Part 1 Winter: Chapter 1 - A new beginning

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The sky was dimly lit and the clouds covered the moon so it was pretty much impossible to see anything outside. "Here we are girls, our new home!" Their mom said happily. The family trotted inside "Where do we sleep?" Everest replied, looking around. "You two have separate bedrooms this time I figured you both are getting older and need your space... I can't stay long. I have a new job and I said I would take the night shift" The sylveon replied with a smile. "You girls behave and tomorrow is your first day at this new school. I heard they teach fighting tactics in Everest's grade level" she gave a small smile. Everest supposed that her mother knew she liked battling but this was going to be humiliating starting at a new school again! "I also heard there's quite a lot of shinies in this town, weird huh?" her mom said with that perky attitude of hers. Everest waved goodbye to her mom before finding a room and setting her blanket on the floor until they got actual beds. "Goodnight!" Rosabelle called from the other room. "Night" Everest called back before curling up in bed and going to sleep.

The next morning was a foggy one Everest woke up early to start getting ready for the day. She took a quick shower and looked through her accessory drawers for something to wear. She saw her dad's team scarf with a snowflake and water symbol on it... she breathed slowly her dad had given her his scarf before he passed. She decided to put it on for good luck, she walked to Rosabelle's room "C'mon Belle let's get going!" she called. Her younger sister was already up and had managed to plant a garden near her window. She picked up a rose and put it behind her ear. "I'm ready! Let's go" she replied, trotting after her sister. Everest locked the door and they were on their way to the school. Everest noticed quite a few mons walking into the school doors. A flareon was leading two shiny eevee's to their classroom, and a jolteon was walking with a shiny flareon. Their mom was right, shinies sure were abundant... Rosabelle followed Everest into their specified class room. Everest walked into a brightly decorated classroom with a giant sparing mat on the floor along with fire extinguishers, and first aid kits. Everest sat at an empty desk next to a jolteon. "Hi, I've never seen you here before. What's your name?" the jolteon asked her, turning to face her. "Uh hi I'm Everest...I'm new around here" Everest replied shyly.

A flareon took a seat next to the jolteon and began chatting with him "Hey Sonny! How was your weekend? And who were you talking to?" he asked. "This is Everest. I think she's new. It's been awhile since there were many glaceons here don't they usually live in the sinnoh region?" Sonny asked, turning to face her. Everest felt embarrassed she didn't want to explain what she was doing here but she didn't have to because at that moment the classroom door opened and a shiny vaporeon walked in wearing lots of pearls. "Hello class, today we have a new student... Why don't you share a few things about yourself" the vaporeon finished. Everest was uncomfortable. Her teacher was a vaporeon, at least she was shiny... She finally stood up. "Hi I'm Everest I just moved here with my mom and sister, my mom got a new job as a nurse" She finished sitting back down. "Welcome to Eevee town then my name is Coral but you can call me Mrs. Cora" Mrs. Cora finished. "Now I'll take attendance and then we can begin... Sonny, Phoenix, Wisp, Starshine, Moonspark, Rosabelle and Everest". A round or "here's" came when she read off each name. "Now we can begin the class I assume that Everest has spared before correct me if I'm wrong" Mrs. Cora gave a small smile but it wasn't pleasant.

"I have" Everest gave a small reply. "Good then we can begin in pairs remember don't use any charged attacks just fast attacks for now" Mrs. Cora smiled before splitting the class up into groups. "Starshine, Moonspark and Rosabelle are a group of three, Wisp and Sonny, and finally Phoenix and Everest" Mrs. Cora smiled and walked to her desk. "Remember the rules and I don't want to see anything messy!". Everest walked over to the corner where Phoenix the flareon sat "Hi Phoenix..." she began. "Don't see many glaceon in Eevee town, why did you really come here?" Phoenix responded. Everest ignored his question "We have to practice, didn't you hear what the teacher said". "You mean my mom yeah I heard her we should really start though it's pointless that she paired me with an ice type when you're just gonna lose" he shrugged. "I wouldn't lose if we could battle with charged attacks..." Everest muttered. "What did you say? Do you seriously think a glaceon can beat a flareon? That's a laugh but I accept your challenge if you think you can beat me try me" Phoenix growled. Everest walked towards him "I'll let you land the first hit if you're that confident" she returned his growl.

