Part 3 - Chapter 3: Complicated Romance

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Everyone had begun to walk home after their long tour of the guild. "Bye, have a good night everyone!" Angel called standing outside with Firestorm by her side. Firestorm waved, said no more, and whispered something to Angel before walking back inside. "He seems odd to me. What do you think Sonny?" Everest said running to catch up with the jolteon. "Yeah but if Angel trusts him I don't think he's bad" Sonny smiled. Everest rolled her eyes "Not Firestorm him" she said motioning to Aztec. "Oh hehe right I mean if you're suspicious I am too" Sonny forced a smile. Aztec was now talking to Rosabelle and Phoenix didn't look too pleased. "So Belle, can I call you Belle? Doesn't matter I will anyway nonetheless what's a beautiful girl like you doing hanging around a fire type" Aztec chuckled. "Oh um Phoenix is a friend that's all" Rosabelle said sheepishly. Phoenix frowned 'A friend that's all she thinks of me as'. "So did you know Belle means beauty? It definitely suits you well, beautiful" Aztec said, looking at Rosabelle. Rosabelle blushed and looked away "Thanks Aztec that's nice of you". Aztec grinned and touched shoulders with her Rosabelle jerked away at the sudden movement. Phoenix stared at the two and noticed Rosabelle was uncomfortable. "Do you mind giving her some space dude?" Phoenix growled. "Relax, I'm sure she doesn't mind, otherwise she would've told me...Your comfortable right beautiful?" Aztec looked at Rosabelle with that same smirk. Rosabelle looked away "I really need to get home. Blossom might be worried". Aztec chuckled "See you tomorrow sweetheart" he said blowing a kiss. Rosabelle blushed and looked behind her. Everest trotted up to him "What do you think you're doing? She's obviously uncomfortable" she growled. "Relax beautiful I'm sure she likes it otherwise she would've said something I also noticed how pretty you looked this evening" Aztec grinned at her. Everest stared at him "Thanks but-" "No I'm serious your eyes sparkle like freshly fallen snow" Aztec interrupted. Everest couldn't help blushing. Sonny growled he did not like this guy.

    "So beautiful, what's your name? As you know I'm Aztec" Aztec chuckled, staring at her. "Everest" she replied. "Wow now that's pretty but I wouldn't expect anything less from you sweetheart, now I just need to think of a nickname for you" Aztec smirked. Everest frowned when she saw where this was going and it made her uncomfortable. "What's wrong beautiful don't worry one bit I wouldn't dream of hurting you" Aztec smiled. "That's not it I'm not afraid of you" Everest remarked. Aztec made a small gasp but didn't say anything afterwards he just sat there thinking. Starshine frowned, Aztec definitely had a thing for girls but she thought that what he had said to her was special. "I got it I'll call you Eve it matches your beauty and personality perfectly" Aztec's face curved into a smile. Everest didn't, instead she backed away from him and growled before turning tail and running off. Sonny growled too; he was annoyed that Aztec thought he could just act like this to every girl he met. "Why did you upset her?" Sonny found himself growling face to face with Aztec. "Relax dude it's not like she's not coming back she'll be back they all come back" Aztec chuckled. "That was my girlfriend!" Sonny practically spat at him. "Well clearly she would rather hang around a shiny anyway rather than a normal jolteon like you" Aztec smirked. Sonny growled "Stay away from my girl!". Aztec didn't budge "Say what you want you're not gonna tell me what to do Eve can choose who she'd rather date". Aztec trotted off and Sonny stood there growling before turning tail and walking back to his house. Without missing a beat Aztec had wound up next to Twilight. "I haven't seen a liepard before let alone a shiny you must be special sweetheart" Aztec grinned. Twilight smiled at him "Thanks Aztec right? I'm Twilight and this is my boyfriend Moonspark". Aztec frowned and stared at Moonspark. Moonspark chuckled and smirked "That's right so don't even try to flirt with her besides I doubt Dark Types are your thing anyway". Aztec gulped "You're a dark type?" he said, staring at Twilight. "You know it!" She purred rubbing against Moonspark.

