Part 2 - Chapter 3: Forest Fires

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    Phoenix blushed while walking with Rosabelle in the forest. Tonight was a beautiful night and he was planning on showing her some beautiful waterfalls around here. Rosabelle walked closer to him "So Nix um are we going to be there soon this place is kind of scary at night and Everest might get worried about me...". "It's ok Belle the waterfall is right around this corner it's so pretty at night" Phoenix smiled. Rosabelle smiled back "I guess you're right this walk has been quite relaxing" Rosabelle said staring at the trees. Phoenix picked up a flower "Your beautiful" he said putting it behind her ear. Rosabelle blushed "Thanks Nix this flower is really pretty". "Not as pretty as you are," Phoenix grinned. Rosabelle smiled and the next few minutes were quite the same; calm and peaceful with the occasional noise of a bug mon somewhere in the woods. "Do you think there are bad mons out here?" Rosabelle shivered. "I don't think so we're too close to Eevee Town besides the guild is somewhere near the edge of town anyway so if we do happen to find a bad mon or two they will hear us" Phoenix gave Rosabelle a reassuring grin. "I guess you're right Nix let's get back to our stroll" she smiled getting closer to him. Phoenix smiled "this sure is nice don't you think?". "I do hope we don't go too close to Grass Town... I've heard the mons there are pretty territorial" Rosabelle replied, still worrying about walking this far.

    "Aw don't worry you're a grass type they won't bug us if you're here" Phoenix smiled at her again. "I guess you're right again. I'm just so used to worrying all the time that's all" Rosabelle replied. "Well you shouldn't worry I'm here and I happen to be the most powerful fire type in Eevee Town" Phoenix said pridefully. "Uh but I thought Wisp was stronger than you?" Rosabelle snickered. Phoenix's smile faded "Yeah but she doesn't fight she does doctor-y things y'know besides I heard she's tryna join Team Shining when she gets a bit more experienced" Phoenix replied quickly. "Well if you say so" Rosabelle replied. "Hey so um are you and Everest gonna try and make up your siblings after all..." Phoenix asked. "Well I don't know we haven't been very close even when dad was alive she wasn't very happy to have a sibling that's all I know..." Rosabelle said sadly. "Well she's still your sister wouldn't want to end up like Blossom and Trixie now would you?" Phoenix replied. "What's wrong with my mother?" Rosabelle replied stiffening. "Well everyone knew Blossom for the longest time but she never told anyone in Eevee Town she had a sister or even a sibling for that matter... And I bet that's why Trixie never came to Eevee Town in the first place she wanted to avoid her sister, she only did so as a last resort and they never spoke" Phoenix finished.

    Rosabelle was uncomfortable; she knew what Phoenix was saying was true but she still refused to think her mom was one to hold a grudge. "What's wrong Belle? Did I say something that upset you" Phoenix said, putting a paw on her shoulder. "Well it's just that my mother was so sweet and kind to everyone I can't imagine her having a grudge against Blossom..." Rosabelle replied, her ears pinned against her head. "Well you could always ask Blossom why she might be bias but at least you know partially what happened" Phoenix started. "Your right Nix I could ask Blossom I doubt she wouldn't tell me besides Trixie's gone what more is there to hide?" Rosabelle nodded. "Thanks Phoenix for being such a good friend," Rosabelle smiled at him. "Your welcome Rosabelle hey look we're here the crystal waterfall it's called the crystal waterfall because of its always so clear and clean magikarp live here too I heard a Primarina lived here at one time too but no one has seen her in quite some time she's also known to attack visitors...So maybe it's for the better she's not here anymore" Phoenix chuckled. "I sure hope not, I'm very bad at fighting" Rosabelle replied.

    "It's so calm and peaceful around here I'm glad we came here" Rosabelle said sitting next to Phoenix on the grass. "Ssh do you hear that?" Phoenix said, cocking his head. "Hear what?" Rosabelle said her ears in the air. "It's coming from the waterfall..." Phoenix said, walking over to the water. Inside the water looked normal except for one thing the magikarp had disappeared. "That's weird where did they all go?" Phoenix said, peering into the pool of water. A rustle in the trees suddenly stopped the pair from saying anything else. Rosabelle walked over to the edge of the tree "Look Phoenix it's a little treecko you think it could be from Grass Town?" The tiny lizard-like pokemon stared at the two of them but something was off about it. "Hey, it's eyes are black..." Phoenix started. "Why would the evil possess a tiny treecko unless it's not a treecko?" Rosabelle said, still continuing to stare at the creature. The still unmoving creature stared at the pair with its blank dark eyed stare as if waiting for orders from someone else. "Perhaps it's a ditto?" Rosabelle remarked. "Rosabelle get back, that's no ditto, that's a zoroark in disguise!" Phoenix said, shoving her aside.

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