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⤿ August 25th, 2020

Brianna bite her lip as Austin explained that the same thing would happen now with the two having the next five minutes with only each other which made Brianna silently panic. Five whole minutes of Brianna and John sitting in a call with each other. Brianna and John stared at each other, both of their minds racing and Austin went silent, letting them start their 'date' of sorts.

"Uh, well," John spoke up, his voice definitely being of the one from her neighbor next door that she had gone out with and her heart raced in her chest. "I've never been this nervous around a girl since middle school, damn." He laughed and earned a small giggle out of Brianna which gave him the confidence to keep talking to her. "But still, I do think it's very admirable of you to do this." He stated and Bri tilted her head to the side slightly, unsure of what he was telling her. "Because having to reject one person, especially some of your best friends, is bad enough. I can't imagine having to do that nine more times." John laughed quietly because while he had done the show a while back, he did it as a joke. This was real for Bri and with real people who obviously cared for her like that.

"You're being a lot more vocal on this date rather then the actual rounds." Brianna laughed a little at him and John shrugged a little with a playful grin across his face. He raised his hands into the air in an act of innocence which made Brianna smile softly.

"Yeah, I know." John said with a small sigh as he replied pretty much immediately as they were running short on time. "It's because I didn't think I would make it this far Bri, I thought I had no chance." He started and looked away from his camera, moving in his chair. "I didn't know how you would react to seeing me because I knew who you were before you knew me and I didn't want you to freak out on stream." He told the girl who nodded because internally she had freaked out but over the last three hours she had gotten to know the man and like him even more. "I really thought a person like me would never have a chance to win you over."

"I," A look of pity crossed over Brianna's face, not knowing her neighbor had been feeling this way and this caused butterflies to appear in her stomach. Not like the ones which Brianna got around Will but butterflies that made her feel like she was going to throw up from the extremely overwhelming feeling she had learned to hate.

"All I know, Brianna," John spoke up again with a soft smile across his face and a blush across his cheeks as he looked away from the girl on his screen. "Is that I never expected to find myself wanting to be in the final two, let alone wanting to win." He laughed a little because it was true, he often made fun of people who acted like that. "It's all so surreal." He admitted to Brianna, and the growing chat which was peaking. "I just thought that with a competition of ten other people, I wouldn't have that great of a chance but here we are." He laughed and Brianna smiled a little more, looking at the man in what felt like a new light then she was used to.

"That's," Brianna couldn't find the words which she was searching for as she looked at the man who she thought she knew but clearly didn't and what he had said proved her right. "That's actually really sweet of you to say, J." She said and saw his face light up at the new nickname he had earned from the girl.

"I thought that since I'm here in the final now, I am going to be completely honest and upfront with you." John told Brianna with a blush on his face and Brianna gave him a small nod, not wanting to cut her neighbor and the man on the screen off. "Just being here was a huge risk for me itself. Looking at the accept invitation over and over again was difficult but finally saying yes was one of the best decisions I could have made." Brianna couldn't help but smile even more, her heart practically melting from how sweet he was being and he kept trying to look at her but looking away. "And, hopefully, we can take even bigger risks together if you want us to have a future." He softly smiled and Brianna smiled back.

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