Part 1 - Chapter 3: Day and Night

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It had been a few weeks since Everest and Rosabelle's mother had burned in their old house. They had gotten used to living with Blossom, their aunt though Trixie had never mentioned she even had a sister for quite some time something told Everest they didn't get along too well but they were sisters nonetheless. Rosabelle often spoke with Starshine about the situation and Everest had mildly spoken with her and Mystic about the incident. Mystic was Sonny's mom and she was also a psychiatrist so she was really good at listening... Starshine was sympathetic and easy to speak to as well. As for Moonspark he was very odd and always seemed to go out during dusk when the full moon wasn't out. Phoenix tried to speak with Everest about the incident but could never come up with the right words. Sonny had been the only teenager in the town to witness the events and tried not to bring anything up that would upset her. Mrs. Cora didn't act too much like her old perky self either. Something was nagging her about her husband but she didn't feel like telling anyone about it if that was the case.

    Moonspark missed his father; he didn't appreciate living with a family that never could understand him. He needed a friend but his anger would get the best of him and that would cause him to bail on any new company. He trotted around, it was almost dark and tonight would be a full moon so he had to go home soon. *Sigh* "What a beautiful night for a stroll guess that's why dad liked the night at least that's what mom said" Moonspark said this to himself not expecting anyone to be listening. A rustle in the bushes had spooked him. Moonspark jumped "Who's there?" he growled. A sparkle and shine of stars swirled around the bush "Ugh seriously Starshine you really had to scare me like that?!" he said annoyed. "Hmm? I'm not Starshine. My name is Twilight. I have been sent here by an Umbreon. He said I would be safe here where I lived before it wasn't safe" A female voice answered. Moonspark took a double take "Wait where did you come from? What are you? What umbreon?" he asked. A small shiny purrloin hopped out of the bushes and stared at the eevee "I live in Dark Town my town was under attack and my mother's best friend an umbreon sent me here to Eevee Town, And to answer your last question I am a shiny purrloin" Twilight answered with a small purr. "Nice to meet you Twilight, what was your friend's name?" Moonspark answered. "Now hold on you never told me anything about you yet" Twilight answered her tail giving a small flick. "Oh right my name is Moonspark... I live right over there and you could stay with me" he smiled.

    Twilight returned his smile "My mother is an absol but one day our family was having struggles so she called her friend an umbreon who lived in Eevee Town to come and help us with financial struggles and he agreed he lived with us for quite some time I think his name was Dusk, Dusk lived in Dark Town for a long time but when he went on a vacation to Eevee Town he met his girlfriend and they had children in Eevee Town but before he left he told my mom if she ever needed anything that she can come to Eevee Town Eeveelution or not so here I am". Moonspark's mouth hung open. "My dad is named Dusk and he has been missing for a long time. I think that he just didn't want to tell my mom so he left without saying anything..." "Um Moonspark you're glowing" Twilight started. Moonspark stared at his body becoming something else. 

*Congratulations, Moonspark evolved into an umbreon!* 

Moonspark stared at himself and his blue spots "Wow I evolved into an umbreon I've always wanted to evolve into an umbreon!" he smiled. "You're so pretty" Twilight purred her tail rubbing against his. "Oh shit it's night my mom is probably freaking out c'mon Twilight" Moonspark said pushing the door open. Starshine stared at him. "There you are Moon wow you evolved your an umbreon now! Wait, who's that you brought inside?" she asked, staring at Twilight.

    "This is Twilight and she's going to be staying with us for a while or however long she needs... She's a shiny purrloin from Dark Town who needs a place to stay" Moonspark replied walking past Starshine "C'mon Twilight let's go to my room" he smiled at her. Twilight ran past Starshine and followed Moonspark up the stairs. *Moonspark used physic* his light blue spots and eyes glowed as a blanket and pillow was laid out on the floor. "How thoughtful of you to make me a bed" Twilight purred once more. "It's for me, you can sleep in my bed, it would be rude of me to make you sleep on the ground." he finished. Starshine appeared in the doorway "Moon we can't just let a foreign mon in here I mean seriously you don't know if she's a thief!". "I am not a thief!" Twilight hissed. Starshine jumped back "Sorry I forgot you could hear me...". Starshine walked away "I won't stop you but mom will so I'll let you deal with her". Twilight hopped up on the bed and curled up "Hmph I do not like your sister...yet" she said licking her paws. Moonspark curled up on the makeshift bed below and smiled "Welcome to the family the way what's your moveset?". "Hmm let's see I use Snarl, Play Rough, and Payback" she grinned. "Wow you're pretty powerful, remind me not to get on your bad side" Moonspark laughed. Twilight chuckled "I wouldn't dream of hurting you" she purred. 

*Twilight used charm* (Super effective).

 Moonspark looked at her with dreamy eyes she sure was beautiful. Moonspark shook his head "Wait, how do you know charm?" he smiled. "Oh I don't... that was just an accident sorry" she purred. Moonspark went to sleep. Hmm this purrloin was strange but that was ok she was the friend he had been asking for and perhaps more than that?

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