Part 3 Summer: Chapter 1 - Guild of secrets

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Thunder trotted along the hallway "By the way Sonny did you know that your sister; Wisp is now Frost's apprentice she's part of Team Shining now" He smiled. Sonny didn't smile back although Sonny loved his father there was only one requirement to be part of Team Shining; being shiny. If you weren't shiny then Team Shining would deny you to be part of the team... Sonny desperately wanted to be like his father but unfortunately Wisp was born a shiny instead of him. Sonny used to think if he could find a thunder stone then his dad would respect him more but no it was the same rules no exceptions. And no matter how hard he had pleaded the answer was still the same no. Everest noticed Sonny's disappointed look and put her tail on his back to let him know he wasn't alone. Sonny smiled the slightest bit at least he still had her and maybe they could make their own team when they got older. "Hey dad, didn't you say the shadow zoroark was here somewhere?" Sonny asked. "Well yes but that area is off limits Frost seems to think he found a cure but he needs Dark type blood to finish it." Thunder replied. "Uh don't you think it was odd that Frost chose Moonspark the shiny umbreon and Twilight the shiny liepard to go with him" Everest remarked. Thunder paused "Everest your right let's go to the medical ward and hope he isn't forcing them to give him blood... sometimes Frost's experiments can go wrong" Thunder replied running the opposite way. Everest tried to keep up but Sonny and Thunder were way faster than she was. Sonny slowed down and let her get on his back.

Blossom led the three around the guild pointing to different pictures and such. "So Blossom, who owns this guild I've only ever seen Team Shining here?" Starshine asked her. "Well that's actually a long story, follow me to the front to regroup and I'll show you" Blossom replied. Thunder finally stopped at two big double doors and went through staring at Frost, Twilight, Moonspark, and Wisp. "Hey dad! We're just explaining to Moonspark and his girlfriend Twilight the cure for the zoroark and how it works" Wisp said, waving. Sonny arrived not long after with Everest slipping off his back "Hey Sonny what brings you here?" Wisp asked. "Well we all came here to say that just because those two are Dark types doesn't make them donors ok?" Thunder said sternly. "Hey don't get your fur in a bunch we know we just asked if they'd be interested and Moon said he might be" Frost replied backing up. "Yeah if it'll help that zoroark then I'd be happy to help. I don't want him to suffer any more plus me and Twilight thought it'd be good to see if he knew anything about our parents right Twilight?" Moonspark responded. "Yeah I really am curious to see if he knows them since he is a Dark type" Twilight remarked. "Well this won't take long just put your left paw on this tack and we will have our result... The cure doesn't need much blood" Frost walked over to Moonspark holding a small tack. Moonspark pricked himself and dark red liquid seeped out and into a small vial. Frost took the vial to a testing part of the ward and poured the vial into a bigger tube that changed black. Frost proceeded to carry the larger vial towards the restrained zoroark and pour it into an open wound on his cheek. The zoroark jolted up the wound making a loud hissing sound. "Yeesh that sounds like it stings" Sonny remarked looking away. Finally the wound closed itself up so a small scar was the only thing left. The zoroark's eyes returned to normal and he breathed heavily.

Frost made a gesture to the rest of the group to step back as he slowly crept closer to the zoroark. "Sir I can imagine you are very confused, I am Dr. Frost and you are in a guild hospital in Eevee Town... You were consumed by shadow magic and couldn't control your own mind or actions. I found a cure and now you are back to your old self unfortunately Dark Town the town you came from is now in chaos and I recommend you reside here until further questioning and until the threat is neutralized... sir what is your name?." Frost finished giving a warm smile. The zoroark blinked twice trying to understand what he had just heard. "Obsidian" the zoroark replied in a gruff voice. "Well Obsidian we are happy to help you here... If you don't mind my two friends Twilight and Moonspark would like to ask you a few questions" Frost nodded towards the two sitting off to the side. "Wait, you're not an eevee... a liepard what is a liepard doing here... Twilight I recognize that name you're from Dark Town" Obsidian said more to himself. "Y-you know who I am?" Twilight said getting closer to him. "Yes I believe I do. I can't remember at the moment but your Eclipse's daughter yes?" he replied. "Yes I am, you know my mom!" Twilight practically jumped in the air. "I'm sorry for your loss. I didn't know Dusk had a child with her..." Obsidian remarked. "Wait what are you talking about?! My mom had me with Shadow not Dusk. She and Dusk were friends" Twilight said, confused. "Ah yes your mom has been- nevermind but her and Dusk have been wanting to be a couple for the longest time... Dusk went on a hiatus in Eevee Town one summer and met a beautiful vaporeon; he couldn't resist her beauty and settled down with her... One day he couldn't bear being without Eclipse and left his family all together. He stayed in Dark Town with your mother for the rest of his life as far as I know but say what you want sweetheart" Obsidian scoffed. "You can't be serious, my father would never cheat on my mother!" Moonspark growled from behind Twilight. "Oh but he did, I guess daddy dearest didn't love you enough to stay here in Eevee Town" Obsidian chuckled. Moonspark's eyes turned into slits and began to glow blue; his spots did as well; he growled and lunged at Obsidian. "You liar!" Moonspark yelled. Frost jumped in front of him knocking him to the ground "Moon that's enough!" Frost growled.

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