Part 4 - Chapter 2: Family Reunions

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Everyone was getting ready for an all out attack on the shadow mons when suddenly they heard a scream coming from the pokemon center. Sonny gasped "Mom!". He didn't even wait for Everest before zooming off. Everest tried to keep up but she had never seen him run so fast. Sonny finally halted to a stop in front of the pokemon center. Thunder joined him not long after. Everest finally arrived out of breath to say the least. Sonny gulped and walked towards the front entrance. Wisp joined Thunder outside. "What happened I heard mom scream" Wisp panted. "I don't know, I think it's another attack" Thunder frowned. "Mom I'm coming in, I hope you're ok" Sonny said sadly. The blood in the reception gave him a different feeling. "Whoever was in here had a very bad day" Everest shivered walking inside. The lights were off, and everything was jet black. Sonny wanted to turn them back on but something inside him didn't want to see the blood among other things hidden in the dark. A bright yellow glow made him turn around. "Dad is that you" Sonny shivered looking around. The glow disappeared as fast as it had come and the only thing left was the utter darkness. "I don't know about you but that glow was a little more reassuring than pitch black" Everest breathed. Sonny nodded, still worried about his mother. A thud was heard and made the two look behind them. The only thing that was noticeable at this point was white; white fur. Sonny cocked his head to the side to see better. "Sir or ma'am please step into the light" Sonny gulped. The figure didn't answer. Everest growled and her crystal glowed brighter revealing an absol with jet black eyes watching the two. Sonny stepped back "What did you do to my mother". Though the red tinge on the absol's pearl-y white fur gave all the evidence they needed to come to a conclusion. "You didn't," Sonny growled. The absol stared at the pair blankly for a few seconds before disappearing into the darkness once more. "It's getting away!" Everest growled running up the stairs. "Wait Everest!" Sonny yelled. The higher she climbed the more wet her paws felt. Everest lit up her crystal once more and noticed the wetness was blood and a lot of it at that. Everest noticed she was at the top of the stairs and found herself walking down a hallway the higher she went the darker it was. Everest breathed slowly as she came to a stop at one of the doors. This was the office part of the building and the door she stood in front of read a familiar name. Dr. Mystic PMD Everest found her mouth wide open but no sound came out. This door had the largest amount of blood below it and she was far too scared to open the door. "Everest" a familiar voice made her jump. Sonny looked at her "Ssh it's ok it's just me". Everest panted from her fright but managed to nod. Sonny looked at the door too but managed to grasp the handle and push it open. The inside of the room was a complete mess almost as if the mon who did this was looking for something. Everything torn apart or trashed the floor was coated in a thick layer of fur. And laying underneath the desk was a mangled body of what was Mystic. Sonny gasped and tears filled his eyes but that wasn't what caught Everest's attention. On the wall clear as crystal were the words; Trap. Everest gasped and ran back out of the room the sun had begun to set the perfect cover for a dark type. Sonny looked at her "T-trap w-what does that mean?". Everest thought for a moment. She looked around and realized something: "The key stone!" Everest gasped.

    Sonny looked at her and despite him wanting to mourn for his mother there were more important things to worry about or more mons could lose their moms. Tears trickled down his face and he stifled back a sob but wiped his face dry when they were back in the moonlight. Phoenix walked over to his side "I'm so sorry Sonny" he frowned. Sonny gave a slight nod "Well now we have one more thing in common". Phoenix managed a smile and followed him. Rosabelle trotted after Everest "Everest what's wrong?". "It's the key stone I swear I had it I must've dropped it when I was trying to keep up with Sonny ugh I'm such a dumb ass" Everest shook her head in anger. Rosabelle put a paw on her shoulder "It's not your fault Everest you didn't mean to besides what's so wrong with another mon finding the absolite". "Because the mon looking for the absolite is an absol" Everest groaned. Moonspark and Twilight were next to her in an instant. "Did you say absol?" Twilight frowned. "Yeah I did and it's going to find the key stone before we do" Everest growled. Twilight looked at Moonspark and they each exchanged glances. "Mom," Twilight mumbled, trying to keep up with Everest. Starshine ran faster "If it is an absol I can handle it even mega dark types can't compete with a fairy". "You said it," Aztec smiled back at her. Twilight flinched at the mention and remembered what Phoenix had said "...If it's a matter of life and death all of us come first". Twilight looked at Moonspark but he just frowned "I don't know if there's anything we can do especially if she's mega evolved". Twilight shook her head "Yeah of course if it's gonna save lots of mons then sure". "Don't worry Twi, we'll try our best to avoid hurting her" Moonspark smiled. Twilight winced at the mention of her mom's nickname. The group ran faster and faster to find Eclipse before it was too late. "Here's the thing since absol's have poor defense standards, hopefully she won't be too hard to defeat so don't worry Twilight we won't try to kill unless we have to" Everest gave Twilight a reassuring smile. Twilight forced a smile "I hope you're right" she whispered.

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