"Don't make me laugh I can beat you with my eyes closed but if you insist" Phoenix snickered.

 *Phoenix used flamethrower*

 Everest got hit hard with the fire but she refused to let her body fall down. "That's what you get when you mess with a fire type, just be glad I didn't use overheat, let's see what you got show me your best move" Phoenix laughed. Everest blinked back tears but stood back up "If you really wanna see me use my best move I will gladly show you" she forced a smile. Mrs. Cora noticed what was going on and began telling them to stop. But Everest didn't back down her crystal glowed brighter.

*Everest used water pulse*.

 A wave of water hit Phoenix hard and he slowly managed to get up. "How did you..." He groaned. Everyone had begun to stare at the two of them. Everest was embarrassed she held out her paw to Phoenix "Good duel" she said slowly. He pushed himself up "Yeah I gotta admit you did better than I thought you would've" he gave a small smile. "You're not mad at me?" she stepped back. "Nah if anything you've gained my respect not many glaceons know how to use water pulse how'd you do it?" Phoenix replied. Everest shifted uncomfortably "Um my dad was a vaporeon he taught me when I was really little...".

Mrs. Cora watched all of the students before finally saying "Ok well I think it'd be best if you all go out for the day now I have to finish fixing up my classroom" she said giving Phoenix a death stare. Phoenix ducked his head lower "Sorry mom..." he said his voice trailing off. Everest walked outside with all of the class following her Rosabelle by her side. Everest looked at Starshine and Moonspark "Hey how come you two haven't evolved yet you're the same age as my sister right?" Moonspark answered "Yeah we haven't really been interested in evolving but we do get bullied by the other mons because of it...". "Yeah kinda what Spark said we just haven't found the right time... Is it ok if I come to your house later today? Rosabelle promised she would teach me charm" Starshine asked. Rosabelle smiled "Of course I will, my mom's a sylveon she taught it to me so I can teach it to you!" Sonny walked up to Everest "Hey can we hang out maybe a little later" he smiled. "Oh um sure I wasn't really gonna do much" she replied giving him a small smile. "Ugh c'mon sunshine let's go!" Wisp looked annoyed. "Sorry about my sister, she gets a little impatient, see you tomorrow Everest!" he called, running after the flareon.

Everest looked out the window, the sun began to go down and Rosabelle and Starshine were dressing up in Everest's old accessories. "Woah what's this!" Starshine said, picking up a blue scarf with a snowflake and a water symbol on it. "Don't touch that!" Everest almost yelled at Starshine. "Oh sorry Everest I didn't know that it was yours..." Starshine ducked her head down. Everest bit her lip "I'm sorry for yelling at you that scarf was my father's team scarf he was team leader of Team Cold Water..." she said taking the scarf back from Starshine. Starshine looked at her with kind eyes "It's ok Everest you don't have to apologize I should be the one that says sorry". Everest gave a small smile "Thanks Starshine... it's getting late unless you wanna evolve into an umbreon I suggest you get home soon" she replied waving. "Bye Starshine!" Rosabelle called from behind Everest. Starshine gave a small wave before running off. Everest walked to their mom's room Trixie the sylveon was sleeping peacefully in bed when her alarm clock went off. "Oh hello Everest how are you and how was your first day of school..." she smiled. "It was fine, I have a good feeling about this town," Everest smiled back. "That's good to hear sweetheart I have to get going I'm gonna be late to work! Love you both" she replied kissing both of them and running off.

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