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⤿ March 19th, 2021

"Bri," Will knocked on her door for the eighth time that day and Brianna intensely stared at the door. She knew he wouldn't come in unless she said it was ok but she didn't want to talk to him at the moment. She felt betrayed. John and him had spent the whole night talking and Brianna was well aware of the fact that she hadn't heard the only door leaving the house open once. That meant that he was still there and she refused to fall for the bait. She was going to hide from her problems because she was afraid to face them and she wasn't afraid to admit that. "Can I come in?"

"No." Brianna said, her voice reaching the two pairs of ears on the other side of the door very clearly. This had been going on all day and Bri wasn't going to back down.

"You can't stay in there forever." Will sighed because he knew full on that Brianna was being petty just to be petty. She would never admit that but both knew what was going on. She didn't want to see John and was going to let that be known by everyone in the house all while she stayed locked in her room. He would have called it a talent if hiding from and avoiding people was one.

"Yes I can." She shot back because in her mind there was no way that he was going to be able to convince her to leave the room.

"What if you have to piss?" Will asked her through the door and Brianna shot him a glare as she continued to fold one of the blankets which had been thrown to the floor. She was currently wrapped in a matching one which had obviously had the two come in a set. It was definitely her favorite blanket so far.

"I'll sneak out the window." Brianna responded with no hesitation as she turned her head to the window that lead outside. Her eyes easily glossed over the scene outside, the window looked out at a few other buildings and the sky which was dimming. Brianna couldn't believe that it was Spring already again. The year felt like it flew past.

"You would fall to your death." Will simply said and a frown appeared on Brianna's face. The two lived on the fifth floor of their apartment building. She figured that she could probably find a way out of the building if she wanted to which would also involve not seeing them but she didn't have the energy to think about that at the minute.

"No." Brianna responded.

"I have alcohol." Will finally said after a few seconds of silence. Brianna looks from her door and rolls her eyes before she scoots across the room and cracks the door open just so little in order to see both both boys standing in the hall. There were looks of shock on their faces that she had actually opened the door and she rolled her eyes. "Look," Will stepped in front of John to block Brianna from focusing on him rather then the conversation. "I've known him for years." He added with a small grin on his face which made Brianna scoff a little.

"Then call me an alcoholic." She said, letting go of the edge of the door as she crossed her arms across her chest. She was dressed in a large 90s band t-shirt and shorts that cling to her skin and John tried to look around Will to try to admire her. From the glimpse he caught, he thought that she looked perfect.

"Brianna." Will said sternly and a pout appeared on her face.

"I'm not that bad to deal with." John said as he realized what Brianna and Will had both been actually talking about. He knew that Will was just trying to get Bri to come out and deep down he found it a little funny.

"Yes you are." Brianna moved so she could look at the American without the giant British boy in the way. She glared at him even though his features softened at the sight of her, at the fact that he was actually able to see her in person for the first time in far too long. He stepped forward which only caused Brianna to step back, he took the hint and stayed in his spot.

"Can we talk please?" John asked and Will took a small step to the side, shoving his hands into the pockets of his jeans as his eyes moved between the broken up couple. Brianna tilted her head to the side at the question, her glare getting even more intense as she looked at him.

"Hi." Brianna said stiffly as she met his soft eyes, the two clearly having very different feelings when it comes to seeing each other again. She didn't understand why he was here, he broke up with her and she had made it pretty clear she didn't want to talk to him. "There, we talked." She told him and took another step backwards so she was in her room before she reached for the door to close it, ready to run back to her isolation.

"Wait," John took a fast step forwards, stopping the door from being able to close. Wills eyes shot to Brianna who flared at John as he lightly kept her from shutting the door. He didn't want to force her to keep talking but he didn't want her to slam the door and lock him out again. He missed her. "I saw you at the event." He said, grasping for anything to try and get her to keep talking to him.

"I saw you too." Brianna responded because she had spotted him. It was only for a second while they were at the party but that didn't matter, she had avoided him and then went to bed afterwards.

"I wanted to say hi,"John said as he looked from Will then to Brianna. Will was watching John like a hawk, his eyes carefully keeping mind of the distance between the two and it was clear he was ready to step in if Bri were to make it known she was uncomfortable. "But you disappeared." He said, looking back to Bri who nodded once.

"It was either saying hi and punching you in the dick or running away from my problems." Brianna simply told him because she didn't feel the need to lie. She wasn't ready to talk to him, let alone see him, then and deep down she didn't feel like she was ready now. And Bri didn't really want to make a scene in front of that huge crowd so she left shortly after seeing him. "My problems being you." She reminded him because while she was at blame, she felt that everything had been revolves around the break up and it had taken a tole on her mental health. But she was getting better with the help of her friends and fans. "I decided the second."

"And that is appreciated." John cracked a small smile which made Brianna roll her eyes a little although both boys saw a ghost of a very small smile appear on her face.

"Fine," Brianna sighed after a second and stepped towards, back into the hall as John pulled away from the door. "Move." She waved him to move and closed the door behind herself as she looked at the two boys who had been trying to get her out of the room for a good portion of the day. "I have to piss anyways." She told them before making her way to the apartments bathroom.

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