so slow when you want things to happen. After 40 minutes of travelling here I am. I tell the driver to park and go into the JYP building.

I take the lift and go to the manager's floor. I know which one it is hehe. As the lift opens I can hear some musical notes. I think someone is trying to make some songs. Oh god! Can it be bangchan? I went to the end of the hallway as the manager had instructed. I knocked the door and someone opened it. I didn't see who it was as I bowed and they left. The room was a huge conference room with no one inside! I think they had just left after a meeting.

MK - oh yes! Here is a key to the room. Please sit for today's meeting.

Jane - *he is handing me a key? to a room?* a room?

MK - yeah I mean you are going to live at the dorm right now.

Jane - I was promised an apartment...

MK - No, no! those benefits are for after you become permanent. Right now you have to stay at the dorm with an idol group and know them and their daily activities and manage them.

Jane - Manage them? How?

MK - arent you briefed by anyone? Who hired you?

Jane - Mr Park hired me. He just gave your number and told me to meet you.

MK - He himself!? How good are you?

I nervously smile. 

MK - Please have a seat. Have you been assigned a group?

Jane - No but I was told to assist you.

MK - Ok so a surprise for you then. You will meet them there in the dorm. You don't need to attend the meeting right now. 

Jane - oh!

MK - Yeah it is for Twice. And you arent assigned to them.

I think its ITZY then.

MK - OK! first they should be on time for the schedule. I will add you to the calendar and the group later. So on time, you will be given their social media accounts so you need to see who posts what and it should be approved by you. You know the idol rules right? You gave the exam. 

I nodded. 

MK - Ok. At JYP we don't monitor their food intake or where they went and how. They are free to go anywhere and eat anything. You have to take care of them though. The group is really nice too. They won't order you around and you will have fun going places with them but they are workaholics so please for this group only I suggest you take care of their sleep schedule.

Am I getting stray kids or what!? No one is as into work as them. I just waved it off. I would be getting someone yet to debut or mostly a girl group.

As I got up to leave he asked me.

MK - Are you okay staying with guys?

I turned around in shock - Guys? In the same dorm?

MK - Yes but you will have room to yourself and bathroom too. 

Jane - then its fine.

Mk nodded and told me to go the address he messaged me. 

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