    Aztec backed away and walked over to Starshine. "Hey Star, how are you doing? I missed chatting with you". Starshine frowned "It seemed you were pretty content with chatting with those three just fine". "Beautiful don't worry I like you the most" Aztec smiled. "It'd be a real shame if you were lying" Starshine let out a low growl. "Woah don't get snarky on me sweetheart you're dealing with the most powerful psychic in the forest" Aztec smirked. "Is that so? Then I challenge you to a duel" Starshine smirked back. "Oh beautiful, I was born ready. I accept your challenge but first an audience is needed. I say we do this tomorrow morning" Aztec smiled. "Ok and if I win you quit flirting with the girls in Eevee Town who have boyfriends and if you win well you can do whatever you please" Starshine smiled. "I agree to these terms" Aztec grinned. The next morning Everest awoke remembering what Starshine had told her. Rosabelle had a flower behind her ear and was standing in the doorway. "Everest you ok? I heard what happened with Aztec yesterday" Rosabelle said walking in. "I'm fine Rosie, I'm fine oh arceus I hope Sonny forgives me for blushing..." Everest frowned. "I'm sure he will, I have to apologize to Phoenix today. He seemed really upset yesterday..." Rosabelle replied. "Well let's get going we don't wanna miss Starshine kick Aztec's ass" Everest grinned. Rosabelle smiled "Let's go". Sonny and Phoenix stood outside the girls house waiting for them to come out. Everest opened the door "Oh my arceus! You scared me for a second... Although I wanted to apologize for what happened yesterday I didn't mean it Sonny you're the only guy I need and I won't forget again" she smiled and without thinking leaned in closer to him. "Everest I'm not mad at you I-" he was cut off, the feeling of her tail wrapping around his body sent shivers up his spine. Sonny was drawn to the feeling and pulled her closer, his eyes closed and for a brief second he had no cares in the world. Another feeling arose; the taste of her he didn't want to let go and neither did she. Everest felt her paws clutching onto him she didn't want this feeling to stop his fluffy tuft of fur was the soothing touch she craved. Rosabelle stood in the doorway watching the scene unfold "Uh guys we kinda need to get going hehe".

    Everest stopped and opened her eyes Sonny blushed his face was so red he looked as if he was going to faint. Phoenix stood next to Rosabelle smiling. "I'm so sorry I didn't mean to kiss you" Everest started. "Don't apologize Everest I love you" Sonny said, putting his paw over hers. Phoenix stared at Rosabelle "Listen Belle there's something I need to tell you...". "Wait Nix there's something I need to say. I wanted to apologize for what happened yesterday. I'm sorry if I upset you at all" Rosabelle smiled. Phoenix blushed "Well you see the reason I was angry is because *sigh* I've been too afraid to tell you how I really feel about you...About us I want to be more than just friends Rosabelle". Rosabelle's mouth hung open and her face was bright red "Phoenix I didn't notice how much you cared I love you too!" she smiled hugging him. Phoenix blushed harder and put his paws around her. "You're soft," Rosabelle laughed when she let go. "Let's get going guys I'm sure Moon and Twilight are waiting for us" Everest laughed. The two couples stood together and finally arrived at the town arena. The stands were empty except for Moonspark and Twilight on one side waving at them. Wisp, Blossom, Frost, Thunder, Angel, and Firestorm were also there. "Just to make sure this doesn't get out of hand" Frost winked. Everest, Sonny, Rosabelle, and Phoenix sat down next to Twilight. Below them Aztec and Starshine were waiting for the ok to begin fighting. Angel stood up "Ladies and Gentlemon it's time to begin the match. We have Starshine the shiny sylveon going against Aztec the shiny espeon now with further ado let the match commence!". Starshine smirked a smile that Aztec had never seen before. He wasn't going to let her have the first move.

*Aztec used zen headbutt*

Aztec rammed against Starshine harder than he had expected just as he thought she skidded backwards. But she didn't fall down.

*Starshine used charm*

Aztec stared at Starshine dreamly unable to snap out of whatever trance he was in. All he saw was Starshine moving towards him at a rapid pace he braced himself for what was coming next.

*Starshine used draining kiss*

Aztec felt something other than pain; he felt his lips moving in sync with hers and his body soften. Starshine gripped her feelers around his head and leaned in closer. The fight was over and it was clear who had won. When Starshine finally moved away Aztec smiled wide "Well I see who the winner is beautiful". "Oh do you now? Because I can't wait for my prize" Starshine let out a small chuckle. "I'm yours sweetheart," Aztec smirked back at her. "Just what I've always wanted," Starshine said, getting closer to him, her tail rubbing against his back. "I'm very confused about what just happened," Everest said wide-eyed, staring at the two. "Am I the only one who's uncomfortable by this" Phoenix replied. "Nope, not the only one," Moonspark said, trying to look away.

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