Chapter - 10

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I went back to the hallway. My heart beating very loud.  It was so loud that I paused for a minute, holding chesting and kneeled. I had just laid down beside Felix. Lee Felix! I had no idea how and why but I had been attracted to him past few days and things just kept getting weird. He kept getting closer and I felt my heart screaming everytime. I didn't know if he was just being friendly or he liked me. He behaved similarly to all of the members which confused me.

Just then someone placed their hands on my shoulders. I turned around and it was Lee know. 

Lee know - gwaenchana? *are you okay - korean*

I nodded.

Lee know - did Felix say something to you?

I shook my head.

Jane - why did you assume its felix?

Lee know - You are sitting next to his door and you room is far in the hallway.

Oh. yes I had forgotten that. I nodded lightly and got up.

Lee know - Thank you for yesterday.

Jane - I told you he loves you. Its not a phase.

Lee know - I never thought he would confess though.

Jane - Wanna go for coffee and talk about it?

As we turned around, Han was standing there.

Han was in pure shock. 

Han - What do you mean he loves you not a phase?

Lee know - I - uh-

Jane - Hannie, lets get coffee and I will explain.

I went to him and pushed him 


At the breakfast table with food and coffee.

Hannie - tell me jane.

Lee Know - I had a crush on you even before debut.

Han - What!

Lee know - shh! We don't want the staff to hear.

Han, a little less louder - What did you say?

Lee know - yes. I had a crush on you. But I thought you were straight.

Han - But none of the members knew you had a crush on me or else I would have heard.

Lee know - ah well...

Jane - well no one knew except me.

Han - How!

Lee know - Oh yeah, you never told me how just confronted me.

Jane - Remember me and lee know went for drink and came home drunk?

Han - ofcourse Felix - 

Lee know kicked Han from under that table.

Jane - Felix what?

Han shook his head and digged into his meal.

Lee know - What Felix no one said Felix.

Jane - you are hiding something from me .

Lee know - No!

Han - why would we!?

Lee know - I puked in Felix's bathroom so he got angry that time. 

Jane - No you didn't. Tell me!

Lee know - I swear. and you are missing the point.

We argued but they kept their mouth shut.

Jane - so in drunken state he said "Hannie, saranghae! lets date. Date and kiss and hug and go out and and an....make songs together. "

Han blushed.

Han - you said that?

Lee know shrugged - I had no idea. But I haven't drank with anyone else that's why I don't know what I do when I am drunk.

We all laughed. We talked some more and I told them about Felix's good news. They were happy and don't know what they were signalling each other. 

I went back to my room and slept again. It was 2pm when someone knocked at my door. I opened and found it was Felix. 

I invited him in and sleepily asked why he was here. 

Felix - I am sorry I didn't know you were sleeping. I met Han and Lee know on the way and they told me you were awake.

Jane - its fine. Tell me whats up.

He hugged me and kissed my cheeks. It literally woke me up more than coffee.

Felix - afternoon! I heard the news! I was nominated.

Jane - I'd be surprised if you werent.

Felix - thanks (pats my head), Wanna go out for lunch?

Jane - ok lemme text the group and we will go.

As I take out the phone he takes it away. 

Felix - No, just us.

jane - oh uh- sure.

We went downstairs at the buffet. Felix had been on diet for long and so I wanted to make him eat something delicious. 

Jane - felix, fill the plate nicely. No salad or anything green.

Felix nodded happily and hopped off. He was so comfortable around me. He would eat anything,  wear anything just be himself. I loved it. It was like having a best friend but famous.

We had a heavy lunch and went out for walk around the resort.

Jane - Are you more hungry?? Did you eat nicely?

Felix - I am full. I am so so so full. 

Just then I get a call from the main manager.

Jane - yes sir?

MK - We hired an assistant this week. She will be joining from today. But its just for a month during your leave so tell the guys to be careful.

Jane - yes. 

I texted the group and told them not to go all nuts. "Hey guys, an intern is joining us for a month during my leave. Yes, I am on a leave for a month so be careful about your private lives." they were all offline as everyone was sleeping.

 Felix, who was right beside me said - why just for a month?

Jane - I am on leave this month.

Felix - huh? but we have events and fan signs and shows.

Jane - don't worry it won't come down crashing without me. You guys will be fine. 

Felix - why the break though? Are you okay? did we hurt you? Did I do something? Did som-

Jane - *I cut him off* My sister is pregnant and her due date is next week. I have to go take care of everything. And also I want to be there for my niece.

Felix smiled and said - okay I thought something happened.

I pushed his arms a little , playfully - you always think the worst. She is the on the way right now. Lets wake up the guys and give them the news.

As I was about to leave Felix pulls me - would you be here when I receive the award or when I don't win?

Jane - Of course. the result is after I come back! I am sure you will win. 

We went back to the room

My New Neighbour is LEE FELIX!Where stories live. Discover now