Part 2 - Chapter 4: The Moon and Stars

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Moonspark yawned and stretched today was the day he had to introduce Twilight to the class. But where was she? He looked on his bed but she was nowhere to be seen. He carefully trotted around the hall. Hopefully he found her before his mom did... He heard female voices coming from Starshine's room and went to go check it out. He peeked inside he; hadn't been in here in quite some time... Pink wallpaper, and heart everything covered the interior along with a mural of stars above her bed. He remembered that dad had painted it for her before he left (he had a similar mural with an umbreon sitting in a crescent moon) . To Moonspark's surprise Twilight was in fact here...With Starshine both girls were giggling and laughing about something he couldn't hear. "Well good morning Twilight are you ready to go to school?" Moonspark asked to break the silence. Twilight and Starshine looked at him and quieted down. "I came in here this morning because of an unnerving dream I had and not only did Starshine help me by listening and giving feedback she let me have this beautiful tail bow; It has stars on it" Twilight purred, noticing the confusion on Moonspark's face. "I heard from Phoenix that we're going to take a look at the guild today in class, I also heard from Phoenix that Team Shining caught a shadow zoroark last night" Moonspark remarked.

    "By the way Twilight do you know what mon your dad was? I've heard you murmuring about your mom the absol at night but you've never spoken about your dad" Moonspark asked her. "Oh I don't talk about him much because he left my family when I was just an egg but I've heard stories about him. He's a shiny Alolan persian...My mother loved him very much until he left us but he was supposedly kind and caring...My mom still wanted to think he just got lost in the woods or something and didn't leave us on purpose his name was Shadow I'm not sure if he was a bad mon or not but I can't find out anymore" Twilight shrugged. "Do you have any siblings?" Starshine asked from behind her. "I had a brother; an alolan meowth but he got attacked by a wild mon when he went wandering too far into the forest his name was Shade because my mom wanted to remember my father" Twilight said grooming her left paw. "Oh that's awful," Starshine replied. "Oh I don't really mind especially since I wasn't that old at the time" Twilight replied. Moonspark put a paw on her shoulder "Is that why you and your mom had such a close bond?". Twilight gave a small nod "Yes it's also why she was so overprotective of me...I've been worried about her and Dusk for who knows how long". "Well no need to dwell on the past for now we need to get going or we're gonna be late to class" Starshine said putting one of her feelers on Twilight's shoulder.

    "You're right let's go!" Moonspark said trotting downstairs. Twilight followed him with Starshine following her. "So you and Star have officially made up right?" Moonspark turned his head to ask her. "Yep we are pretty good friends" Twilight said playfully hitting Starshine with her tail. Phoenix yawned and trotted downstairs with a fire red bow tie around his neck. "Hey Moon, Star, wait for me!" He called to his siblings. "Wait, who is she? Why is a feline mon in our house... What if she's a thief!" Phoenix stopped. "She's a friend!" Moonspark and Starshine both chimed in. "And I'm a shiny liepard not a feline mon" Twilight said with a playful meow in her voice. "Besides, she just needs a place to stay. Dad sent her to live with us and she's my girlfriend now" Moonspark blushed. "Wait, Dusk sent her! How come you two never told me about this" Phoenix said surprised. "Well you are kinda the last mon in town to know about her, her name is Twilight" Starshine giggled. "Wait, did you say she's your girlfriend? That means; MY LITTLE BROTHER got a girlfriend BEFORE me!" Phoenix yelled. "Calm down I always knew I was better looking than you anyway" Moonspark chuckled. "Pitty I thought you asked Rosabelle last night" Starshine remarked. "Hey, keep out of my business with her, will you we're still friends, taking it slow before I ask her" Phoenix argued back. Starshine rolled her eyes "Y'know she like likes you right your just too torchic to ask her out". "I am not torchic wait did you say she actually likes me" Phoenix blushed.

