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⤿ November 4th, 2020

Brianna had run out of food but she didn't see that as a problem. When she had come home from England she knew that most of the food that had been in her frigid was now bad and she had also known that she had the money to just doordash but her jig was up when John started to realize that food was being dropped off every meal. When he had called her out on this she simply responded that she needed food and John, loving her cooking, offered she could use his kitchen. But she had taken advantage of that rather quickly.

"Princess," John said one morning when he found the girl dancing around in his kitchen making some form of breakfast. She had was lost in her own world as she cooked the eggs for the two of them. "Bri," His voice came to her then and she turned, his voice was deeper and much more raspier then she was used to. "Good morning sweetheart," He muttered tiredly as he rested his head on Brianna's shoulder, closing his eyes as he hugged her from behind.

Brianna's next movements were careful as she lightly touched the smooth fake marble counter in front of her, feeling her face grow warm from the mixture of his touch and his early morning voice. She closed her eyes and took a silent deep breath, knowing there was no need to get flustered or overwhelmed. When she opened her eyes she felt like herself again.

"Good morning J," Brianna hummed as she turned the stove off once she saw that the eggs she had been making were finished. She had made enough for the two of them and as they cooled down she could feel John's grip on her tighten just so slightly. "I made breakfast," She told the man and he smiled a little into her neck as he kissed her lightly.

"You have been," He commented and Brianna rolled her eyes, moving the eggs from the pan onto two different plates. She knew her way around his kitchen now, at this point it had become crazy how they knew each other's apartments so well. It was almost like they were living with each other thanks to how much time they spent with each other and never seemed to tire of the other. "But thank you princess." John muttered into the girls neck, his breath hot against her neck.

"We need more food," Brianna stated quietly, her mind racing as she stayed close to John, the food she had made now cooling off on the two plates she had taken out. John laughed a little under his breath before he took a step back and Brianna felt a breath leave her lips, a breath that she didn't know that she had been holding. She watched as John grabbed a plate then headed to the table and sat down.

"Agreed," John said as Brianna picked up her plate and crossed the room as well, going to sit in the chair across from John. The two smiled a little and Brianna took a sip of the glass of water that she had gotten earlier. "But I have a whole snack right here." He said as Brianna took a sip of her water and Brianna could feel her face warm up as she reverted her eyes down to the plate of eggs.

"Oh fuck off." Brianna laughed lightly, picking up her fork and taking a bite without looking up at John again. This only caused John to tilt his head, a small playful grin appearing on his face as he knew he had flustered the girl.

"I'm joking," John said and Brianna shook her head a little, taking another bite before looking up at him. She gave him the finger then took another bite as he began to eat his food as well. "Want to go to Walmart or something after we eat?" He suggested and Brianna smiled brightly as she looked at John.

"Yeah but I'm driving." Brianna informed the man and he rolled his eyes jokingly, knowing that Brianna loved to drive but also aware that she was horrible at following road laws.

"Alright," He laughed nonetheless because he just wanted to see Brianna happy and the grin that appeared on her face was one that he loved no matter what. "Just don't crash." John said and Brianna laughed a little before taking a sip of water.

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