E.P.O.M. Character list

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--- Everest's Family ---

Glaceon (female): Everest/Eve

Everest: Sensitive powerful, not very trusting, anxious, bad past = bad memories, best friend: none, boyfriend: Sonny, Parents: Trixie the sylveon (deceased) and Reef the vaporeon (deceased), sibling(s): (younger sister) Rosabelle, Aunt/Uncle: Blossom

Leafeon (female): Rosabelle/Rosie/Belle

Rosabelle: Beautiful, kind, trusting, comforting, loves plants, weak, best friend: Starshine, boyfriend: Phoenix, Parents: Trixie the sylveon (deceased) and Reef the vaporeon (deceased), sibling(s): (older sister) Everest, Aunt/Uncle: Blossom

Shiny Leafeon (female): Blossom

Blossom: Kind, sweet, explorer, Team = Shining, best friend: Frost, Sibling(s): (twins with) Trixie, Niece(s)/Nephew(s): Everest, and Rosabelle

Sylveon (female): Trixie

Trixie: Kind, sweet, beautiful, nurse, children: Everest and Rosabelle, Husband: Reef, Sibling(s): (twins with) Blossom

Vaporeon (male): Reef

Reef: Explorer, brave, selfless, caring, children: Everest and Rosabelle, Wife: Trixie, Team = Cold Water, Sibling(s): (younger sister) Angel

Alolan Ninetales (female): Angel

Angel: Explorer, sweet, Sibling(s): (older brother) Reef, used to be Co leader of Team Cold Water, Owns Ninetale's guild, doesn't know her family is still alive or anything about them, Trixie is the reason why Everest and Rosebelle have never met her, husband: Firestorm

Ninetales (male): Firestorm

Firestorm: Energetic, loyal, wife: Angel, Co owner of Ninetale's guild, like Angel he has no knowledge of his nieces
--- Sonny's family ---

Jolteon (male): Sonny/Sun/Sunshine

Sonny: Adventurous, brave, chivalrous, smart, kind, semi powerful, wants to be like his dad, best friend: Phoenix, girlfriend: Everest, Parents: Thunder the shiny jolteon and Mystic the espeon, sibling(s): (older sister) Wisp, aunt/uncle: Frost

Shiny Flareon (female): Wisp

Wisp: Caring, doctor in training, brave, wants to be like her mom, Parents: Thunder the shiny jolteon and Mystic the espeon, sibling(s): (younger brother) Sonny, aunt/uncle: Frost, boyfriend: none

Espeon (female): Mystic/Dr. Mist

Mystic: Kind, caring, doctor, psychiatrist, children: Sonny and Wisp, Husband: Thunder, Sibling(s): (Twins with) Frost

Shiny Jolteon (male): Thunder

Thunder: Explorer, brave, selfless, fearless, Leader of Team Shining, Children: Sonny and Wisp, Wife: Mystic

Shiny Glaceon (male): Frost/Dr. Frost

Frost: Gentle, doctor, Team = Shining, niece(s)/nephew(s): Sonny and Wisp, Best friend: Blossom, Sibling(s): (Twins with) Mystic

--- Phoenix's Family ---

Flareon (male): Phoenix/Nix

Phoenix: Boastful, powerful, aggressive, kind to friends, Best friend: Sonny, Parents: Coral the shiny vaporeon and Dusk the umbreon, Sibling(s): Starshine and Moonspark, girlfriend: Rosabelle

Shiny Vaporeon (female): Coral/Mrs. Cora

Coral: Beautiful, selfish, prideful, battle tactic teacher, Children: Phoenix, Starshine, and Moonspark, Husband: Dusk

Umbreon (male): Dusk

Dusk: Mysterious, left his family for unknown reasons, kind hearted, Children: Phoenix, Moonspark, and Starshine, Wife: Coral

Shiny Sylveon (female): Starshine

Starshine: Caring, sweet, naive, innocent, cute, sympathetic, sibling(s): (older brother) Phoenix and (Twins with) Moonspark, best friend: Rosabelle, boyfriend: Aztec, Parents: Coral the shiny vaporeon and Dusk the umbreon

Shiny Umbreon (male): Moonspark

Moonspark: Brave, thief, stealthy, Parents: Coral the shiny vaporeon and Dusk the umbreon, Sibling(s): (older brother) Phoenix and (Twins with) Starshine, Best friend: none, Girlfriend: Twilight

--- Twilight's Family ---

Shiny Liepard (female): Twilight

Twilight: Mysterious, only non-eeveelution in town, appears on the night Moonspark evolves, sweet, powerful, aggressive, Sibling(s): unknown, Parents: Eclipse the shiny absol (missing) and Shadow the alolan persian (missing), aunt/uncle: unknown, best friend: none, Boyfriend: Moonspark

Absol (female): Eclipse

Eclipse: Mysterious, loves her daughter, Husband: Shadow (missing), kind, powerful, Children: Twilight, best friend: Dusk, Died/went into hiding protecting her daughter from the shadow mons

Shiny alolan persian (male): Shadow

Shadow: Mysterious, loved his family, left for unknown reasons, dead/alive no one knows, missing, Wife: Eclipse (missing), powerful, Children: Twilight and Shade (deceased), best friend: none

--- Etc ---

Half Shiny Half Normal Zoroark (male): Obsidian

Obsidian: Was corrupted, not much is known about him, snarky, rude, ugly sense of humor, cruel, turned half shiny when Moonspark's blood entered his DNA, ex resident of Dark Town

Shiny Espeon (male): Aztec

Aztec: Not to much know about him yet, player, likes women (a lot), handsome, powerful psychic type, Girlfriend: Starshine, Parents: Unknown, Sibling(s): Unknown

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