Part 3 - Chapter 4: A scream in the Night

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After the duel everything went quiet for a while... Aztec and Starshine were officially together and true to his promise Aztec stopped flirting with all the girls that were taken in Eevee Town though that didn't stop him from flirting with Starshine. Everest sat with Sonny outside staring at the beautiful night sky. They wanted to spend a little more time together before he went home. Everest stared at him "Listen Sonny about earlier I didn't mean to kiss you it was an accident". Sonny stared back at her "Don't worry about it Eve I will always love you besides that kiss was overdue anyway" he teased. Everest flinched at the sound of the nickname her dad used. "I'm sorry Everest I didn't mean to, it just slipped out" Sonny caught himself. "It's ok I'm sure you're curious about why I don't like it in the first place" Everest hung her head. Sonny nodded, waiting patiently for what she was going to say next. "My dad y'know the mon that left my family when I was younger he was always gone on adventures and I missed him a lot... I don't know why but I kinda had a feeling that he preferred me over Rosabelle so one thing he did was he always called me Eve he only ever used my full name when he was being serious. A few months later we got a letter at the time my mom didn't tell me who it was from, though I now know it was from Angel saying she quit Team Cold Water. And a few weeks after the letter came my mom found out that he died. There were a lot of other secrets he hid from us as well. I haven't told anyone anything from the day my mom died. I always said I didn't remember anything, but I did hear the charizard say something to her... She wouldn't give him something so he killed her. He wanted something my dad was hiding" Everest laid down in the grass. Sonny frowned and laid down next to her "Hey I know you probably are feeling blue right now but I wanted to say your not alone in this world no one is you might not know it but my life isn't perfect I hide my sadness and anger from you to see you smile it's what makes me know I'm not alone" he smiled.

Everest looked up at him "What are you talking about Sonny?". "Well you see I might seem like I have a perfect life but I don't... From the beginning of my life I've always wanted to be part of dad's team. I've always wanted to be just like him part of Team Shining. Although you may not know this, there's only one er two requirements of Team Shining being a high enough level and being a shiny pokemon. I am not shiny I spent all my arceus damn life training and trying to fucking please my father I even searched for 5 years of my life to find a fucking thunder stone because I thought being a jolteon would mean something to him. But his rules never even changed not even for his beloved son...Wisp had to be born shiny instead of me you don't know how much I wanted this" Sonny put his head in his paws. Everest gasped Sonny was right he hid all of his feelings she never would have even thought anything was wrong. She rubbed her head against his "I love you shiny or no shiny your perfect just the way you are Sonny". Sonny lifted his head up "I love you too". Everest smiled "Come with me I need to see something". Sonny got up "Um ok where are we going?". "Just c'mon I'd rather not talk about it" Everest smiled. After following her down the hill to a pile of ashes Sonny was confused. "Isn't this your old house?" Sonny looked around. "Yes it is, I need to see if my mother was really hiding something important or not" Everest walked around and looked for anything that seemed out of the ordinary. Suddenly a small clank was heard and Everest started digging through the ruble. She finally came back out holding something shiny in her paws. "What the-" Sonny started. "A key stone! My mom was hiding a key stone? But why sylveon's can't mega evolve so who can and who was she hiding it for?" Everest stared at it.

"It definitely looks like a key stone but for which pokemon maybe charizard after all that was the mon that attacked" Sonny stared at it. "It can't be it's to white and is that navy blue?... Wait it's absolite" Everest stared at the stone further. "What is your mom doing with an absol mega evolution key stone?" Sonny was confused. "Unless she did get this from my father in that case it must mean" Everest gasped. "What is it Everest?" Sonny got closer to her. "No time to explain I need to see Twilight right away!" Everest began to run to Phoenix's house. Sonny rolled his eyes and motioned for her to hop on his back. Everest smiled and got on before long they arrived. Everest slid off and knocked rapidly on the door. Moonspark opened the door with Twilight by his side "Ssh! You're gonna wake up Phoenix, and Starshine in case your wondering Aztec is staying at the guild" Moonspark whisper-yelled. Twilight smiled and walked out with him. "Twilight I need to ask you something, it's important" Everest looked at her. "What is it?" Twilight sat down. "First, how old were you when you left Dark Town?" Everest asked. "Oh I was 9 or 10 why?" Twilight cocked her head to the left. "Ok and could your mom mega evolve by any chance?" Everest looked at her. "Yes she did it quite frequently so much so she was rarely tired afterwards... Though I don't see how this has anything to do with age" Twilight frowned. "How long were you away from Dark Town?" Everest asked. "It took me about 3, maybe 4 years, quite a long time. I stayed in other towns or just hid in the forest for the most part" Twilight answered. "Is this by chance the key stone that belonged to your mother?" Everest held up the white and navy blue stone. Twilight looked it over for a second "Yes, I could recognize it anywhere it has a small chip in the side of it". "Everest what's going on?" Moonspark looked at her. "This is going to sound crazy but I think we need to talk to Obsidian," Everest replied. "Well then what are we waiting for?" Sonny said, getting ready to go. Finally the four reached Ninetale's guild and knocked on the door. Firestorm answered it "Looking for Obsidian? Hospital Ward door on the right number 4". "Huh that was convenient" Sonny chuckled.

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