    "C'mon slowpokes we're gonna be late" Moonspark called from outside. "Hey Sonny over here, come walk with us!" Phoenix called from across the street. Sonny, Everest, and Rosabelle turned and headed towards the opposite side of the street. "Hey Nix whatcha been up to? Sonny asked. "Not much just found out about a shiny liepard that's been living in my house for the past few weeks!" Phoenix answered. "Me and Everest found out a few days ago she's actually really nice" Sonny replied. "Speaking of Everest, how is she doing? Y'know from last night" Phoenix asked. "You can ask her yourself she has a few minor burns but the major ones were treated last night" Sonny replied. "Yep I'm fine, I was up all night though treating my burns so didn't get much sleep Sonny was with me the whole time" Everest replied rubbing her head against Sonny. Sonny blushed "Well I wanted Rosabelle to be able to sleep after all it was pretty traumatic she has never been in a fight before she actually offered to stay with you before I did but being the gentlemen I was, I was willing to take her place". Rosabelle nodded "I really can't thank either of you enough you saved my life". "What happened last night?" Twilight asked. "It's kinda a long story but for the most part a shadow zoroark attacked me and Rosabelle. Sonny, Everest, and Blossom came to save our hides...That mon was pretty powerful" Phoenix replied.

    "Well, it looks like we're here the school let's go in and explain to Mrs. Cora, who Twilight is, just don't mention the Dusk part..." Sonny remarked before walking inside. "Good morning class today as you all know today is the day we tour the guild to see if anyone wants to be an explorer or part of a team when they complete their studies here... Who is the liepard?" Mrs. Cora finished staring at Twilight. "I'm actually a shiny liepard ma'am and I've come from Dark Town to hide from the shadow mons who destroyed my home... I've actually been here for a few weeks already. I'm staying in Moon's room at the moment" Twilight replied. "Well I guess you can stay for however long you need" Mrs. Cora finished shaking her head. "Or forever" Moonspark whispered. Twilight giggled at his remark. "Well come on everyone please follow me to the guild and we can began our tour with Thunder" Mrs. Cora said walking outside. Sonny smiled "Hey Everest you can finally meet my dad properly". "Sounds good I've only ever met him when he saved my life" Everest replied frowning. Sonny put a paw on her shoulder "It wasn't your fault Everest". Everest smiled at him and began to walk out the door. Phoenix stared at the two of them and frowned, maybe he was to torchic to ask Rosabelle out... "Hey Nix, what's wrong? Rosabelle said from behind him. "Oh it's nothing I was just thinking about how I couldn't protect you last night Everest and Sonny were the ones that saved you" Phoenix frowned. "You're a hero in my eyes Phoenix" Rosabelle replied.

    As soon as everyone had gotten to the guild Mrs. Cora stopped everyone "I know this will sound silly but since this guild is a bit big I would like everyone to partner up so they can go with an individual guide". Sonny put his paw around Everest and she smiled, Moonspark lightly hit Twilight with his tail and she purred looking down at him, Phoenix smiled at Rosabelle. "Mrs. Cora can me, Phoenix, and Starshine be a group of three?" Rosabelle asked. Phoenix frowned there goes his alone time with Rosabelle. "Sure it would definitely be easier that way unless Starshine would like to go with me" Mrs. Cora replied. Starshine grimaced she wanted to let Phoenix and Rosabelle spend time together but she also didn't want to be the awkward student that just stayed with her mom... "I think I'll just join Rosabelle and Phoenix," Starshine replied. "Ok now a member of Team Shining will come and take one of the groups to show around" Mrs. Cora said. Thunder, Blossom, and Frost came out from the hallway and stared at everyone. "Welcome all to the guild we are Team Shining, one of the teams that has been here for years (and one of the only teams here)" Thunder said, stepping forward. "Sonny, Everest you can come with me" Thunder said motioning for them to follow him. "Rosabelle, Starshine, and Phoenix can come with me," Blossom said, walking down an opposite hallway. "And Moonspark and...the shiny liepard sorry hun didn't catch your name" Frost apologized. "Oh I'm Twilight nice to meet you Mr. Frost" Twilight purred. "You can call me Dr. Frost if you would like dear" Frost replied, motioning for them to follow him down another different hallway.

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