Part 4 - Chapter 3: The Final Battle

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Sonny smiled widely and hugged his friend. He stopped for a second and looked around. Everest was nowhere in sight. He finally saw her tail disappear around a corner. Sonny didn't know where she was heading but he knew one thing he had to follow her. He began to walk towards the direction he last saw her in but Thunder stopped him. "Sonny, we need you here," Thunder said in a gruff tone. Sonny looked at his father and frowned. Sonny managed to look ahead of him and saw darkness even if it was daytime the black clouds ahead caught his eye. "Those aren't clouds" Dusk growled and got back up. "It's a whole army of shadow mons" Eclipse finished. Twilight looked at Moonspark and nodded. Rosabelle looked at Phoenix "Well what are we waiting for?" He looked at her. "What about Everest wherever she is?" Rosabelle started. Frost shook his head "I don't know where she ran off to but we need all the help we can get to finish this fight". Wisp stood by his side "I'll help Frost with the antidotes you guys cover us". Frost gave a small nod "We need all paws on deck". Starshine and Aztec trotted over to the crowd "We won't sit by and watch either" Starshine remarked. Aztec stepped back "Well Star I need to tell you the truth about something...I may be a powerful psychic type but I can't fight" he whispered the last part. "What do you mean?" Starshine looked at him, her eyes narrowed. "Well I kept telling everyone that I could fight and I trained hard back in psychic town but when the shadow mons attacked something happened...I could no longer fight and the fight or flee instincts in me just kicked in. I ended up running away from every mon I ever loved, including my girlfriend. I let her die Star I didn't look back I was the only mon from psychic town that escaped that day because of my stupid instincts I don't think I'm ready for this" Aztec frowned. "Aztec if you think you're brave you are the bravest mon in town, if you think you're powerful you're as powerful as you feel, you can do this even if you don't know it at first you just need to believe in yourself" Starshine gave him a warm smile. Aztec's gem glowed brighter and he looked at Starshine "You're right I can do this I won't let any of you down" he said confidently. Starshine smiled at him "Then let's do this". Aztec gave a small nod. Blossom looked behind her at Obsidian walking towards them. "I have some unfinished business with the shadow mons they killed my family and I won't hesitate to get revenge" he growled. "Wow Obsidian I never thought you would help us" Moonspark laughed. "I'm not doing it for you I'm doing it for my daughter Moonsparkle" Obsidian gave the same smug grin. Moonspark gave a hint of annoyance but didn't say anything. Sonny stared at the way Everest went once more and stared at his father. Thunder looked at him "If you want to do good you will stay put and help the rest of us" Thunder growled. "Let the kid follow his girl who knows maybe he'll save her" Obsidian remarked. Everyone turned and looked at Obsidian, obviously surprised by his tone. He was normally so rude but that comment was just sad. Thunder gave a small nod "Go to her". Sonny gave a small smile and ran off at a rather quick pace.

"Remember everyone don't try to kill unless it's absolutely necessary" Frost reminded. "No promises," Obsidian smirked. "Obsidian, the reason you're alive today is because we didn't want to kill you" Rosabelle reminded him. Obsidian frowned *sigh* "I'll try my best not to kill but I won't promise anything". "Good," Phoenix replied. The closer the dark clouds got the easier it was to make out the different mons. "Ugh I don't mean to alarm anyone but those are dittos-" Moonspark stepped back. "Well we need to get those out of the way first or else we might lose track of who's who" Twilight growled. "Yeah well dittos aren't the only mons that can make illusions" Obsidian replied. And just as Obsidian stated, more Zorua and Zoroark could be seen with black eyes. "I don't know who controls these guys but whoever does ain't dumb that's for sure" Aztec gulped. "Well look for the Zoroark that's part shiny in the least" Obsidian stated. Everyone nodded that was one way to tell who was who. "We should all have a code word in case something goes wrong," Rosabelle suggested. Phoenix nodded "Belle's right let's try to think of something and fast". "What about um 'Eeveelutions'?" Starshine suggested. "Good that's what you can say if you lose one another in this crowd" Eclipse smiled.

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