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⤿ August 5th, 2020

Brianna looked at herself in the mirror, doing a small turn and a tilt of her head. She was dressed in a short black dress which was very short in her opinion with thigh high boots that made her look good. Her long hair has been straightened and she had silver jewelry around her neck and ears. She all in all thought she looked hot as hell.

She was going out for the first time in forever, since she had moved away from her family. She had found a club not too far from her home and Brianna had decided that it was smart for her introverted ass to go party for the night. It would only take a few shots to get the girl going and she was sure everything would be fine.

Brianna made her way down the hall of her building with her phone and her wallet as she had decided that she would just Uber to and from the club to keep herself and others safe. The Uber was already waiting outside for her and she greeted the driver happily before climbing into the back and deciding to play on her phone as they drove the fifteen or so minutes.

After waiting in line for thirty or so minutes, the brunette took her fake Id out of her wallet because even though she had made it all of this way Brianna was still only nineteen. The man standing at the door who was allowing people in or keeping them out, looked at her ID for a minute or two before looking up at her again.

"What's your sign?" He asked as he continued to look at the fake ID with suspicion. It was more then clear that the man was trained to identify fake cards but Brianna had hers made a while ago and it was pretty real looking.

"I'm a Sagittarius." Brianna told the man because she knew her own birthday. She had only moved the year backwards two, which made her old enough to get into the clubs she wanted into but also didn't overshoot her age by too much. "December 10th, 1998." She added with a smile and the man squinted at her card for a second, seeing that the date was correct before he nodded.

"Alright," The man handed her the fake ID back, clearly thinking that it was a legitimate card and that she was actually 22 when she was only 19. She knew what she was doing was illegal but she knew that if she got a few shots in her body then she would be fine and become more social, meaning she could make some new friends hopefully. "Head on in," He told the girl before moving so she could slip past him and she gave him a small nod, slipping the card back into her wallet.

"Thank you." Brianna grinned before she moved past him and headed straight for the bar to get a drink.

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