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⤿ August 16th, 2020

Brianna stood by her front door, dressed in only a large tee shirt for a band from the early 2000s and a pair of shorts, although it looked as if the shirt was actually a dress. She stared at her front door as if it would answer the question of if she should go out of it or not. The most she had done in the recent days was going to her front door to grab the food that was dropped off by delivery people and stream to her followers. Meaning she'd been living without really leaving her apartment for ten days in order to try and avoid John.

A knock made Brianna pull her head off of the door with a confused frown on her face. She had not been expecting any guests and had not ordered any food so that meant it wasn't that. She stood up straight and looked through the peephole on her door, her eyes widening at the sight of John standing outside of her door, playing on his phone.

"Hey," Brianna opened her door and looked at the man who was much taller then her. She stared at him and it was her first time seeing her neighbor dressed in such casual comfy clothes, looking as if he just woke up. He was dressed in gray sweats with a black tshirt on and messy hair. It was at that moment that Brianna could agree that the gray sweatpants effect was real but she stayed quiet.

"Hey," He smiled at Brianna, also silently admiring the girl because he hadn't seen her in days and while she was clearly dressed just as lazily as him, he thought she was still stunning. "I just woke up," He said looking down at himself with a small laugh, mainly because he had been talking to friends for hours until they made a joke that he was a baby for not reaching out to the girl he had started talking about all of the time.

"Clearly." Brianna grinned, crossing her arms as she leaned against her doorframe. She knew that her friends, mainly Wilbur, would be proud of her if she told him about the interaction with her neighbor and even though she was dying inside she knew how to play off the awkwardness as being sarcastically funny. It was basically what her online streaming personality was and she could pull it off in real life if she needed too. "Continue," She said after another second and shot a genuine smile to John who smiled back in response.

"I was wondering if you wanted to get waffles with me from the corner shop." John said, his eyes wondering away from the girl as he spoke to her. He internally cringed at how he sounded but still stood in the hallway, shoving his hands into the pockets of his sweatpants.

"Oh?" Brianna asked with a tilt of her head and a small smile appeared on her lips.

"I haven't seen you in a bit," John immediately jumped into a small explanation, not wanting to seem creepy for asking her to go get breakfast with him out of no where. She only smiled some more and watched as John's face turned slightly pinker. "And I also wanted to hang out with you some more, you're the only decent person in this building,"

"Like a date?" Brianna joked to make him feel better and John stopped his rambling, looking at the girl to see the grin across his face. He closed his mouth then opened it again, not have been expecting her to say that and it was no help that he wasn't sure if she was joking or not.

"No," John quickly said in response not wanting to just stare at her like a moron and Brianna's smile faltered for a second but she shook her head in amusement. "I mean, unless you want it to be." He added quickly and Brianna looked at him, sure that he was messing with her but kept herself silent as she only shook her head again.

"Idiot." Brianna said, understanding that the man was jokingly with a small pain hitting her in the chest but she didn't show it. He smiled some at the insult then Brianna rolled her eyes. "Let me grab some shoes." She told the man and he gave her a small nod then watched as she disappeared into the apartment before shooting a message to his friend, Will.

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