Part 1 - Chapter 2: Monsters

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Everest woke up early the next morning and began getting ready. She stared at the scarf and remembered the day her dad gave it to her. (Flashback) "Happy hatchday Eve sweetie your getting so big I figured today is the day you can choose if you want to evolve or not" Reef the vaporeon smiled at the little eevee. "Oh Reef darling your back from your adventure just in time" Trixie the sylveon replied kissing her husband on the cheek. "I have a very special gift for you Everest" Reef looked his daughter in the eyes. "Yay!" Everest squealed, hugging her father. Trixie walked out of the bedroom carrying Rosabelle with her feelers "I think you can give Eve her gift now" She smiled. Reef picked up a small box and opened it revealing a sparkling blue rock. "Ooo pretty" Everest giggled looking at the rock. "Not just pretty Eve, it's an evolution stone. Go on touch it I'm sure you'll like what happens when you do" Reef smiled. Everest reached for the stone and immediately her body began to change into a glaceon

*Congratulations Everest evolved into a glaceon!*

Everest giggled and looked at herself in the mirror "I'm so pretty" she said hugging her father "I love you dad" she finished. Reef smiled and bent down untying his scarf and put it around Everest "When you're old enough you can join me on Team Cold Water" he smiled. Everest looked at the scarf and smiled hugging her father once more. "I have to go now but I couldn't miss my little girl's hatchday," he replied, kissing her on the forehead. Everest held out the scarf for him to take for his adventure but Reef shook his head "It's another present from me to you" he smiled. Everest giggled and began to show her mom her new features. Reef walked out of the cottage "Goodbye everyone I'll be back soon this is my last task I promise" he said facing his family and trotting off. Everest shook her head and clutched the scarf close to her. A tear trickled down her fur and she realized she was crying. "I miss you dad," she muttered.

"C'mon Everest we're gonna be late" Rosabelle peeked her head around the corner. Her smile faded into a frown "Everest what's wrong?" Rosabelle said, staring at her sister. "It's nothing Belle c'mon let's get going you wouldn't understand..." Everest replied. "It's about dad isn't it... I wish I knew him better" Rosabelle replied sadly putting her head between her paws. Everest shook off the comment and kept walking "C'mon let's just go" she replied jumping through the doorway. She smashed into Sonny who was standing outside her door "Hey Everest... I wanted to hang out yesterday but it got dark and well I figured I'd walk you to school" he smiled up at her. "Um thanks..." Everest nodded to Rosabelle who came out of the door next. "Hey Sunshine! And Everest and Rosabelle" Phoenix yelled from across the street with Moonspark and Starshine by his side. "Hey Nix! Wanna walk with us to class?" Sonny grinned at his friend. "Sure," Phoenix replied. Starshine walked over to Rosabelle "I got Charm right last night I kept practicing!" she grinned. Moonspark rolled his eyes "She used it on me when I told her she had to pack her own lunch". Rosabelle giggled "I use it on my sister when I want to get out of doing chores... It doesn't work very well though". Finally they arrived at school and walked into the classroom. "Good morning class, I have an announcement to make: Since Wisp is far too old to join us in our class anymore she's going to stay with her mother as an intern in the pokemon center" Mrs. Cora said. "Alright Wisp!" Sonny chanted at his sister.

Wisp blushed and nodded "Thanks Sonny I've always wanted to be a doctor, now I can finally practice!". Wisp slowly trotted out of the classroom and smiled as she collected her belongings. "Our mom works at the pokemon center, she's a sylveon if you see her say hi for us" Rosabelle grinned at Wisp before taking her seat. "Alright everyone, today we are going to practice charged attacks. First, what are everyone's movesets so I know what we are dealing with" Mrs. Cora replied. "My moveset is: Water Gun, Hydro Pump, and Aqua Tail" Mrs. Cora finished and then pointed her tail at Sonny "My moveset is: Volt Switch, Thunder, and Discharge" he replied. She did the same to Phoenix. "Ember, Flamethrower, and Overheat" Phoenix replied. "You?" Mrs. Cora said pointing at Everest. "I use Ice Shard, Avalanche, and Water Pulse" she replied. Mrs. Cora pointed her tail at Rosabelle "I'm not that experienced but I use; Charm, Energy Ball, and Leaf Blade" Rosabelle replied. Mrs. Cora pointed her tail at Starshine "I know you're an eevee but your moveset will give us a chance to see what you may evolve into". "In that case I use Charm, Moonblast, and Psyshock... Dr. Mist taught me Psyshock when I was over at Sonny's" she replied. "That's good! You'll be a great espeon (or sylveon)" Mrs. Cora whispered. "Now Moonspark what's your moveset?" Mrs. Cora asked. "I use Snarl, Dark Pulse, and Psychic... I also learned it from Mystic" he chuckled.

