[ 008 ]

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⤿ July 12th, 2020

The sun was just starting to rise outside of Brianna's apartment as she sat on the edge of her bed, looking out at the city around her. It was more then beautiful and for the girl who was friendly with insomnia, it was something that calmed her. Brianna got to her feet and crossed her apartment, walking to the window and popping it open.

Her fingers traced over the edges of the window before she found the lock. Brianna found that it was easy to click open the window and once it was open enough she stepped out, onto the fire escape that her room was connected to. It had been a main reason on why she had agreed to the apartment and right now it clears coming in clutch.

Brianna put her back against the wall and slid down the wall, her eyes staying forwards as she brought her knees to her chest. It was quiet, especially for the city. The girl had never been a fan of complete silence but sitting on the fire escape and looking at her surroundings, she decided that she was a fan of the silence.

Then it was broken.

The girl jumped about a foot when she heard a knock on a window, not too far from where she was sitting and her eyes flew to the window that had been clearly knocked on. Her heart was racing in her chest as the wind blew her hair around and she met eyes with the man who had knocked on the window.

He gave her a faint smile and then there was the found of the window he was at clicking as it unlocked. He opened the window and peaked his head out to have a better look at her.

"Hey," Jonathan gave her a smile as he rested his arms on the window ledge, his eyes locked on the clearly tired girl. "Sorry for scaring you." He apologized quietly and she nodded a little, taking the hair tie off of her wrist and quickly pulling it back so it would stay out of her face. "Can I?" He looked at her with a smile across her face and Brianna shifted a little as an answer to his question.

Jonathan climbed through the window and sat on the ground next to he, his legs in front of him as he looked out at the scene which was in front of him. He hadn't planned on making a trip to the fire escape on that night but had seen the girl sitting outside and wanted to say hello.

"Why are you up?" Brianna asked after a second of silence and Jonathan looked over with a small surprised look across his face at the fact that she was trying to actually have a conversation with her. She continued to look at him but her eyes also continued to flash towards the slowly rising sun that was turning the sky bright colors.

"Insomnia," Jonathan told the girl honestly and she nodded a little because she knew what he was talking about. "Work," He added due to the fact that he had been getting stressed out over time. He had recorded some videos but hadn't streamed in months. "You?" He asked and she shrugged as well.

"Same actually." Brianna said with a small smile across her face as she realized that the man who she was neighbors with might not be that bad. Will's words haunted the back of her mind as she thought about it. "It's so pretty out here." She muttered and Jonathan nodded in agreement.

"It really is," He agreed and the silence washed over them as sounds of the city around them came to life. Brianna sighed a little as she kept listening to the sounds that came with the morning in the city. "Why'd you move here?" Jonathan asked out of no where and Brianna shrugged a little, pulling at the sleeves of her oversized hoodie.

"Just couldn't live in the city anymore," The girl admitted with a small shrug and looked out at the place she was now calling home even though she knew Jonathan was focused on her. "Moved from California to the city and now I'm here." Brianna explained, thinking over the moves that she had made over the last few years and how she had managed to get to where she was today.

"Nice," Jonathan said with a small nod and she looked over at him. "I was raised here." He told the girl who continued to look at him with some curiosity. "I know this place like the back of my hand." He laughed a little because he honestly felt like it was true. He never really got lost and if he took a wrong turn, which he never did, then he could easily get back on track.

"Maybe you can show me where I can find a good sandwich around here then," Brianna joked a little as her stomach rumbled at the thought of getting an actually good sandwich.

"Tomorrow?" Jonathan offered and Brianna looked over at him, trying to see if he was serious or not.

"Let's do it." She said after she saw that he was being serious about it and the two shared a smile before looking out at the sky again.

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