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⤿ September 23rd, 2020

Brianna was dressed in somewhat heavier clothes then usual due to the downpour going on outside of the apartment building and how the building owner seemingly didn't know how to turn the air conditioning down. Still, Bri knocked on her neighbors door, silently hoping that John wasn't on someone's stream or was recording. It seemed as if he wasn't due to the fact that he opened the door a few seconds later with a grin on his face that Bri returned happily. "Hello Mr President," The dark haired girl teased John who rolled his eyes as he leaned on his doorframe.

"Hello sweetheart." John teased her back and watched as Brianna flipped him off, a small blush appearing on her face. He loved how he could so easily read the girl now, it had gotten easier after being around each other so much but he would never admit that. He would also never admit that he loved to fluster the girl and make her blush.

"I have an offer for you," Bri grinned happily as she looked up to John, curiosity in his eyes as he tried to think of what could make the girl smile so much. She bounced a little on her heels and John put his hands into the pockets of his jeans.

"What would that be love?" John asked with a tilt of his head and Brianna only seemed to get more excited.

"Want to go dance in the rain with me?" She asked excitedly which made John raise his eyebrows at the question which he had just been asked. He had never been asked that question and he had never expected it to come from her.

"What?" John asked instead, wanting her to repeat the question but this only turns Bri's face red and makes her step back.

"Oh," Brianna muttered, suddenly feeling very stupid for even thinking that the man would want to do such a think and she glanced to her apartment door. "Never mind."

"No, no," John quickly panicked and lightly grabbed her hand to make her stop walking away and she turned to look at him in confusion. He pulled her back towards him and Bri gave him a confused look. "Brianna Cilla," The man said her name as he looked down at her and confusion was etched across Brian's face at why he was using her full name. "The girl who refused to smile towards me for weeks," He grinned and a small smile appeared on Brianna's face as she pointed out the memory of her hating him while he just wanted to get to know her. "Wants me to go dance in the rain with her."

"Well," Brianna stuck her tongue out at him and squeezed John's hand jokingly because he hadn't let go yet. When he realized, he dropped her hand because he didn't want to make the girl uncomfortable. "Now I don't want too."

"We are going to dance now." John decided and he moved inside of his apartment for a second before grabbing a pair of boots from inside of the closet right inside the apartment. He slipped them on and Brianna grinned.

"Nope," She told John who seemed to want to dance with her now and he looked up with a frown on his face. Bri met John's eyes as he looked up and then took off down the hallway towards the stairs, instead of the elevator,

"Bri!" John yelled after her with a grin on his face and she looked over her shoulder at him. "Why are you running?" He asked as he also started to race down the hallway and a laugh came from the girl who grinned at him.

"Why are you following me?" Bri laughed as she disappeared into the stairwell and the noise of John coming through the metal door followed shortly after. He was clearly taller so he could easily catch up to her short legs faster then she expected. "Johnathan Schlatt." Bri laughed as she nearly fell down the stairs from looking back at John and he moved quickly to catch her before she could hit the actual ground or stairs under her. "Thanks." She breathed out, their faces inches apart and a smile was pressed across John's face as he looked at the girl in his arms.

"Anytime princess." John told the girl and he watched as Brianna's face turned a light shade of pink which made him smile even more as he helped her to her feet. "Now, you still want to dance in the rain?" He asked and Brianna nodded excitedly, holding Johns hand as they walked down the rest of the stairwell to the main lobby.

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