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Everest smiled today was a happy day for all the mons in town. Rosabelle helped brush out her fur and Twilight helped with a white gown. "Thanks girls you're the best" Everest smiled. "Anytime sis" Rosabelle grinned. Twilight smiled "This is going to be the best wedding ever! Well until I have my wedding with Moon that is". Everest laughed and hugged each of them. "So who's gonna walk you down the aisle?" Starshine asked, coming in with the veil. Everest frowned usually dads always walked their daughters down the aisle but her dad wasn't here. "I don't know," Everest said sadly. Suddenly a knock on the door could be heard and Wisp came in with Thunder, Blossom, Frost, Moonspark and Aztec. "Where's Phoenix?" Rosabelle asked, trying to fit into her dress. "Didn't you hear he's the best mon" Thunder replied. Rosabelle smiled "Oh right". Twilight looked at Moonspark in her dress "I'm the maid of honor". Moonspark grinned "You definitely look beautiful I'm sure your mom would agree". Twilight twirled in her dress and winked at him. Rosabelle smiled "And I'm the flower girl". "Well gals let's go, we have a wedding to get to" Starshine grinned. Everest frowned "I wish I had someone to give me away". Thunder walked up to her "Hey I may be Sonny's dad but I would love to help in any way I can besides if you're going to be my daughter in law I wouldn't mind in the slightest". Everest hugged him "You're the best". Thunder took her paw in his and began to lead her out the door. The girls had gotten in position for the wedding. Rosabelle skipped down the aisle throwing petals to and fro smiling. She finally reached the end and sat in the first row next to Blossom. Twilight grabbed onto Everest's train. Starshine grabbed the other side and both looked at one another for a brief second. Sonny stood in a tuxedo at the altar staring at Everest smiling widely. Phoenix gasped "Wow she sure is beautiful". Thunder let go of Everest's paw and took his seat next to Blossom in the first row. Starshine let go of Everet's train and took her seat next to Aztec. Twilight being the maid of honor followed Everest and stood beside her. Everest had a huge smile on her face and faced Sonny. The articuno which everyone in the town had nicknamed "Blizzard" stood before the two. "We are gathered here today to celebrate the union of these two wonderful mons who also happened to save the world" Blizzard smiled. "Do you Sonny take Everest to be your lawfully wedded wife?" she asked. "Yes, yes I do," Sonny grinned. "And Everest, do you take Sonny to be your lawfully wedded husband?" Blizzard asked. "Yes, yes I do," Everest smiled. "Then by the power vested in me I now pronounce you two husband and wife" Blizzard finished. Everyone clapped and cheered in the audience. "You may kiss the bride," the articuno smiled. Snow began to fall from the sky as Everest and Sonny embraced and kissed one another. Everest smiled and threw the bouquet into the crowd. Rosabelle jumped up and caught the flowers smiling at Phoenix. Phoenix blushed. After the ceremony the wedding party began. Everyone danced with one another while eating the ice cream cake Wisp had baked (with the help of Frost). Everest and Sonny stood outside of Ninetale's guild staring into the sunset. "It's a beautiful night tonight don't you think?" Everest smiled, pressing her body against Sonny. Sonny smiled and stroked her back "I agree I've never seen Eevee Town so lit up". "Ugh Eevee Town it sounds a bit exclusive..." Everest frowned. "What would you rather it be called Eve?" Sonny held her closer. "Eevee and Friends Town, I mean now other mons live here not just eeveelutions I think this change would be for the better...A new start for everyone not just us" Everest smiled gazing into Sonny's eyes. Sonny nodded "I agree that's a great idea we can have a new sign built and everything". The two held each other close under the dimly lit sky. Inside the guild in the nursery something was happening. Angel's egg began to shake and a small crack opened in it revealing a swirl of sparkles.


If you enjoyed the Eeveelutions and Friends adventures that's great because a sequel is coming featuring the same characters and their children! The title of the story will be: Eeveelutions the shiny vulpix look for that soon!

~ TheScarlettWasp ~

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