Part 4 Autumn: Chapter 1 - The battle begins

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Everest looked around as the sun was beginning to rise and with that a new day had begun. Everest looked down Sonny was still carrying her and they had finally arrived at the guild. Everest carefully slid off and began to walk towards the front door. She prepared to knock but was interrupted by a loud shriek. Sonny looked at her with a confused look on his face. Everest knocked on the door but no one answered. The door began to slowly open and Firestorm leapt through it and ran past the two at a rapid pace. "What's going on?" Sonny yelled to him. Firestorm looked behind him but continued running. "He's headed in the direction house?" Sonny said, confused. "Well then I guess we can wait for him to come back" Everest said sitting down. Sonny tried to look inside the guild for any information but was knocked down by Blossom who looked to be in a hurry. "Blossom, what's going on?" Everest stared at her. Blossom didn't answer in her panicked state and finally Firestorm returned with Wisp following him. "Sis what's going on?" Sonny said frantically trying to get her attention. "Not now Sonny" Wisp said, pushing past her brother. Firestorm leapt over the two of them and ran inside. Blossom followed quickly behind them but forgot to close the door. Everest motioned to the open door "Shall we?". Sonny nodded "Let's see what's going on". Inside they found Thunder sitting in the main hall next to Obsidian both also looked just as confused as they did. "Hey dad, do you know what's going on?" Sonny asked, walking over to the bench. "No clue we were just checking in on the victreebel in the hospital ward when we heard the scream and the next thing I knew we were getting shooed out by Frost". Obsidian rolled his eyes "Whatever it is must be pretty important to clear everyone out of there". Everest cocked her head to the side and tried to listen. "You're not gonna be able to hear anything when the hospital doors are closed there soundproof". Thunder said, noticing Everest. Phoenix, Rosabelle, Moonspark, Twilight, Starshine, and Aztec were waiting outside the guild entrance. "What's going on? We heard a girl screaming" Aztec said confused.

"We have no idea no one's told us anything and I've never seen Firestorm in such a hurry" Everest replied. "Hmm, maybe it's another attack?" Twilight suggested. "It couldn't be otherwise they would let us help" Moonspark responded. "I got it, something probably went wrong with the victreebel. Perhaps he (or she) got loose somehow or the cure didn't work?" Phoenix commented. "Your right Nix that's probably why Frost needed help from Wisp" Rosabelle replied. Everyone laid down on the carpet in the main hall desperately waiting for any sign of what happened. Finally Blossom came out and the sweat on her face was a clear sign she was stressed. "Hey Aunt Blossom over here! We want to know why everyone was rushing around. Did something happen to the victreebel? Is everything all right?" Everest asked her. "Oh no, the victreebel is perfectly fine. The cure went great, we did it last night" Blossom replied. "Ok? Then what's going on? Did someone get hurt, did another shadow mon attack?" Moonspark asked. "Nope," Blossom replied. "Then what in the world is going on!" Sonny practically yelled. At that moment Frost walked out of the hospital ward with a smile on his face. "Why don't you see for yourselves?" He said ,motioning the group to follow him. Everest got up with the rest of her friends and closely followed Frost down the hallway to the hospital ward. The closer they got the more curious everyone began to wonder what really happened here. Frost knocked on the hospital ward door and cracked it so that whoever was in it could hear him. Wisp slowly opened the door and joined him outside. Frost pulled her aside and began whispering inaudible things to her. After their conversation Frost returned to his post near the door. "Is it a good time for visitors!" Frost called. Inside a whisper "yes" was heard and everyone patiently waited while Frost opened the door. Firestorm greeted them at the front "Hello everyone I'm sure you want to know what the fuss is all about this early in the morning". His eyes were tired and he began to lead them to a certain hospital bed.

Frost carefully pulled back the curtain to reveal Angel curled up around a very decorated nest. Everest cocked her head to see better. Upon further inspection Everest noticed a white and blue egg was cradled inside the nest. Angel also looked tired when she turned to face everyone. "I'm sorry for the anxiety I caused you all, yes the victreebel is fine, and no shadow mons have been spotted anywhere near Eevee Town since the attack...I just happened to go into labor very early in the morning. I truly apologize". All the girls immediately cooed and stepped closer to the egg. "When is he or she gonna hatch?" Everest asked, staring at it. "I'm not sure, usually it takes a few months but I can't wait to meet him or her. I've been waiting for quite a while so I guess I can wait a little longer" Angel smiled. "What are your name choices?" Twilight purred. "We definitely aren't that far ahead" Firestorm chuckled. Angel smiled up at him. Sonny looked at Everest and smiled; he couldn't wait for a family of his own. Moonspark smiled "Your egg is beautiful Angel". "Oh thank you so much Moon I thought so too" Angel grinned. Firestorm rolled his eyes "I was hoping it would be a normal vulpix like me". "I'm sure he or she will be just as handsome or beautiful as you two," Rosabelle smiled. Angel blushed "Thanks Belle I'm just glad that nightmare is over". Everest shifted uncomfortably and looked at Sonny "Psst Sonny do you mind talking for a second?". "Sure Everest what's up?" Sonny smiled. "I wanted to tell Angel about our suspicions but I don't want to bug her especially since she looks so happy right now" Everest frowned. "I get it but what you're gonna say is important though" Sonny gave her a reassuring smile. Everest nodded "Angel I have to tell you something". "What's wrong Everest?" Angel said, noticing Everest's face. *sigh* "Well you see I figured out that my dad was the cause of the corruption..." Everest started. "What do you mean?" Angel was focused now and she pushed herself up. "Well you know how every town he visited was corrupted soon after... I feel like there's a connection to him and the shadow mons. Especially since he died not long after the corruption had spread to nearly every town on the west side of the forest" Everest finished. Angel gave a slight nod "I see your suspicions and it's very brave of you to come clean about them" Angel added with a sympathetic look.

Firestorm frowned "What does this mean then?" "It means that those shadow mons are going to be back and when they do we have to be ready for it...Isn't it odd how only some mons are corrupted and the others are just left for dead? There has to be a pattern" Everest replied. Twilight nodded "The strongest mons are the corrupted ones otherwise there's no use for them in the army" her voice was different than her usual happy tone. Moonspark looked at her "Twilight are you ok?". "I'm fine but this war is no joke the mons that are sent to different towns don't go easy on you they only send the most powerful mons normally the ones that are strong against that specific town thankfully Eevee Town is so diverse so that means we don't have to worry about a specific type of mon attacking...But it also means we won't be prepared when they do" Twilight replied. "That's why we should get prepared. We need to be sure that we have enough cures to use for the mons we can save otherwise... Not everyone can be helped" Everest added. "I agree we know that Dusk and Eclipse are part of the army so go easy on them and do not engage. We need to use the cure on them...Unfortunately not all shadow mons will suffer the same fate" Rosabelle frowned. "Don't worry Belle we can save who we can and if it's a matter of life and death all of us come first" Phoenix replied. Starshine nodded "Well what are we waiting for any second we waste standing around the longer the shadow mons have time to prepare". "Let's make a plan of how we are going to do this," Aztec replied. "Angel and Firestorm you need to stay here to protect your egg. Team Shining will protect you...Frost start making cures for as many mons as you can" Sonny said. Firestorm nodded and stood closer to Angel. 

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