"Well let's hope you both don't become an espeon even though your twins" Mrs. Cora laughed in a joking manner. "Mrs. Cora you never told us who your husband was... What eeveelution is he?" Everest asked her. "Well he's dark and tall, he's a umbreon and very handsome but unfortunately he disappeared one night and I haven't seen him since..." her voice trailed off. Phoenix stared at his mom "I'm sure he'll come back right mom?". Coral looked uncomfortable "Well you see... Y'know what class dismissed good afternoon everyone" she replied walking past everyone out the door. Phoenix laid his head in his paws "I didn't mean to upset her". Everest walked over "It's ok Phoenix I'm sure she's not mad at you if anything it's my fault that she left I'm sorry" she said her ears laid back. The sky began to get cloudy and everyone parted ways. "Hey Everest you don't mind if I walk you and Rosabelle home do you? Wisp isn't here today" Sonny asked trailing behind the two. "It's alright Sonny I wouldn't want to keep you from your family besides Rosabelle wanted to stay at Phoenix's place with Starshine for a little bit before coming home. I'll just relax, mom should be home by now" Everest replied. Sonny nodded "Sure thing I gotta go see my mom at work anyway bye Everest, bye Rosabelle". "Bye Sonny!" Rosabelle called.

Everest hummed as she trotted along the path back to her house the clouds began to darken and Everest realized it was smoke not clouds...Everest ran to her house and saw it up in flames. Her mom Trixie the sylveon was standing in the middle of it yelling at a charizard. "I'll never tell you where it is, you'll have to kill me you monster!" she yelled. 

*Trixie used moonblast* (Not very effective) 

"Oh that can be arranged Trixie but first I'll destroy everything and everyone you care about" he chuckled not flinching from the giant pink blast.. 

*Charizard used fire blast* 

A huge burst of fire came out from the charizard's mouth and lit the house ablaze and threw Trixie to the corner. "Mom!" Everest yelled running into the house fire or no fire she planned on getting her mom out of there. The charizard turned his head to see Team Shining show up below him and immediately flew away; he would come back another day. "That's right you better run!" Thunder Sonny's dad growled below. Everest was planning on water pulsing that bitch but he flew away before she had the chance. She groaned as the flames spread throughout the house. "Hold on there's someone in the house" Frost called to the rest of his team. Blossom sobbed burying her head in her paws hoping that the survivor was her sister. "It's alright Blossom we'll get 'er out" Thunder said putting a paw on her shoulder. Thunder ran inside the burning house and dragged Everest out coughing. "Everest!" Sonny yelled from behind his dad. "We'll have to take her to the guild for some recovery and some questioning," Frost sighed.

Blossom sobbed harder "Trixie no!". Frost put a paw on his friend's shoulder and hugged her "It's alright she's in a better place now just be thankful we got your niece out of there alive" he finished. Blossom nodded "Rosabelle and Everest can stay with me since Trixie is-" she paused but couldn't bring herself to say the words of what had happened to her sister. Everest groaned and woke up in an unfamiliar place. The lights were dim and she appeared to be in a hospital type bed. A shiny glaceon walked over to her "Hi Everest I'm Dr. Frost you can call me Frost though I'm your aunt's best friend too... You might want to recover a little more before I tell you what happened to your mother" he said, his ears folding down.

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