[ 002 ]

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⤿ June 20th, 2020

"So how is the move treating you Bri?" The girl looked up from where she was sitting when she heard her best friend's voice. While the girl had a hard time interacting with people in real life she had always been great at doing so over the internet. She didn't know why but there was a huge difference in her mind and she liked that she had the ability to pick and chose who she interacted with online.

"Meh," Brianna shrugged slightly and looked up to see Will sitting at his desk, staring at her as if he wanted a larger response. Brianna knew that he was planning on doing a stream soon but she had also wanted to take the time to harass her best friend who was her day one. "It's alright. The apartment is nice and the area is decent. Haven't been mugged yet." She pointed out which made Will laugh lightly at the way the girl thought about things.

"So proud." He told her, happy that she hadn't been mugged yet. Will knew that the five foot five girl could defend herself but she probably would just stare at the person mugging her due to the fact that Brianna carried practically nothing on her and was a broke nineteen year old who'd dropped out of her English major in college. "Have you met your neighbors yet or do you plan on being a gremlin and never talking to them?" He questioned the girl before he took a sip of his orange juice.

"I met one of them." Brianna said as she thought back to the man who lived next door. She hadn't left her house since the interaction but her mind had wondered back to him once or twice as she thought about the idea of hanging out with him. "He's weird." She decided and Will raised his eyebrows slightly.

"I'm sure he is."

"He wants to hang out." Brianna waves her hands in the air as if it was the craziest thing to expect and Will laughs lightly.

"Wow," Will says with a grin across his face as Brianna lays back against her bed frame, her long dark hair falling around her in messy waves as she pulls it from the braids that it had been in previously. "The neighbor wants to hang out with you, who just moved in." He laughs as Brianna flips him off, rolling her eyes at how he being. "How scandalous."

"I hate you." Brianna informs the man with a sarcastic smile and he gives her an innocent smile. She returns it with a glare which makes him roll his eyes.

"Maybe give it a try." Will says, trying to get the girl to socialize in real life for the first time in what was forever. It had taken a whole week for him to try and convince her to have a sit down with the buildings manager to make sure that she could stream but it happened. Will had that talent and the ability to make Brianna listen for at least a few seconds.

"He seems like that loud annoying type of person." Brianna informed her best friend, trying to convince him that the socialization wasn't worth it and Will shakes his head. "Very opinionated." She adds and Will can't help but let out a small laugh at how the dark haired girl was saying that someone else was opinionated.

"Says the most opinionated girl I've ever met." Will laughs and Brianna shoots him another glare as she pulls her laptop which was covered in stickers into her lap.

"Shut." She tells him and Will grins as he looks back to his setup, messing with his stream settings because he knows that Brianna will be a guest star on his stream and he knows his viewers will be very active due to the fact that most people love her online personality.

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