Part 2 Spring: Chapter 1 - Family Issues

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Everest paced around the cafe looking to and fro Sonny told her he would take her out for dinner tonight and she was excited but also very nervous. Did he ask her out as a friend or hoping to become something more... Sonny finally showed up looking a little nervous as well. He had worn a tie for the occasion. "Hi Everest, pleasure to see you here sorry I'm late... I um wore a tie" he said, chuckling. Everest smiled "Nice to see you as well Sonny glad you finally showed up is there a reason you came so late". "Oh um my family got into a bit of a fight... My uncle Frost kind of got mad at my dad earlier and I wanted to help them stop and solve their argument... I almost got grounded so I had to come up with an excuse to go out so I wouldn't stand you up" he said nervously. Everest frowned "I'm sorry you had to lie to just so you wouldn't disappoint me. I could help my mom had some issues with my aunt in the past but I think they made up. I hope they did at least". Sonny put a paw on her shoulder "This date- I mean dinner isn't about me it's about you so we can go inside and have dinner I'll resolve my issues once I finish this fun evening I promised you" he smiled. Everest returned his smile "Thanks Sonny it's great to hang out with you too". She finished placing her head on his shoulder.
    As soon as she did she realized she might've been making a dumb move 'what if he didn't want to be her boyfriend or even her friend anymore such a stupid idea'. Sonny's mouth gaped open when he shut it; his cheeks were glowing bright red. He smiled "Let's go eat then I can confess what I came to say to you in the first place". Everest blushed "You invited me here to confess to me". "Oh well I didn't mean to say that part out loud but yes I wanted to ask if you wanted to be my girlfriend" Sonny smiled and hugged her. Everest hugged him back "Oh yeah well let's go in and eat". "Oh right forgot about that part, let's go". Everest walked into the cafe, her tail on Sonny's back. Everest gasped as she walked in looking at a shiny umbreon sitting at a table. "Moonspark is that you?! I can't believe you evolved and haven't told anyone yet!" she said trotting over. Sonny followed her "And who is this your sitting with Moonspark?". "Wow is that a purrloin I've never seen one in eevee town before where did she come from?!" Everest asked him. "Yes it's me and yes she's a shiny purrloin that I met from the night I evolved her name is Twilight isn't she just beautiful" Moonspark replied staring at Twilight. She smiled, staring back at him. "Aw thanks Moon you're very handsome yourself" Twilight purred. "How did you get here?" Everest asked her. "She was sent from Dark Town by my dad actually" Moonspark answered for her.

    "Really your dad Dusk?! Haven't seen him in quite a long time, is he alright?" Sonny asked. "I haven't seen him in awhile I just know that Twilight's mom was really good friends with him but I haven't told my mom about her yet if I do I know she's gonna think dad was cheating on her and I really don't want a fight to happen between them..." Moonspark replied. Twilight smiled "I'm sure you'll be able to tell her eventually I really like having you all to myself though personally". Moonspark smiled. "By the way, why did you leave Dark Town in the first place? What caused it?" Everest asked. "Where I lived with my mom it wasn't safe so me being her only child she wanted to protect me by sending me somewhere safe... Where I lived there were bad mons who would hurt people..." Twilight finished her voice sounding different than usual. Moonspark put a paw on her shoulder "I really hope our parents got out of there alright".

    "I'm sure they're fine, especially since most bad mons only attack young mons. Although I wonder where they are now..." Twilight finished. "Wait your saying Eevee Town is the only town that those bad mons haven't attacked yet?" Sonny said. "Well technically yes but my mom said it would be safe so hopefully they don't find this place it certainly took me a long time to find Eevee Town and unless anyone did something suspicious here I'm pretty sure it's safe" Twilight responded. Everest looked at her wide eyed "Like a black eyed charizard that killed my mother". "Wait, are you sure he was black eyed...? Don't worry though if the guild caught him then you have nothing to worry about" Twilight replied. "No I'm pretty sure he got away otherwise I would've killed him myself" Everest growled. "What in the world Moonspark I was looking everywhere for you and why are you out here so late! With her I bet you haven't told mom yet geez Moon what other secrets are you hiding!" A very angry shiny sylveon said coming into the cafe. "Wait, Starshine is that you! I didn't realize you evolved how and when!" Moonspark said surprised. "I evolved when I was with Rosabelle and Phoenix. Phoenix said that Thunder and Frost were fighting and asked if I wanted to help them break it up and resolve their differences since I was good at that stuff...So I went to Sonny's house and talked with Thunder and Frost and after they stopped fighting I suddenly evolved." Starshine finished.

