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The morning sun flickered through the windows of the small mountainside cottage today was the day that Everest and her family would be moving once again. This time her mom told her that it would be the last time the family had to move but Everest knew her mom couldn't possibly know that for sure. "Good morning Everest, it's time to go. I see you packed your stuff last night" her mom said walking into the room. Her pink feelers pulled Everest out of bed and onto the soft floor of the cottage "Hurry up Everest we have to leave soon" she smiled before walking out. Everest yawned and stretched; she was annoyed they had to move again; she rather liked the calm peacefulness of the mountains. "Morning sis ready to go? Mom said that it's going to be a nice town not in the middle of nowhere like this place" Her sister smiled so wide Everest was surprised that Rosabelle didn't turn into a sylveon instead of a leafeon. "Yeah yeah it's the same as every move we always have to go somewhere new and just when you get used to it we have to move again" Everest groaned. "C'mon Eve it won't be that bad" Rosabelle started. Everest flashed her a glare only her dad had ever called her Eve. Rosabelle ducked her head lower "Sorry I forgot..." Everest shook her head "It's fine Rosie just don't do it again". "Hey! I told you to call me Belle. Rosie sounds childish!" Everest rolled her eyes "Fine Belle if that's what you prefer". Their mother was already outside grabbing bags and ready to walk down the mountain. "C'mon girls we have to get going if we plan to make it to the town by nightfall" The sylveon finished handing them each a bag to carry and began to walk. Everest looked at the cottage one last time before beginning the descent.

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