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⤿ December 21st, 2020

"Alright," Brianna clapped her hands together as she turned to face John. She was dressed in her boyfriends oversized hoodie as well as a pair of leggings in an attempt to fight the cold weather which was going on outside of the shopping mall that they were in. "I have two rules," John turned to face her with a smile on his face as he crossed his arms at the bossy girl in front him. "Don't buy me anything," She told him and he scoffed a little, knowing that he was absolutely going to buy her something while they were at the shopping mall, "And don't get us noticed." She said and John tilted his head a little as she copied him and crossed her arms.

"Would I ever do something like that?" John asked Bri with a grin on his face and Brianna glared at him. They both knew that even if it wasn't intentional he would find a way to get them recognized, it wasn't like they were able to hide as easily as Dream or any other faceless creator they knew. They had their faces in every video and every stream and they were more then recognizable.

"Yes." Brianna answered with a frown.

"Aw," John stepped closer to her and put his hands on her shoulders as she glared up at him, a grin across his face at how she thought that he would expose the two. "My little introvert." He cooed at Bri as she glared up at him because they both knew it was more then true. Brianna wasn't the biggest fan of social settings and strangers in real life but online it was a different story.

"I'm going to kick you." Brianna warned John and gave him the finger discreetly as a family walked past, having two small children with them. The shopping mall was pretty full as it was the end of the holiday season and it was filled with people panic buying presents or looking at the sales that were going on within different shops.

The two continued on with their shopping though, buying random small things for the stream they planned on doing for New Years and the way that Bri wanted to decorate her bedroom. She was excited for 2021, she knew it was going to be better then 2020 for sure. A smile was on her face as she bought a pretzel from a shop in the food court with John paying for it despite her complaining.

"Hey," John randomly said as Brianna took the pretzel from the kid who was working the counter. She grinned greedily as she took a bite from the dough and then looked up at John to see that he was looking at a small group of people at a shop not too far from them. "Are they wearing your merch?" He asked and Bri tilted her head to see that they were in fact wearing the merch which she had only dropped a month or so ago. She glanced from John to the girls with her heart racing.

"I will literally sue you." Brianna warned the man and he grinned. Honestly Bri didn't mind the social interaction and actually appreciated the people wearing her hoodies but at the same time she hadn't met a group of fans before. She had blown up during quarantine so she never really met anyone.

"No you wouldn't." John grinned and the two started to walk away from the shop they'd got pretzels from so they weren't holding up the business or making people passing by think that they were in line. Brianna looked carefully from John to the group of teens.

"Yes." Brianna repeated with another short glare in John's direction before she looked back to the group. She could tell that one of the girls was causally looking at the two of them then to the group. She was wearing a hoodie and Bri knew if they didn't move she'd come over sooner or later. "Yes, I would." Bri nodded and a bright grin appeared on John's face.

"Alright then," John dipped his head and took a bite from Brianna's pretzel. She gave him another dirty look and he smiled innocently before taking a sip of his drink. "Blix." He fake coughed Brianna's online username and the girl's glare deepened as she silently prayed that no one heard but she knew they did. She didn't even have to turn to see the group moving towards her and John grinned innocently.

"I'll see you in court fucker." Brianna muttered just loud enough for John to hear as she took a sip of her own lemonade, refusing to let John share with her.

"I will not be there." John informed Bri before he popped a pretzel bite into his mouth. He had decided to get a cup of pretzel bites rather then be normal like Bri and get a normal pretzel from the shop.

"Oh god," Brianna looked over her shoulder as she saw the group cautiously walking towards them and she quickly snapped her head back to look at John who was enjoying this more then he should've. "Here they come." She told him, knowing that he would also have to now suffer from the social interaction. Brianna pulled her mask back up, only having down because she was eating and drinking and John did the same as they looked to the group. "And that's not how the law works but it's ok because I love you." Brianna said right before the group finally reached them and John could feel his face warm up slightly, unsure if she had realized what she said. She didn't say anything else but only smiled as the people approached the two of them.

"Oh my gosh," The one girl said as she held her phone in her hands, a bright grin showing through her eyes as her face was also covered by a face mask. The rest of the group looked between John and Brianna seemingly in shock that the duo was actually there. "I can't believe we get to meet you," The girl said and Brianna laughed lightly before starting up a conversation with John still trying to recover from what she had said without even knowing.

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