Part 3 - Chapter 2: All is Revealed

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"I am and that's the reason I fainted. Actually I didn't know that my dad had a sister, my mother never spoke about you he didn't either... I assumed Team Cold Water was just with some of his friends..." Everest forced herself to answer. "I'm not surprised that I never came up once in conversation. Trixie never liked me. I personally think she was jealous of another fairy type... Reef was all I had and when Trixie ordered me to go away he didn't say anything to stop me or even to say I could stay we normally argued but that time was when I was angry at him arceus knows what for at this point... I was terrified to live on my own again and one day I met Firestorm he was older then me and had already evolved but we hit it off right away we formed a new team; Team Ice Fire and it became more successful than Team Cold Water had ever been we ranked best team in every guild we stayed at until we decided it was time to find a place to settle down ourselves, so we founded our own guild and the Ninetale's guild will never push anyone away we will always welcome new teams to join no matter what" Angel finished. "You're our aunt?" Rosabelle remarked from behind her. "I didn't know he had two children... Or that he passed, how did you two get here anyway?" Angel asked the two. "We moved here with our mom and we are staying with our aunt Blossom right now since our mother's demise" Rosabelle replied sadly. Angel first began to smile but Firestorm nudged her so her grin was replaced with a frown. "That's terrible both your parents are dead hmm?" Angel asked. "Yes, yes they are," Everest replied. Blossom stared at Angel in disgust from the hallway. "What's wrong Blossom?" Rosabelle asked her, walking towards her. Blossom motioned for Rosabelle to follow her "I always had a good relationship with your mother but it's time I tell you why we went our separate ways" Blossom replied.

    "When we were younger, when you and Everest hadn't hatched or were eggs yet Reef, Trixie and I lived peacefully in a house by the beach... It would freeze over during the winters and that's when Reef found Angel she was about maybe 7-8 years younger than we were and he saw a hurt alolan vulpix in the snow. We took her in and nursed her back to health and Reef became her adopted brother... He saw how strong she was and formed a team with her. However, I was scared of an ice type living in my home and since I wanted one of you to become a leafeon I was worried for Trixie's future children as well... When she was pregnant I sat her down and explained the dangers of having a strong ice type in the house. Trixie didn't believe me. Until one day when Reef and Angel had been training and one of their brawls had gotten a little out of hand both thinking they could pin the other I knew she would never hurt him but I didn't want her at the house in the first place so I ran and got Trixie horrified she saw the monster I made sweet Angel out to be... She yelled at Angel and wanted her gone and later that night she left and I hadn't seen her again. Reef however found out that it was my fault in the first place for Angel's departure and got angry it wasn't because of Trixie I avoided the household it was because of Reef I miss my sister dearly and I have wanted to apologize to Angel for the longest time but every time I look at her I see the monster I pictured her as... She blames Trixie when I never told her the truth. It was my fault" Blossom frowned. Rosabelle stood there dumbfounded at what she had just heard. "I didn't know any of that it explains a lot actually but Angel seems so sweet I guess sometimes typing really can make a pokemon fear others". "But that's the thing I wanted your help, you like Phoenix meaning you pushed past the type boundary and I need help doing the same so I can apologize to Angel" Blossom replied. "Oh? I guess I could help you let's go back in though the others are probably wondering where we went" Rosabelle smiled and led Blossom back into the room. Inside they found Angel, Firestorm, Everest and Sonny chatting up a storm and laughing with one another. "Hey Belle Angel and Firestorm are really nice, you wanna join us?" Sonny said, running up to her. "Sure but first Blossom has something to say" Rosabelle smiled looking at Blossom.

