Part 2 - Chapter 2: Twilight's Dream

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Twilight walked back to Moonspark's house he seemed to like her but he hadn't even told his mother about his evolution hopefully she could still stay...Was it true what Moonspark had said at the cafe where they really a thing could she really have a boyfriend Eevee Town sure was going to take some getting used too. "Hey wait up!" She called to Moonspark. He stopped "Hey Twilight what is it?" He smiled at her. Twilight blushed Moonspark was her dream guy that was for sure.

 *Twilight used charm* (super effective).

Moonspark shook his head after an uncomfortable ten minutes staring dreamily at her. "Hey what was that for? I thought you didn't know how to use charm?" he said. Twilight sighed "Well you see I'm quite different then most pokemon. I can use Play Rough like most purrloins but I can also use charm... I don't know how or why but when I'm around others and I really like them or my happiness go up I tend to accidently use charm I can't control it and I really don't mean to... my mom wasn't sure why I could either it might just be because of my mindset but I could never figure it out I'm sorry Moonspark" Twilight replied shaking her head. Moonspark looked at her with those dreamy eyes of his and playfully hit her with his tail "It's alright I don't mind liking you more than I already do but I don't like feeling weak afterwards" he chuckled. Twilight smiled "So did you really mean what you said at the cafe? Am I your girlfriend?". Moonspark blushed "If you wanted to I'm not forcing you to do anything..." he chuckled.

    "Then I'd love to be a 'thing' with you Moon" she purred. Moonspark blushed harder "I'd love to be your boyfriend, pretty kitty". Twilight blushed and kept walking with Moonspark behind her. At last they had arrived back home like always Coral was in her room avoiding her kids... Strange Phoenix wasn't home yet 'I wonder what he's doing with Rosabelle' Moonspark thought to himself. Twilight smiled at him as they climbed the stairs. Moonspark curled up in the makeshift bed "Goodnight Twilight" he smiled up at her. Twilight smiled back "Goodnight Moonspark". She yawned and curled up on the bed. (Dream/Flashback) The sky above rumbled black fire rained down everywhere terrified dark types ran to and fro trying to get away from the chaos that was inevitable. "Twilight! Twi! Where are you!" An absol ran up to the purrloin. "Phew there you are it's alright things are going to be ok we're going to be safe here" the absol smiled from inside the house holding onto her daughter. A crash was heard and both absol and purrloin screamed as a granbull with black eyes tore open the door to their home. "Mom, what's going to happen?" Twilight said, staying close to her mother. "It's alright Twi we are going to be fine" although she could see the fear in her mother's eyes. The granbull's eyes had locked on the pair hiding in the corner and began to walk towards them. 

*Dusk used physic* 

An umbreon ran in front of them and his yellow spots began to glow and lift the granbull out of the house. "Go! Eclipse take Twilight away from here!" Dusk yelled at the absol. "I can't just leave you Dusk! You'll die!" Eclipse replied, running over to him. "I'll be fine protect Twilight, that's all that matters" Dusk yelled back. "I'm not leaving you Dusk!" Eclipse responded. 

*Eclipse used thunder* 

The granbull immediately fell back. "Eclipse you can't stay here there are more mons on their way I won't let you get hurt!" Dusk yelled at her. "I won't let you get hurt! Tell Twilight where to go she knows how to cover her tracks we will be a distraction... Besides there's mons everywhere I can't risk her getting hurt because a mon spotted me" Eclipse yelled back.

Dusk's eyes went wide and he nodded "Twilight me and your mother are going to cover for you ok? You need to get out of here as stealthy as possible... I want you to follow this map and go to Eevee Town ok? Don't worry, find my house. I circled it right here for you. Now go and hurry me and your mother will be ok don't worry about us" Dusk smiled at her giving her the map. Twilight nodded "I won't let you down mom". Eclipse smiled at her daughter "I know you won't". Twilight scampered off into the brush and into the forest clearing. She carefully placed each paw onto the grass so as to not leave much of an imprint. "Well look what we have here, a little dark type mon trying to escape town... In case you haven't noticed, sweetheart Dark Town is done for and every single mon here will die!" Said a voice around her. Twilight tried to look around where the voice was coming from. "You're wrong! My mom will triumph" Twilight growled. A gardevoir with black eyes fell down from the tree "We will see dear I haven't killed any dark types yet but I plan to start with you" the gardevoir smiled. Eclipse leapt out from the brush and tackled the gardevoir "Stay away from my daughter!" Eclipse growled. 

*Eclipse used steel claw* (super effective). 

The gardevoir panted and got back up "Well then I'll kill you first". Twilight sat still gasping at the sight. "Twilight go! Get out of here!" Eclipse yelled. Twilight nodded and began to run farther into the forest 'but I could help her' Twilight's mind told her. Twilight stopped abruptly and began to run back to help her mom. "Hold on mom I'm coming" she panted. 

*Gardevoir used moonblast* (super effective). 

"Mom!" Twilight screamed looking at the pink blast. The gardevoir began to turn and look around for Twilight. Twilight's eyes glistened with tears and she ran as fast as she could towards Eevee Town wherever that was...

(Present) Twilight woke up gasping and shaking her head. 

*Congratulations Twilight evolved into liepard!*.

 Moonspark woke up sleepily "Twilight are you ok? What's wrong?" he asked her. "No- nothing I'm fine... I evolved last night. Did you notice" Twilight panted trying to force a smile. Moonspark looked in awe at the maroon and yellow spotted liepard "Wow you sure did! But you're still just as pretty" Moonspark smiled. Twilight didn't smile back "Heh thanks Moon... Do you ever wonder about your dad?". "Oh um yeah all the time I miss him a lot. He was the only one in my family that actually understood me. I'm glad to have evolved into an umbreon... I can't wait to see him again" Moonspark smiled. "Did you ever think that anything could happen to your dad?" Twilight asked. "Yeah all the time but he's strong I'm sure he's fine, same with your mom y'know you did say they would be alright? Remember Twilight" Moonspark replied. "Oh yeah... Alright" Twilight answered, staring outside.

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