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Happy Halloween! As a "treat", here's an update a day early!
We walked inside the store and people were amazed at Loki's height. I suppose it's not every day you see a 6'4" guy. "Come on, we need to get you to the men's section," I said, dragging him from the women's lingerie. (He told me that I would look stunning in some of the lingerie, much to my protests). We eventually arrived in the men's clothing. "Pick out some, and try on the ones you like, and the ones that you think would fit you," I said, looking at the ones I think he would like. In the end, between the two of us, we picked out thirty sets of clothing. About ten of them fit.
We went home and I collapsed on the couch. "Y/n?? Are you alright?" Loki said with a tone of panic in his voice. "I'm fine, just feel like sleeping," I said. I heard him breathe a sigh of relief. I took a pillow from the couch and put it beneath my head. I closed my eyes and fell asleep, much to my relief.
I woke up an hour later to a delicious smell in the house. Loki was in the kitchen, cooking something. I walked in and I must have surprised him because upon my entry he jumped. "Sorry. Whatcha making?" I asked. He lifted the pot and said, "Teriyaki chicken, dear." I smiled and replied, "Smells heavenly."
"Thank you. You didn't wake up so I figured might as well get dinner started."
"Thanks for that. I feel much more refreshed now."
Loki smiled and soon enough, dinner was finished and plated. It was delicious and I made sure to compliment him on his cooking abilities. We watched F/m with dinner, and Loki asked many questions about it as they didn't have televisions in Asgard, only plays.
The movie ended up running long, and before I knew it, my head was rested on his shoulder. I realized it and I quickly took my head away from him. "I'm sorry," I quickly apologized. Loki smirked and looked down at me. "Whatever for? I was enjoying that," he smiled.
"Of course you were. The movie's over, would you care to go on a walk with me?"
"I wouldn't object to that."
I nodded and turned the movie off. I put on a pair of F/c sneakers and tied my hair up (or if your hair is short just pretend it's down). Loki changed into a tee and shorts and some sneakers that we had bought earlier that day. He tied his hair up in a half man bun and brushed the stray strands back. He didn't look inherently ugly.
On our walk we got some stares. I guess having someone almost double your height was worth some glances. Plus, it was Loki. I felt bad; if people recognized him it probably beat him up internally. At one point I felt his hand brush mine. I looked up. "You okay?" I asked. "I'm fine, it's just there are judgmental people," he replied with a hard edge to his voice.
"What--what do you mean? Do I need to talk to someone about you?"
"No, I'm talking about people looking at your physical qualities. There was just a man gawking at--"
"Oh, Loki. I'm used to it."
"You shouldn't be. No woman should be objectified, nor treated like a piece of meat at a banquet."
I appreciated what he was doing, but at this point I stopped him. "Loki. I would step in if it truly bothered me. You need to trust me, okay?" I asked him. He looked down at the ground and clenched his jaw. "Okay?"
"Alright. Will you tell me if it bothers you?"
"I will, Loki." I said, holding his hand tightly. He smiled at me and kissed my hand. I blushed furiously. Ho-ly shit. Did the god of mischief just kIsS mE?? Loki smirked at me and hid a laugh. "Hey! Stop reading my mind!" I laughed. Loki kissed my hand again. "Alright, darling," he replied.
We went home and not five minutes after we arrived back, it began raining. I grabbed my 'rainy day' book and went out to the sunroom to begin reading. Loki came out behind me and asked what I was doing. "I have a collection of rainy day books that I read only on rainy days. Care to join me? They're in the bookshelf titled 'Rainy Day Books'."
"Hmm. Perhaps I will."
He grabbed a book from the collection and sat down next to me on the small couch. I felt him wrap his arm on my shoulder and I leaned my head on his shoulder. As I watched the raindrops fall on the plants outside my window, I felt my eyes grow heavy. I fell in love with the god next to me the way you fall asleep--slowly, then all at once.

The God Who Fell to Earth (Loki xfemreader)Where stories live. Discover now