    Angel turned to face her "Yes Blossom what's wrong?". *deep sigh* "Well I just wanted to say that it wasn't Trixie that thought you were dangerous... it was me, I put the idea into her head that since you're an ice type you're dangerous at first it because I generally thought you were some wild mon later I found out it was because I was the one that was scared of you... I deeply apologize and I hope you can forgive my actions if it makes you feel any better. Reef found out and got extremely mad at me he still cared for you" Blossom finished looking away. Firestorm growled and stood next to Angel. Angel however wasn't angry "I knew...I mean I could've guessed by the way you looked at me when we first met don't feel too bad about it I didn't belong with eeveelutions anyway I belong here with Firestorm" Angel replied rubbing against her husband. "How did you two meet anyway?" Phoenix asked, walking over to Rosabelle. "Well I was on my own in the woods and I must've taken a wrong turn because I seemed to be quite lost... A found a clearing and saw Firestorm we introduced ourselves and he asked if I had anywhere to stay I said no and he told me he would protect me and I could stay with him, he was already evolved I had yet to get on that level (though I was only one level away) and we trained together like I previously stated we formed a team and got stronger and stronger... one day I was tired of going from place to place and we created Ninetale's guild on the outskirts of Eevee Town we are ready to start a family and continue with our lives Reef or no Reef" Angel finished. "Wait, Angel you're pregnant!" Everest replied, running over to them. "Yep she sure is I can't wait to meet my daughter or son even if he or she's gonna be an egg for a while. We have the perfect place to raise him or her right here" Firestorm smiled for the first time they had been there. "That's fantastic good for you two" Sonny smiled walking closer to Everest. Moonspark and Twilight came rushing into the hospital ward with worried looks on their faces. "Somethings wrong with Obsidian," Twilight said. "Show me," Frost said with a serious look on his face. The group ran into the room where Obsidian was lying and he had a painful expression on his face. The group looked in horror as his fur tips began to change from magenta to purple, his claws half red and half purple, his magenta tuft streaked with black, and his bead half teal half yellow something was definitely wrong...This zoroark looked half shiny when the transformation had worn off. "What in the world!" Frost exclaimed a look of horror on his face. Thunder gave him a dirty look "I told you not to mess around with this type of stuff now look what happened!".

Frost took in     a deep breath "Well besides being part shiny I don't think anything else happened to Obsidian here". "Besides if you ask me he deserves it" Moonspark growled under his breath. "It doesn't look that bad...It actually looks kinda cool" Twilight gave a reassuring look. Obsidian looked at himself in a mirror and let out a chuckle "Now this is what I call awesome". Frost exhaled "Phew so you're not angry about it next time I'll make sure to use non-shiny blood for my cures...". Suddenly a knock on the door was heard Angel paused and motioned Firestorm to come with her. Everest and the rest of the group followed. In the main hall they found Coral standing next to the door. Angel put on a smile and opened it outside was a shiny espeon who looked out of breath. "Hello how may Ninetale's guild be of assistance to you sir or ma'am" Angel said. "My town it's under attack. I managed to escape without being followed. I need a place to stay" the espeon panted. "Oh and what town are you from sir?" Angel said her face was serious. The espeon didn't hesitate to walk inside. "I'm from Psychic Town... Everything is in chaos. I couldn't save her..." The espeon slowly said. "Sir, what do you mean by her?" Firestorm said from beside Angel. "My- Nevermind thank you for allowing me into your guild. I heard this is Eevee Town so if I may stay here" He finished. "Oh and what's your name?" Starshine asked, stepping forward. His eyes twinkled as he stared at her "Aztec my name is Aztec say what's your name beautiful?". "Starshine" Starshine blushed. "Your name is almost as beautiful as you are," Aztec chuckled. Starshine blushed harder and stepped back. Aztec looked around "Ah and who are your friends? I would like to get to know you all". "That's Everest the glaceon, Sonny the jolteon, Rosabelle the leafeon, my older brother Phoenix the flareon, my twin brother Moonspark the shiny umbreon, Wisp the shiny flareon, my aunt Blossom the shiny leafeon, Thunder the shiny jolteon (he's also Sonny and Wisp's dad), my mom Coral the shiny vaporeon, Twilight the shiny liepard, Angel the guild leader, and her husband Firestorm, Frost the shiny glaceon, and that's Obsidian although he's not exactly our friend" Starshine finished. "Well it's a pleasure to meet everyone," Aztec smiled.

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