    (Flashback) "Well maybe we could ask Starshine to help Thunder and Frost. I really don't want to see them fighting..." Rosabelle said sadly. "Yeah you're right it'd be a big help to Sonny so he could go on his date with Everest without having any issues" Phoenix replied. "Wait, Sonny asked Everest out and she didn't tell me!" Rosabelle said, hanging her head. "Aw don't worry Belle I think she just forgot to tell you... I think she was gonna Everest is a nice girl" Phoenix said, putting a paw on Rosabelle's shoulder. "No I don't think she would've Everest never tells me anything she used to talk to me all the time until dad died then she never spoke to me much after that I'm a complete stranger to my own sister" Rosabelle replied her ears pinned against her head. "It's ok let's take this one step at a time Belle, first we can help Thunder and Frost by going to get Starshine c'mon Belle I bet that'd make you feel better" Phoenix smiled at her. Rosabelle forced herself to smile "Ok c'mon Nix let's get going it's getting dark and Star definitely doesn't want to evolve into an umbreon". "Hey did you know that Moonspark evolved a few days ago. He's an umbreon now cool right" Phoenix said, trying to change the conversation about Everest. "Really? But didn't Coral say she didn't want any of her children to evolve into umbreons..." Rosabelle said. "Well Moon hasn't really been one to follow her rules... I wish he had a better relationship with her..." Phoenix replied.

    Rosabelle and Phoenix finally arrived at Phoenix's house and trotted inside "Star are you in here?" "Yeah I'm upstairs Nix why what's wrong" Starshine said running downstairs. "Oh we aren't in trouble or anything but we need your help Thunder and Frost have been fighting and we wanted you to help since you're good at that kind of stuff" Phoenix replied. "Oh sure I love helping people" Starshine smiled walking outside with Rosabelle and Phoenix. "Here we are; Sonny's house" Phoenix smiled knocking on the door. Mystic opened the door with wrinkles on her forehead "Oh hello Phoenix, Rosabelle, and Starshine what do I owe the pleasure". "We came to help your brother and your husband work out their argument" Rosabelle replied. "Oh that's wonderful well in that case right this way there upstairs" Mystic said trotting upstairs. A lot of shouting and angry voices could be heard coming from the sun room that Mystic loved to relax in though clearly since they now occupied it she wasn't very relaxed. Rosabelle looked in awe inside the sun room where a beautiful garden flowers lined the sides, a waterfall and pond were placed on the right side with magikarp swimming around in the pond. In the middle a floral gazebo sat with dream catchers hanging from the flower vines. Mystic noticed Rosabelle's curiosity "My father was a leafeon; he always said "No home is complete without flowers" so I built this room as a memento for myself whenever I got homesick...It's not very peaceful right now" Mystic frowned. Rosabelle gave her a smile. "Well then let's restore the peace".

    A few hours had passed and Thunder and Frost were looking a lot more calm then when they had started. Starshine smiled "Yes we did it!!" As soon as she said this her body began to change. She glittered and began to change shape. As soon as the sparkles and glowing had worn off

*Congratulations Starshine evolved into a sylveon!*

"Wow wow wow! I evolved I've always wanted to be a sylveon" Starshine gasped staring at her blue feelers. Rosabelle looked away for a brief second; she reminded her of her mom...

    (Present) "And that's how I evolved by helping people and resolving the argument" Starshine smiled at her brother. "Well I think umbreons are better anyway" Moonspark scoffed. "As do I" Twilight purred beside him. Moonspark smiled and put a paw over Twilight's shoulder. She purred and rubbed her head against his. "So are you two a thing? And is Twilight coming to school with us?" Everest asked, breaking the silence. Moonspark turned bright red "Well er- she's a close friend... I suppose we are kind of a thing- I mean I um...Yes?". Twilight giggled "I agree I mean we have been hanging out for quite sometime... But I could ask you and that jolteon the same thing just judging by the way you're standing so close together". Everest and Sonny blushed "Well technically yes we are together but we haven't been dating for that long" Sonny replied quickly. Everest nodded "I suppose Sonny's right but we are a thing in a way". Starshine stared at the four of them "Rosabelle's already mad at you Everest for going out with Sonny without telling her how do you think she'll take it when she finds out you're dating... And Moon mom doesn't even know about Twilight let alone your dating her. I have a feeling things aren't gonna go very well tomorrow". Starshine shook her head. "Star, just mind your own business for once I can date who I want mom just doesn't want me to turn out like dad" Moonspark said turning his back to her.

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